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Peripetie 4 Arnold Schoenberg.

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Presentation on theme: "Peripetie 4 Arnold Schoenberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peripetie 4 Arnold Schoenberg

2 Learning Objectives To study the structure of Peripetie

3 Prep Review 1a. Use a technical term to describe the clarinet part in bars b. Referring to the same passage, how many different pitches does it use without repeating any? 1c. What musical style does this suggest? 2. In bars 3-5 the horns are muted. What does this mean and why is it unusual that they are also marked ff? 3. There is Klangfarbenmelodie in bars What does this mean? 4. What does the symbol   in bar 29 mean? 5. Give TWO musical reasons why you like or dislike this piece.

4 Structure Bars 1-18. Describe: Tempo Rhythm Instrumentation Texture
Melody Harmony and Tonality Dynamics

5 Structure 2 Bars 18-34 Three ways in which this section is different from what happened before Describe the different layers in the texture at bar 32. Why do you think the violin 1 and cello are playing at all? What do you notice about the dynamics of the  and  parts?

6 Structure 3 Bars 35-43 Look at the string parts in bar 35. Have we seen this before? When? Describe the chord in the horns in bars Have we seen this chord before? When? Bars 44-58 What happens to the tempo in this section? How does the texture change? Can you describe what is happening in bars 50-53? Describe the dynamics of this section.

7 Structure 4 Bars 59-66 Have we seen the clarinet part in bar 59 before? What about trumpets bars 61-63? Flutes bars 62-63? What happens to the texture up to bar 64? Describe in detail what happens in the last 3 bars of the piece.

8 Structure 5 1-18 18-34 35-43 44-58 59-66 A B A’ C A’’ Free rondo form

9 2012 question 3

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