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Grade 10 and 11 Parents’ Information Night

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1 Grade 10 and 11 Parents’ Information Night
Course Selection Presentation Grade 10 and 11 Parents’ Information Night

2 What Role Does Guidance Play at Ajax H.S.?
Transitioning from Grade to Grade Course Selection and Pathways Planning Post-Secondary Research and Applications Short-term Counselling and Referrals Timetabling and Alternative Education Student Records, Awards, Commencement

3 AHS Commencement - Ajax High School’s annual commencement ceremony now occurs in June - All graduation requirements must be fulfilled by the end of June in a student’s grade 12 school year in order for them to graduate on time and participate in the ceremony - Summer school after their grade 12 year will not be an option to make up a missed credit and graduate with their class

4 Selecting Courses and Pathways
Before selecting courses and/or pathways, parents and students must consider: Post-Secondary Goals Career Goals Academic Rigour and Work Habits Personal Strengths and Interests Status Sheets & Report Cards Read the Ajax High School Course Calendar on-line

5 Now is the Time for Research
Consider strengths and interests Consider career goals Look carefully at post-secondary programs Research programs carefully Consider going on campus visits to colleges and/or universities during the March Break, or this summer The post-secondary application process begins in November

6 Research Resources

7 Post-Secondary Resources

8 Apprenticeship Research

9 College Research

10 College Admission Requirements
OSSD with courses at the “C”, “M”, or “U” level Completion of prerequisites Additional admission criteria: (interview/entrance test/portfolio) Marks are a deciding factor in “oversubscribed” programs **Guidance offers seminars in the fall to assist Gr. 12 students with postsecondary planning and applications**

11 University Research

12 University Admission Requirements
OSSD Minimum average of 70%+ in six Gr. 12 “U” or “M” level courses (including ENG4U1) Completion of prerequisites ( Additional admission criteria for some programs (audition, portfolios, etc.) **Guidance offers seminars in the fall to assist Gr. 12 students with postsecondary planning and applications**

13 How do Universities and Colleges Use Grade 9, 10 and 11 Marks?
Grade 9 and 10 marks – not considered for Ontario colleges/universities College Grade 11 marks are used extensively in competitive, oversubscribed programs when gr. 12 marks are not available (C, U, or M course types). University Grade 11 marks used for early offers of admission, depending on program and university (U or M course types)

14 OSSD Requirements 18 Compulsory Credits 12 Optional Credits
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test 40 Community Service Hours OSSD

15 OSSD Requirements 4 Credits English (1 credit per grade) 3 Credits Mathematics (at least one credit in Grade 11 or 12) 2 Credits Science 1 Credit French as a Second Language 1 Credit Canadian Geography 1 Credit Canadian History 1 Credit Arts 1 Credit Physical and Health Education 1 Credit Civics and Career Education Plus the following 3 additional courses…

16 OSSD Requirements cont…
1 additional credit selected from… English, or French as a second language*, or Native Language, or Spanish, or Social Sciences and Humanities, or Canadian and World Studies, or Guidance and Career Education, or Co-operative education** Health & Physical Education, or The Arts (visual art, drama, music), or Business, or French as a second language*, or Co-operative education** Science (Grade 11 or 12), or Technological Education, or Computer Studies, or French as a second language*, or Co-operative education** * a maximum of 2 French credits can count towards these additional credits (one from group 1 and one from either group 2 or 3) ** a maximum of 2 Co-op credits can count towards these credits.

17 Credit Completion Summary
Student Status Sheet Community Hours Academic History Literacy test results Credit Completion Summary

18 Choosing The Appropriate Course Type For Success
University (U) Designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for university programs Faster pace - need to complete homework consistently and thoroughly Select English courses in the university pathway if planning on university Depending on the university program, other academic courses may be required (i.e. science and mathematics)

19 Choosing The Appropriate Course Type For Success
College (C) Designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for most college programs, or for admission to specific apprenticeship or other training programs Students planning to pursue postsecondary studies at COLLEGE or pursue an APPRENTICEABLE TRADE can select English in the college pathway Depending on the college or apprenticeship program other college courses may also be required (i.e. science and mathematics)

20 Choosing The Appropriate Course Type For Success
University/College: Mixed (M) These courses are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the entrance requirements for specific programs offered at universities and colleges Some universities limit the number of mixed courses that can count towards admission requirements

21 Choosing The Appropriate Course Type For Success
Workplace (E) Designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to meet the expectations of employers For students who plan on moving directly into the world of work after high school Can be used as a requirement for admission to certain apprenticeship or a select group of college programs

22 Choosing The Appropriate Course Type For Success
Open (O) One set of expectations for all students. Broaden knowledge and skills in subjects that reflect their interests Not considered in admission decisions to university or college

23 Choosing The Appropriate Course Type For Success
Academic to University (Gr. 10 – 11) Students are able to move from ACADEMIC courses in Gr. 10 to UNIVERSITY or COLLEGE courses in Gr. 11 Applied to College (Gr. 10 – 11) Students are able to move from APPLIED courses in Gr. 10 to COLLEGE courses in Gr. 11 **Students who wish to change pathways from Gr. 10 APPLIED to Gr. 11 UNIVERSITY courses should consult guidance to develop a pathway.**

24 Choosing The Appropriate Course Type For Success
Locally Developed/Essentials to Workplace (Gr. 10 – 11) Students are able to move from Essentials courses in Gr. 10 to Workplace courses in Gr. 11 College to University (Gr. 11 – 12) Students who wish to transition from Gr. 11 College courses to University courses should consult guidance to develop a pathway.

