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Warm Up – 9/21 (2000 #4).

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1 Warm Up – 9/21 (2000 #4)

2 Interest Groups A collection of people who share some common interest and seek to influence the government What are some “special interests”? How do interest groups link citizens to government? Express preferences to policymakers, tell members policy info, and raise and spend money

3 Political Parties vs. Interest Groups
PP have candidates and are in elections, IG influence and support PP have wide range of positions, IG focus on specifics PP are public and accountable to voters, IG are private and accountable to members

4 Main Goals Lobbying Gain access to policymakers
Influence public policy Support sympathetic policymakers Lobbying

5 Categories of interest groups
Economic Groups Promote members’ economic interests Public Interest Groups Organized around a well-defined set of public policy issues Government Interest Groups States and cities have lobbyists in the capital

6 Examples of interest groups
Economic Groups U.S. Chamber of Commerce, AFL-CIO, American Medical Association, American Bar Association Public Interest Groups Public Citizen, Sierra Club, Christian Coalition, National Rifle Association, Mothers Against Drunk Driving

7 Economic interest groups
What is the most influential institution in economic interest groups? What are businesses concerned about with economic policy? The AFL-CIO is one of the most respected labor unions and is the most influential in politics

8 What are some things that are going to decide how effective an interest group is?

9 Size and Resources How is size an indicator of political power?
How do groups get people to join their group? What do unions even do? How does the spread of members have an effect on the political power of an interest group? How do resources play into power?

10 Cohesiveness What is cohesiveness?
There are leaders, active members and then just members Having a centralized disciplined and organized group will make your interest group more effective

11 What do interest groups even do?

12 Techniques for change Testifying before Congress
Rallying their membership Court Action - Litigation Mass Mailing Forming a Political Party Publicity and Mass Media Appeals Direct Lobbying Socializing Political Donations

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