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How can CTAE help my school make AYP?

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Presentation on theme: "How can CTAE help my school make AYP?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can CTAE help my school make AYP?

2 Building Background Knowledge to Improve Academic Achievement
Marzano, R. 2004

3 Use direct vocabulary instruction

4 3 Dynamic Interactions at Play When Students Learn
Dynamic #1-Strength of the “memory trace”. The more times a student processes information, the more likely they are to remember it. Students need at least 4 exposures to information to retain it with no more than a 2 day gap in between.

5 Dynamic # 2- Depth of processing- Student adds detail to information if they can associate it with an experience.

6 Dynamic # 3- Elaboration-
A variety of associations with the same information

7 Effective Direct Vocabulary Instruction
#1-Use descriptions instead of definitions. Example: Covert Definition-Kept from sight; secret; hidden Description-Describes something that is done in a hidden or secret way Disrupt Definition-Break up; split You try the description

8 #2-Vocabulary should be represented in linguistic and non-linguistic ways.
Linguistic: Using words to describe what something means to help students learn. Non-linguistic: Using drawings, pictures, images, and anything other than words to describe what something means to help students learn.


10 Goals Input Feedback Process Output

11 Glue Glue Glue

12 Gilda Lyon

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