25 Pathways Model for Grades 11 & 12
Workplace College University/ University Designed for students planning to enter the workplace directly after high school. Designed to prepare students for entrance to most college and apprenticeship programs following high school. Designed to prepare students for entrance to specific college and university programs following high school. Designed to prepare students for entrance to university programs following high school. “E” “C” “M” “U” Six grade 12 “M” or “U” courses required for university admissions (including gr. 12 university English).

26 Selecting Math Courses
MCR3U1 - Prerequisite - MPM2D1 - Prerequisite for : MDM4U1 / MHF4U1 / MCV4U1* MCF3M1 - Prerequisite - MPM2D1 / MFM2P1 - Prerequisite for only one Gr. 12 U math: MDM4U1 MBF3C1 - Prerequisite - MPM2D1 / MFM2P Prerequisite for : MAP4C1 MEL3E1 - Prerequisite - MPM1D1 / MFM1P1 / MAT2L1

27 Failed a compulsory course in Grade 10/11?
Add it as a course selection for next year. Planning on summer school? Add it to course selections through the “Summer School” option and sign up for summer school in May. If a course is successfully completed at summer school the timetable will be adjusted, if necessary. Some university programs penalize repeated gr. 11 and 12 courses in their admissions. Some University of Waterloo programs consider where gr. 11 and 12 courses were completed.

28 Summer School If the plan is to take a summer school course, click the “Summer School” option at the bottom of course selections and add the course. Note: Not all courses are available in summer school. Typically, compulsory courses are the only courses offered in the summer.

29 Summer School If a student chooses to do a compulsory course in summer school, they will need to add another elective course to their selections.

30 The summer school selection will NOT be on next year’s schedule.
It is the student’s responsibility to sign up for summer school in May/June

31 Cooperative Education
Students may sign up for Co-op in Grade 11 or Grade 12 A separate application form must be filled out (these are in the Guidance office). All applicants will be interviewed Co-op is a 2 credit program and counts as 2 course selections. Co-op credits are not considered in college or university admission decisions

32 Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
OYAP is a Gr.12 four credit program that is scheduled in second semester Automotive, Child Development Practitioner, Cook, Electrician, Carpenter, Plumber, Welder, Industrial Mechanic Millwright, Hairstylist All applicants will be interviewed by the Durham District School Board

33 Peer Helping Students MUST have at least 16 credits and a good academic record. - assume the program DOES NOT exist and select 8 other courses. - complete a separate application form available in Guidance. - applicants will be interviewed before being accepted into the program. - Peer Helping credits are not considered in college or university admission decisions

34 Course Subject Fees Please be aware of any course fees required for the courses that are selected!

35 eLearning Options There are a great variety of both compulsory and optional eLearning courses offered for the next school year If eLearning would be a good option based on learning skills/work habits, available courses can be seen by clicking on “eLearning” under course disciplines

36 eLearning Options An eLearning application, found in guidance, must also be completed and signed by a parent/guardian Other eLearning courses might also become available later in the semester A student can only register in one eLearning course per semester

37 Online Course Selection and Individual Pathways Plan
Log on to:

38 “Individual Pathways Plan.”
Completing your Individual Pathways Plan Students follow the instructions in their handout to complete the required components of their “Individual Pathways Plan.”

39 Completing Course Selections
After completing their IPP, Students will choose their courses for next year

40 Completing Course Selections
There are 2 compulsory courses in Grade 11

41 Completing Course Selections
There is only 1 compulsory course in Grade 12

42 French Immersion Program
French Immersion students must take 10 courses taught in the French language. Grade 9: FIF1DF - French Language SNC1DF - Science CGC1DF - Geography Grade 10: FIF2DF - French Language CHC2DF - History SNC2DF - Science GLC/CHV2OF - Careers/Civics Grade 11: FIF3UF - French Language SBI3UF - Biology OR GLC2O8 – Peer Helping/ CWE2O9 – Co-op in a F.I. Elementary School Grade 12: FIF4UF - French Language

43 Completing Course Selections
Elective courses should be chosen based on post- secondary destination and student interests

44 Completing Course Selections
Gr. 11 students choose 6 Elective courses. Gr. 12 students choose 7 Elective courses. Post-secondary prerequisites need to be researched

45 Completing Course Selections
Students must also choose 1 Alternate course

46 Study Periods Students are eligible for 1 study period in Gr. 12 providing they have at least 24 credits by the beginning of the next school year.

47 Study Periods Students are eligible for 2 study periods in Gr. 12 providing they have at least 24 credits by the end of the current school year and are taking 6 Grade 12 “U” or “M” courses.

48 Study Periods If a student wants two study periods, but do not meet the previous criteria, they: Choose one study period Come in to guidance and fill out a form to apply for a second study period

49 Completing Course Selections
When all courses are selected students must submit their results. Once submitted, courses cannot be changed on CareerCruising

50 Completing Course Selections
Course sections are created based on students’ requests in CareerCruising. There may be opportunities to change courses when we meet with each student in April and May to review their future plans.

51 Print the “Course Request Sign-off Sheet,” - a parent/guardian must sign it and student drops it off in Guidance.

52 Course selections must be completed and submitted online by: Monday, February 25th

53 Thank You For Attending!
Questions? Guidance counsellors are available in the library for one-on-one discussions I am available for individual questions Call the guidance department anytime for advice or to set up a face-to-face meeting Have your child set up an appointment to meet with a counsellor

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