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Olivia, holly and George

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1 Olivia, holly and George
Politics in the 1920's Olivia, holly and George

2 introduction The twenties seemed to usher in a new modern age. After the ordeal of the First World War, people were eager to enjoy life in the 1920s and a number of new inventions added to the excitement.  Politics in the 1920’s are significant to Canada because it shaped our country to the way it is now. Also politics gave our country the push it needed to be great again after the war

3 1920 Manitoba's election Aruther meighen becomes the prime minster
This election was one of the first to introduce different political parties  Other then our standard liberals and conservatives Reflected the views of people of the Winnipeg general strike Aruther meighen becomes the prime minster Sworn into office on July 10th 1920 He was called into finish sir Robert Borden's term The country was in chaos due to labor strikes and protests  Prime minster aruther meighans term only lasted a little over a year because he was not officially elected 

4 1921- federal election The 1921 federal election was won by the liberals  The leader of the liberals party William loyn king was then elected as prime minister of Canada  This election marks the first minority government in Canada The liberals won almost double the seats of the official opposition They were only one seat short of becoming the majority This marked the start of kings extremely successful 21 year term in office Longest of any prime minster

5 1922- the chanak affair The chanak affair was one of the first steps into Canadas growing autonomy This was prime minster kings first major foreign policy test Brittan requested Canadas help in a war against turkey at chanak, since Canada was still rebuilding and adjusting the post ww1 prime minster king declined the offer This showed Canadas growing independence

6 1923 The halibut treaty Chinese exclusion act
Another step into Canadas growing autonomy First agreement Canada made on its own This gave Canada the right to sign treaties on its own Chinese exclusion act After ww1, many Canadians were suspicious of non- British foreigners, and expressed intense dislike towards them This act banned all Chinese immigrants with the exception of students It lasted 24 years During the time of the act only 8 Chinese people were let into Canada

7 1924 The Royal Canadian air force is formed Prohibition ends in Albert
The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) defends and protects Canadian and North American airspace in partnership with the United States. The RCAF also contributes to international peace and security. Prohibition ends in Albert A treasurer, Peter Smith and financier, Aemilius Jarvis were caught being involved in the Ontario Bond Scandal

8 1925 Federal election- October 29th
Was held to elect members of the Canadian house of commons. 1925 election King lost majority but teamed up with Progressives to maintain power. The Liberals under Mackenzie King won fewer seats than Arthur Meighen's Liberal- Conservatives. The Progressives were closely aligned with the Liberals, and enabled King to form a minority government. a huge scandal rocked the King cabinet when one of his appointees was discovered to be accepting bribes.

9 1926 The balfour report the king-byng crisis & meighen
At the imperial conference prime mister kings wanted to discuss the power Brittan held over its dominions, with the intension of Canada being able to make its own decisions Kings efforts were successful, and all of brittans previous nations became independent the king-byng crisis & meighen Prime minster king wanted to hold another election but governor general byng refused kings request First time a governor general refused the prime minster, as a result of this king had to redefine the roles of the governor general

10 1927 New foreign embassies Pension act
Canada opened its first own embassy in the untied states Vincent Massey became Canadas first foreign diplomat Later on Canadian embassies were open in France and Belgium Pension act Maximum pension was $20/month $240/year It was available to British subjects 70 and over who had lived in canada for 20 years or more

11 1928 No Major events happened in 1928 but some minor political events include: The supreme court of Canada made a rule that women are not people who can hold office Camillien Houde is the new Mayor of Montreal New premier of British Columbia

12 1929 Persons case black Tuesday- October 29th 1929
It was made clear by the supreme court to canada that woman were not considered ‘persons’ and could not be appointed to the senate The famous five( group of women) were determined to overturn this ruling and approached the British privy council The famous five won their case and the privy council declared that the word ‘persons’ referred to both men and woman black Tuesday- October 29th 1929 The stock market drastically crashed, and signified the start of the great depression The 1920’s were a time of wealth and lead to many people investing in stocks When the stock market crashed the people who had invested in stocks lost their life savings

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