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AELP Workshop Register Training of Apprenticeship Providers (RoATP)

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Presentation on theme: "AELP Workshop Register Training of Apprenticeship Providers (RoATP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AELP Workshop Register Training of Apprenticeship Providers (RoATP)
Facilitator: Steve O’Hare Director SCLO Consulting Thursday 10 January 2019 10.00am – 4.00pm

2 RoATP House Keeping Fire Facilities Food

3 RoATP Todays Objectives 1.
To have a clear understanding of the steps required for a successful RoATP submission To understand how to use past track record, processes, systems and performance data to support the submission To be clear on the process and questions, how to answer these and avoid the pitfalls To be able to effectively plan the submission and understand what comes next 2. 3. 4.

4 RoATP Agenda 10.00am – Welcome and Introduction
10.00am – 10.15am – 11.30am – Welcome and Introduction 11.30am - Session 1 – The Register 11.45am - Break 11. 45am – 1pm - Session 2 – How to respond 1pm – 1.30pm - Lunch 1.30pm – 2.30pm – 2.45pm – 2.30pm - 2.45pm - 3.30pm - Session Break 3 – Successful Responses 4 – Effective Planning 3.30pm- Q&A 4pm - Close

5 RoATP Introductions - Me • 14 years e
xperience in business development and tender writing roles, notably with learndirect, Paragon Education & Skills and Newcastle College Group Board and senior leadership team level experience – setting the direction and aim of activity, as well as the ‘doing’ Track record of winning contracts of all sizes, with over of new contracts secured in the last 8 years £360m Lost count of the number of successful ESFA registers completed during this time

6 RoATP StlO Introductions - You Who are you? Who do you work for?
Who are you? Who do you work for? What do you want to get out of today? Favorite film and why? � @) AELP

7 RoATP Bidding Experience? How confident are you in
How confident are you in tendering/bidding for work? Please select one: 1. 2. 3. Complete novice, please help! Limited experience, not confident Some experience and understand the basics, but need help and support Experienced and confident Very confident 4. 5.

8 RoATP RoATP Experience? Is your organisation: 1.
Is your organisation: 1. On the register and delivering apprenticeships On the register but not delivering One that has applied before and failed to get on New to the sector and the Registe 2. 3. 4.

9 RoATP Session 1 – The Register What background documents do I need?
The background behind the register and why the changes? What sections need to be completed and why? What background documents do I need? (i) @AELP

10 The background behind the register
and why the changes? Sets a benchmark for providers Gives buyers the re-assurance that providers have the desired systems and processes Sets a base for future employer procurement(s) and pre-selects eligible organisations to bid for/be awarded contracts moving forward Is the ‘licence to practice’ 2 years since the first launch No fixed opening/closing – ish….

11 The background behind the register
and why the changes? Current Situation 2,579 providers listed on the register 1,936 main route providers 381 supporting providers 262 employer providers c30% (750+) currently not delivering Additional ESFA Concerns Shell providers, for sale to the highest bidder Challenges with ‘poor’ providers Lack of flexibility Subcontracting

12 The Register What sections need to be and why? completed
To be eligible, all applicants must have: A valid UK provider reference number (UKPRN) A valid Information Commissioner’s Office registration number for education and training A registered UK business address Management hierarchy for apprenticeships Read what you need to know about being an apprenticeship training provider

13 What sections need to be completed
The Register What sections need to be completed and why? Applicants to the main provider or employer provider route must have: Been actively trading for at least 12 months and have financial information to support this The ability to train apprentices in the first 12 months of joining the register A management structure that has experience of developing and delivering training Applicants to the supporting provider route must have been actively trading for a minimum of 3 months. Applicants must not have an inadequate Ofsted grade for apprenticeships (or for overall effectiveness under its FE and skills remit where there is no separate apprenticeships grade) in their latest inspection report

14 What sections need to be completed
The Register What sections need to be completed and why? Main provider - enters into contracts with employers that use the apprenticeship service to pay for apprenticeship training or holds a contract with ESFA to deliver to employers who do not pay the apprenticeship levy Employer provider – trains their own employees or those of connected companies and uses the apprenticeship service to pay for the apprenticeship training. Providers that meet this requirement can act as subcontractors Supporting provider - enters into subcontracts with main providers and employer providers to enhance apprenticeship training for employers and their apprentices. This can be up to a maximum value of £500,000 per year in total. For organisations with no history of apprenticeship delivery according to recent records held by the ESFA, this is limited to £100,000 in their first year on the register

15 The Register What sections need to be and why? completed
10 sections which include: completed Yes/No tick boxes Make sure you tick these Multiple choice Ensure that the most relevant ones are selected – is there more than one to select? Embedded text answer (up to 2,000 characters) Write these in word first, then paste in Attached spreadsheets Ensure these are completed correctly More detailed documents/policies as attachments

