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Project Team : - Marwa Mekki & Seray Bundu

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Presentation on theme: "Project Team : - Marwa Mekki & Seray Bundu"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Team : - Marwa Mekki & Seray Bundu
Zigbee Data Packager Project Team : - Marwa Mekki & Seray Bundu

2 What is Zigbee? Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) that is a ”superset” of IEEE specification IEEE specifies the PHYsical and Media Access Control (MAC) layers Zigbee defines:- network, security and application layers atop the PHY and MAC layers

3 Zigbee application spheres
Technology that ranges from sensor networks industrial monitoring and control home automation medical and automotive solutions etc. With low data levels that can be transmitted from ranges 10 – 70m are possible.

4 Zigbee & ieee overview The standard specifies (for use by the PHY & MAC layers) the freqs: 868, 915 MHz & 2.4 GHz for communication PHY layer includes Receiver energy detection (ED) Link quality indication (LQI) and Clear channel assessment (CCA) MAC layer handles Network association and disassociation Optional superframe structure with beacons Gauranteed timeslot mechanism

5 Zigbee & ieee 802.15.4 overview The technology handles
Inter-operability Conformance testing specifications Device discovery Network configuration and Supports the star, mesh(peer-to-peer) and cluster-tree (hybrid tree/mesh). The data will be transfered as packets with maximum size of 128 bytes, enabling a maximum payload of 104 bytes.

6 Zigbee & ieee overview Frame types used in data transmission are: Data frame MAC Sublayer PHY layer Frame Control (2) Sequence Number (1) Add fields (4 to 20) Data payload (104) FCS MHR MSDU MFR Preamble Seq. (4) Start of frame Delim. (1) Frame length MPDU SHR PHR PSDU PPDU

7 Zigbee & ieee 802.15.4 overview MAC command frame MAC sublayer PHY
Frame Control (2) Seq. # (1) Add fields (4 to 20) Comm type (1) Comm payload (103) FCS (2) MHR MSDU MFR Preamble seq. (4) Start of frame delim (1) Frame length (1) MPDU SHR PHR PSDU PPDU

8 Superframe Specification
Zigbee & ieee overview Beacon frame MAC sublayer PHY layer Frame Control (2) Seq. # (1) Add fields (4 to 10) Superframe Specification (2) GTS fields (23) Pending Add fields (57) Beacon payload (32) FCS (2) MHR MSDU MFR Preamble seq. (4) Start of frame delim (1) Frame length (1) PSDU SHR PHR MPDU PPDU

9 Zigbee & ieee 802.15.4 overview Acknowledge frame MAC sublayer PHY
Frame Control (2) Seq # (1) FCS (2) MHR MFR Preamble sequence (4) Start of frame delim (1) Frame length (1) MPDU SHR PHR PSDU PPDU

10 Module Design Interfaces Base – µP Module band module Clk Reset
W_E Request Addr Ack Data µP Module Base – band module

11 Start of frame delimiter
Module Design For the 4 data types written to the RAM by the µP, Da T a ype S I ze of add Info Pay load Size GTS fields Size of pend add field Preamble sequence Start of frame delimiter Fr ame Con t r ol Leng th ta sequence # Command Super frame Specs Pending Address L oad Reg E

12 Module Design Register Clk En_Reg qout Data Reset Register Control
Ram Reg µP Add G Control CRC 3 2 Register

13 Module Design Address decoder Clk En En_Reg Addr Add Dec Control µP
Ram Reg µP Add G Control CRC 3 2 Add Dec

14 Module Design Controller clk en_mux ack en_crc
Request sel, add reset en_add_gen, init_add_gen start reset_crc frame reset reg, add_gen Ram Reg µP Add G Control CRC 3 2 Controller

15 Size of Pending Add fields
Module Design Address generator clk reset add en init gen_ack frame_type gen_out Ram Reg µP Add G Control CRC 3 2 Data Type Size of Address Info Size of payload Size of GTS fileds Size of Pending Add fields

16 Module Design Multiplexer 8-bit addr/data 8-bit o/p Control switch
Ram Reg µP Add G Control CRC 3 2

17 Module Design CRC G(x) = x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 and parallel LFSR clk
en o/p high Initialize o/p low data_in CRC computer

18 Module Design Data flow Add Gen MUX 1 μP RAM Controller MUX 2 Reg Add
Dec CRC Gen MUX 3

19 Results From synthesis: - Devices Area Max. Freq (MHz)
# of slices (768) # of Slice FF (1536) # of 4 input LUT (1536) # of IO blocks (124) # of block RAMs (4) RAM - 26 1 Add Decoder 2 3 10 Register 9 16 8 18 657.46 MUX 1 25 Add Generator 225 120 418 22 117.85 MUX 2 CRC Generator 13 397.14 MUX 3 Controller 28 27 50 34 362.97

20 Questions ? Questions???

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