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The United Nations family in International Geneva

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1 The United Nations family in International Geneva
Briefing 2 June 2014 Charlotte Warakaulle United Nations Office at Geneva

2 5 Generational Opportunities
Promoting sustainable development Preventing natural and man-made disasters Making the world safer and more secure, including through nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation Helping countries and peoples in transition Encouraging youth and gender empowerment


4 Largest duty station outside UNHQ
9,528 staff working for the United Nations across Geneva 192 Permanent Missions and Permanent Observer Offices; largest concentration of Member States outside UNHQ – Fiji opened today An estimated 2/3 of the Organization’s activities take place in Geneva, in particular operational Over 35 United Nations entities represented, of which some 20 are headquartered in Geneva

5 A large United Nations family
Home to major UN programmes and offices: ECE, UNCTAD, OCHA Headquarters of 5 specialized agencies: WHO, ILO, WIPO, ITU, WMO Programmes: UNHCR, UNAIDS UN training and research institutes: UNITAR, UNIDIR, UNRISD Regional offices for UNDP, UNICEF, UNEP

6 Peace, Rights and Well-being
The humanitarian capital of the world: human rights, humanitarian assistance, refugees An essential centre for improving public health worldwide Keeping tabs on climate change Delivering assistance in emergency situations Developing standards and promoting cooperation in social and economic development (trade, labour) or technical fields (intellectual property, telecommunications) Keeping disarmament on the international agenda Growing hub for cybersecurity issues

7 Peace, Rights and Well-being
Innovation: Development of ideas; research and critical thinking for the policy-making process Negotiation: development of standards and norms that enable progress and interaction Implementation: Provision of expert assistance in implementation processes, capacity-building Monitoring: Review of progress, feeding experience into the process

8 Global impact, every 24 hours
Surfing the web Intellectual property rights Environmental protection Labour rights Dialling codes and frequencies Health concerns Safely to final destination by air and road Level playing field in trade and in the global value chain

9 International Geneva over 40,000 UN Geneva 9,500+ staff
(including diplomats, civil servants, private sector, NGOs, etc.) over 40,000 UN Geneva 9,500+ staff Palais des Nations (mainly UNOG, UNECE, UNCTAD, OCHA) 4,000 staff UNOG staff (DoA, DCM, SSS, UNIS, Library) 1,600 The second largest United Nations duty station with 1,579 staff representing 115 nationalities working at UNOG and 9,528 staff working for the UN system in Geneva 188 permanent missions, permanent observer missions and offices accredited to UNOG = diplomats and their families make up more than 35,000 people! 2,500 people working for non-governmental organizations.

10 Advantages of “International Geneva”
The number and variety of actors present + the range of topics they address + the expertise they represent = global comparative advantage Large United Nations presence Key international organizations (ICRC, IOM, ISO, CERN and others) Vibrant civil society, with more than 450 NGOs having a presence here Rich research and academic community – universities, specialized research – “Intellectual Geneva” Dynamic private sector

11 More than the sum of its parts
Proximity matters – important to be present where the others are Building partnerships and networks across institutions and themes, which is essential with cross-cutting challenges Tradition for collaboration and consensus-building Possibility to link to non-State actors – not only NGOs but also municipal and regional actors

12 New Networking Model Geneva a place where new networks bring together different actors focused on one thematic challenge that cannot be dealt with by one particular actors – international organizations, NGOs, practitioners and private sector Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Geneva Internet Platform

13 UNOG: Representative Office of SG
Support diplomatic efforts of the Secretary-General Promote political objectives through exchanges with high-level political officials Promote the reform programme of the Secretary- General in Geneva Facilitate the efforts of the diplomatic community; liaise with Permanent Missions and Observer Offices Facilitate and support inter-agency cooperation and advance system-wide coherence Represent the Legal Counsel

14 Linking Geneva and New York
Director-General of UNOG is the representative of the Secretary-General in Geneva Ongoing exchanges among Secretariat staff, including videoconferencing Links between Permanent Missions Liaison offices in Geneva and New York

15 What’s up ahead? Post-2015 development agenda: feeding expertise into the framing of the agenda, key role in implementation Climate change: what will happen after COP21? Research, policy development, risk reduction work Cyberchallenges: Prosperity and privacy Human rights: preserving what we have achieved Security in an urbanizing world: how to make megacities – and all cities – work People on the move: Opportunities for progress, resistance and concerns

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