16 The Register What sections need to be completed and why?
Mandatory Requirements Company Information Ownership Company numbers Grounds for Mandatory Exclusion Standard governmental questions Legally fit to hold a contract Modern Slavery Act Financial Health Gearing Cash Sustainability Parent Company Guarantee Compliance Has your organisation been contractually compliant? Can you show legal compliance

17 The Register What sections need to be completed and why? Capability
Ability to deliver apprenticeships Staff qualifications Track record and performance Quality Ofsted Systems to maintain quality How and who does this Other benchmarks Digital Apprenticeship (Apprenticeship Service) Governmental commitment to on-line activity questionnaire-template

18 The Register StlO What background documents do I need? -.-::-::

19 The Register hat background documents do I need? Company information
W The Register hat background documents do I need? Company information Ofsted Reports Audit reports Learner Data Starts Achievements Progressions/Jobs Employer engagement/opportunities Greatest Hits! Processes, policies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 StlO RoATP Break Time � @) AELP

21 RoATP Session 2 – How to respond What are the ESFA Buying?
Analysing the specification What are the key messages I need to get across? The importance of outcomes and performance

22 What are the ESFA Buying?
How to Respond What are the ESFA Buying? Want to know who’s involved with apprenticeships in your organisation Your financial status and ability to meet any financial commitments How you evaluate the quality of training and outcomes How you assess prior learning How your leaders and managers document and define clear expectations of setting high standards for apprenticeship training Your employees’ experience in training including qualifications The process of professional development for your employees Your plan for continuity of apprenticeship delivery as well as equality and diversity, safeguarding and health and safety policies How you engage with employers and your contracting arrangements with them (only main providers) The commitment statement template you will use to support the apprenticeships (only main or employer providers)

23 How to Respond StlO What are the ESFA Buying -.-::-::
� @) AELP

24 How to Respond What are the ESFA Buying rket!
• The new ma How to Respond What are the ESFA Buying rket! ESFA are the gatekeeper customer We need to meet their requirements first The ‘Key to the Kingdom’ License to practice employer is the paying customer We can show the ESFA how we meet these needs and provide a service They can be used to strengthen our submission The why you are doing it, sector employer etc…. The

25 How to Respond StlO Analysing the specification -.-::-::
� @) AELP

26 How to respond hat are the key messages across? I need to get
Before you start to write – response you need to understand: your Why are you doing this? Who the end paying customer is? Who is the consumer/end service user?

27 How to respond hat are the key messages across? I need to get
What have you done that is similar Before you start to write your – response you need to understand your business and the model of delivery I need to get Employers/Learners Your team Quality systems Lets look at these

28 How to respond hat are the key messages I need to get across?
Employers/Learners How you engage with employers and your contracting arrangements with them Who does this What does this look like Who are your employers/sectors The commitment statement template you will use to support the apprenticeships Frequency Model(s) of delivery

29 How to respond hat are the key messages I need to get across?
Your team Your employees’ experience in training including qualifications Standards New qualifications Background The process of professional development for your employees Staying up to date Employer led

30 How to respond hat are the key messages I need to get across?
Quality systems How you evaluate the quality of training and outcomes Feedback Observation How you assess prior learning Initial assessment Diagnostic How your leaders and managers document and define clear expectations of setting high standards for apprenticeship training Systems Accreditations

31 The importance of policies, outcomes
How to respond The importance of policies, outcomes and performance Data/policy heavy submissions Importance: Learner achievement Learner and employer satisfaction Teaching and Ofsted learning Input, input, input

32 StlO RoATP Lunch Time � @) AELP

33 RoATP Session 3 – Successful Responses What makes a good/bad example
Analysing the questions Effective Structuring of your response How to use data effectively What makes a good/bad example (i) @AELP

34 Analysing the Questions
Successful Responses Analysing the Questions In your application, you must be able to provide evidence showing: Who’s involved with apprenticeships in your organisation Your financial status and ability to meet any financial commitments How you evaluate the quality of training and outcomes you assess prior learning your leaders and managers document and define clear expectations of setting high standards for apprenticeship training Your employees’ experience in training including qualifications

35 Analysing the Questions
Successful Responses Analysing the Questions The process of professional development for your employees Your plan for continuity of apprenticeship delivery as well as equality and diversity, safeguarding and health and safety policies How you engage with employers and your contracting arrangements with them (only main providers) The commitment statement template you will use to support the apprenticeships (only main or employer providers)

36 Successful Responses StlO Analysing the Questions -.-::-::

37 Analysing the Questions
Successful Responses Analysing the Questions The who and their history, what and how! and how is this communicated Financial Strength/Stability How you work with employers – the Evaluating quality The frameworks/standards switch Volumes Gaining commitment Learner analysis Delivery processes Maintaining currency Legal/ethical commitments good and bad

38 Successful Responses Effective Structuring of your response
What is the question asking How? Who? What? Why? When? Who do I need support from? Why is the ESFA asking the question? What does the ESFA want you to show/prove?

