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THE BLUE CHIP NAPLES – c/p (1 year period NYPE form)

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Presentation on theme: "THE BLUE CHIP NAPLES – c/p (1 year period NYPE form)"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE BLUE CHIP NAPLES – c/p 3.2.16 (1 year period NYPE form)
Owners -Blue Chip Shipping and Charterers -Deep Pocket Bulk Ltd. Relevant clause: Clause 29 (a) Vessel's description D Speed/consumption (expected as a new building) About 14.5 knots ballast/about 14 knots laden on about 33.5 mts ISO 8217:2005 (E)RMG 380 plus about 0.1 mts ISO 8217:2005 (e) DMA in good weather condition up to Beaufort scale four and Douglas sea state three and calm sea without adverse current   (b) Speed Clause Throughout the currency of this Charter, Owners warrant that the vessel shall be capable of maintaining and shall maintain on all sea passages, from sea buoy to sea buoy, an average speed and consumption as stipulated in Clause 29(a) above, under fair weather condition not exceeding Beaufort force four and Douglas sea state three and not against adverse current. [In the case of the sub-charterparty the equivalent provision concluded “. . . not exceeding Beaufort Force 4 and Douglas Sea State 3 with not against adverse current (sic)”].

THE BLUE CHIP NAPLES – c/p (1 year period NYPE form) On the vessel’s first laden voyage – Average good weather speed 13.1 kts After discharge of first cargo 40 days wait for berth at Paranagua before loading for China On voyage to China – Average good weather speed 11.8 kts Charterers deduct US$250,000 for lost time/overconsumption Dispute about time and cost of underwater cleaning – US$30,000

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