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Proper functionality Good human computer interface Easy to maintain

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Presentation on theme: "Proper functionality Good human computer interface Easy to maintain"— Presentation transcript:

1 Proper functionality Good human computer interface Easy to maintain
Good Software? Proper functionality Good human computer interface Easy to maintain

2 Human Computer Interface (HCI)
Computer Systems are designed with technical persons with little behavioral Training. System are complex in the eyes of Users.

3 Measuring factor of HCI
Error rates of users Efficiency Time to learn Retention period of knowledge

4 Error rate of users Perform a task with fewest errors
Recover from error with fastest method

5 Error handling Preventive measure Error recovery
e.g. Input mask, radio button, etc. Error recovery Report errors to users as soon as possible Give a meaningful error message Indicate exactly what’s wrong Tell the user how to correct the error

6 Efficiency Time required to complete the task

7 Time to learn Time required to train users to a certain skill level

8 Retention period of Knowledge
How well users maintain their knowledge after a certain period (e.g. one month).

9 Problems in HCI Application Requirement Human diversity

10 Syntactic knowledge Crtl-C Keyboard layout Command
E.g. Copy a:abc.doc c:

11 Semantic Knowledge Objects Actions e.g. file, directory
e.g. create a file, delete a file

12 User Profiles Novice users Intermittent users Frequent / Expert users

13 Novice users No syntactic knowledge Little semantic computer knowledge
little knowledge of the task

14 Intermittent Users Good semantic knowledge
Have problems to remember syntactic knowledge Good knowledge of the task Perform the task periodically

15 Frequent users Good semantic and syntactic knowledge
Very good knowledge of the task Perform the task frequently Want to complete the task quickly

16 Interaction style Menu selection Form fill-in Command Natural language

17 Types of memory Short term memory Long term memory

18 Guideline for HCI Design
Maintain consistency Provide shortcut to frequent users Offer meaningful feedback Provide simple error handling Allow easy reversal of actions (undo) Reduce short term memory Provide dialogs to guide users

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