39 Successful Responses Effective Structuring of your response
Structure your response to the question Follow the flow of the questions Make sure you answer each point Make it clear which point you are answering Make it easy for the evaluator to award top marks Lets look at examples

40 Successful Responses StlO Effective Structuring of your response
-.-::-:: � @) AELP

41 How to use data effectively
Successful Responses How to use data effectively What it Does? Data gives an the ability to qualify and elaborate responses Shows depth and backs up points Will be important as there is a focus on quality and track record Example We are a high quality and successful provider We are a high quality and successful provider with an Ofsted grade 2 and a current overall success rate of 72.3% Choose the right examples uses Picking the wrong example can shoot you in the foot! Always look at examples which are as positive as possible

42 Successful Responses StlO How to use data effectively -.-::-:: @

43 What makes a good/bad example
Successful Responses What makes a good/bad example Good Example Starts with something that needed improving and improvement was made The data used backs up the point you want to make Bad Example Saying that you got the programme you are bidding for wrong Isn’t backed up with data The data used doesn’t show that you are meeting/exceeding a target

44 Successful Responses Final points from me
Answer the question! Not what you want to say Never assume the reader/marker knows your business or understands an acronym Use the space given – the reader is expecting a certain level of detail Clear and concise answers Make your response easy to read – think about the reader, how have you laid out your answer? Answer to the layout/breakdown of the question Be compliant!

45 StlO RoATP Break Time � @) AELP

46 RoATP Session 4 – Effective Planning Using
Bravo and the Q&A effectively What needs to be submitted Key do’s/don’ts What comes next (i) @AELP

47 Using Bravo and the Q&A effectively
Effective Planning Using Bravo and the Q&A effectively Bravo Solutions is a tendering portal and is a brand name a system Bravo is the ESFA’s preferred portal for Pre – Register Check List: Do you have a login? Do you have the login details – are these up to date? Have you set up your messaging service – if you have check it again Who is receiving the messages? Familiarise yourself with the system and how to navigate the functions– use an old tender to get used the functionality As a last resort do a daily check – however if you have to done your set up correctly you shouldn’t need to do this

48 Effective Planning StlO Using Bravo and the Q&A effectively
@ � AELP

49 What needs to be submitted
Effective Planning What needs to be submitted Standard Selection Question Quality Questions Financial Toolkit Accounts/Parent Company Policies (lots of these!!!) Management Hierarchy Staff Experience Template Guarantee 17 attachments required 10 written questions (dependent on situation) Don’t submit anything that isn’t asked for Do a check list

50 Effective Planning Key do’s/don’ts Do’s Be sure the route is for you
Be sure the route is for you Give yourself sufficient time – understand the deadline you are working to and plan back from that point Read the specification and the associated documents – highlight the key elements as you go Understand what you have to submit – don’t get to the deadline and realise that you don’t have a document, this could lead to non-compliance Plan effectively and create a check list Write a bid plan and build in sufficient time of review and changes Check, check and check again Have a submission process

51 Effective Planning Key do’s/don’ts Don’ts Leave it to the last minute
Leave it to the last minute Write the bid in your ‘spare’ time Assume – if you are unsure ask a question Cut and paste too much Submit without checking it

52 Effective Planning What comes next? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Choose an application route Check your eligibility Read the application guidance to check you have everything you need Apply using the Department for Education portal (Bravo/Jaggaer) If your organisation is eligible to apply and not currently listed on the register, you can apply from 12 December 2018 There is no deadline and the portal will remain open for applications (It closes at the end of each month and re-opens to following day)

53 Effective Planning What comes next?
ESFA will start to assess applications on the first working day of each month for any applications received during the previous month It usually will take around 12 weeks to assess an application, but it can sometimes take longer. The ESFA will keep you informed on the progress of your application. If your organisation is currently on the register, you will need to reapply. The ESFA will be inviting organisations to reapply in phases, during 2019, based on a risk profile If your application is unsuccessful, the ESFA will provide feedback You will be able to apply twice within a 12-month period

54 Effective Planning StlO What comes next? -.-::-:: @) AELP
� @) AELP

55 Effective Planning StlO What comes next? @) AELP
� @) AELP

56 StlO RoATP Question Time � @ AELP

57 RoATP Further Information
Steve O’Hare SCLO Consulting @SCLOCon Steve O’Hare

58 RoATP Close Have a safe journey and happy bidding!!

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