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Creative Non-FiCTion An introduction. Creative Non-FiCTion An introduction.

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2 Creative Non-FiCTion An introduction

3 What is Non-Fiction? Most readers encounter non-fiction on a daily basis via traditional journalistic outlets, such as newspapers. In essence, non-fiction is any writing which uses real-world facts as its material, and non-fiction's focus is to clearly present such facts. Traditional journalism, technical textbooks, and academic works of any subject are good examples of non-fiction in its standard form.

4 What is Creative Non-Fiction?
Creative nonfiction, in contrast, places its focus on literary constructions and storytelling elements. Like a novelist, creative nonfiction writers (when writing narrative nonfiction) are focused on creating compelling, artful narratives within which to convey real-world facts and events. The focus for a creative nonfiction writer is on storytelling, and the personal essay, memoir, and feature writing are all examples of creative nonfiction.

5 Forms in the Genre Personal Essays Memoir Travel Writing Food Writing
Biography Literary Journalism Other hybridized essays

6 Literary Elements story/narration place/scene/setting characterization
a personally-engaged author (also termed as the author as a character) literary voice artistic polished language and grammar

7 Non-Fiction Elements essay form
use of explanatory or expository language standardized rhetorical patterns focus on researched ideas and facts

8 The Personal Essay “This I Believe”

9 What is a Personal Essay?
Focuses on a belief or insight about life that is important to the writer. Different from Personal Narrative or Memoir Narrative- focuses on an important event TAKS essays- A Time You Had Courage Memoir- focuses on an important relationship Steven King’s On Writing- is the story of his relationship with writing.

10 Let’s Look at Some Examples
Finding the Flexibility to Survive We Are Each Other's Business And my friend Julia’s Essay

11 Storytelling Activity
Look at the prompts on the handout. As a group, choose one to start out with that you all have a “story” you can tell to answer the question. Take turns telling your stories. As each person talks, someone should take notes on what they say to share back with them later.

12 Your Task… Write your own “This I Believe” essay. Or at least start it.

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