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RWS 100: Welcome to Thunderdome

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Presentation on theme: "RWS 100: Welcome to Thunderdome"— Presentation transcript:

1 RWS 100: Welcome to Thunderdome

2 Determine Teams

3 The Rules Of your battle:
You will be given a statement. One team will defend the statement (pro team), the other team (Anti) will oppose it. Sides will be chosen by the flip of a coin. During the debate, you must use all three types of rhetorical appeals: Ethos, pathos, and logos to earn credit for participating (And to have any chance to survive). Team aunty entity will determine the survivor(s).

4 Format of the Battle 1. Time for teams to discuss and develop strategy (5 minutes) 2. Opening Statement from Pro Team (4 minutes) 3. Opening/Rebuttal Statement from anti team (4 Minutes) 4. Closing statement from pro team (3 minutes) 5. Closing statement from anti team (3 minutes) 6. JUDGMENT (2 minutes)

5 Tips and Strategies Use any type of rhetorical style & tone, but consider your audience! You can “make up” some evidence, but it must be plausible! Use all three types of appeals to earn credit! Don’t lose the high ground!

6 Vampires are scarier than Zombies.
Topic #1: Vampires are scarier than Zombies.

7 Topic #2 Pokémon is more fun than Super Mario Brothers.

8 A dog is a better pet than a cat.
CHAMPIONSHIP TOPIC: A dog is a better pet than a cat.

9 Don’t forget: Read Carr, the text for Unit #2 and be ready to discuss!

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