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Back to School Night First Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night First Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night First Grade

2 Mrs. Ernest 20

3 Daily Schedule 7:55-8:20 Morning Routine
8:20-10:20 Integrated Literacy 10:20-10:45 Social Emotional Learning 10:45-11:15 Recess 11:20-11:50 Lunch/Snack 11:50-12:15 Integrated Literacy/FLEX time 12:15-1:30 Math 1:30-2:15 Resource A Day-Art B Day-PE C Day-Music D Day-Library E Day-PE 2:15-3:00 Social Studies OR Science/Snack 3:00-3:20 Dismissal

4 Build word knowledge through:
Integrated Literacy Word Study Build word knowledge through: Phonological Awareness-oral Alphabet Knowledge Handwriting- Handwriting without Tears Word Sorts/Word Building Dictation Decodable Text

5 Integrated Literacy Reader’s Workshop
Interactive read alouds Shared reading Targeted reading practice in small groups Daily independent reading 1St Quarter: Launching Reading Workshop; Setting Up Expectations 2nd Quarter: Teamwork 3rd Quarter: Courageous Leaders 4th Quarter: Our Environment

6 Integrated Literacy Writer’s Workshop
Mentor Text Mini Lessons Writing Process Writing Conferences Publishing Monthly Units September-Launching/Setting Expectations Other units: Personal Narratives How-to Poetry Informational Opinion Letter Writing

7 Mathematics Number Sense Whole Group Lesson (I do, we do, you do)
Lesson Structure Number Sense Whole Group Lesson (I do, we do, you do) Center Rotations Closure Activity

8 Mathematics Geometry Add and subtraction to 10
Concepts to be Covered Geometry Add and subtraction to 10 Word problems and related facts Place Value Tell and write time Measuring with nonstandard units Organize, represent, and interpret data

9 Science Pollinators- Chespax field trip
Heredity- MD Zoo field trip—November 2nd Germs Sound and Light Daytime and Nighttime Skies TBD-Spring field trip

10 Social Studies Concepts to be Covered
Political Science: Citizenship/ Responsibilities at home, at school and in the community Geography: Use tools to describe and locate places on Earth People of Nation and World: Explain how people interact using appropriate social skills Economics: Describe choices people make about goods and services; examine natural and human resources History: Compare people and objects of today and long ago

11 Homework Sign calendar in BEE Folder everyday
Look for extra reinforcement matching weekly skills in homework sleeve Literacy and math information sent home periodically Weekly newsletter of current events

12 Please help students practice lunch numbers
Homework Please work on tying shoes Please help students practice lunch numbers

13 Grading Policy O- Outstanding 90%-100% G- Good 80%-89%
S- Satisfactory 70%-79% I- Needs Improvement 60%-69% U- Unsatisfactory <59% 70% of a student’s grade is based on “Product” at least 4 product grades throughout the quarter 30% is based on “Process” at least 4 process grades throughout the quarter HAC-online access to grades

14 Behavior Management Clip It! Chart
Students follow the 3 Rs to clip up/down the chart. Behavior charts rotates with students to different areas of the building, including recess, resource, and cafeteria. Behavior issues will be communicated on the calendar in the BEE Folder. Positive behavior will be rewarded! Wizard Wow Cart Treasure Box in classroom Monthly PBIS Reward

15 Please take a moment to write a note or letter to your
Contact Information You can at You can call WHES from 1:30-2:15 (Planning) Write a note to put in the BEE Folder Please take a moment to write a note or letter to your child in their decorated Writer’s Notebook, ask questions, or look around the classroom.

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