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Rational Numbers: terminate or repeat a ratio of two integers,

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Presentation on theme: "Rational Numbers: terminate or repeat a ratio of two integers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rational Numbers: terminate or repeat a ratio of two integers,
A number that can be written as a In decimal form, rationals either Terminating Decimal: Repeating Decimal: Show that the following are rational. 1. 3. 2. 4. Real numbers are organized into several sub-groups. a ratio of two integers, Real Numbers Irrational Numbers Rational Numbers Integers Whole Numbers These are numbers that cannot be written as a ratio Their decimal equivalents neither terminate nor repeat. For example: terminate or repeat After the decimal, there are a finite number of digits. They terminate, or END. Ex. After the decimal, there are one or more digits that repeat indefinitely. Ex.

2 divide Remember the TITANIC! Convert a FRACTION to a DECIMAL
All you have to do is ________________. Remember the TITANIC! For example: Convert the following fractions into decimals. divide

3 You could turn the mixed number into a
Convert a MIXED NUMBER to a DECIMAL You could turn the mixed number into a fraction and divide (see above flip) There are two ways to do this! You could write the whole number portion as the whole number, and then just divide the decimal part.

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