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English Language – SECTION B

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1 English Language – SECTION B
Preparation for GCSE English Language – SECTION B What must you do to be successful in P2 Q5? AO5 – Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively AO6 – Vocabulary, sentence structures and punctuation Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

2 GCSE English Language Intervention
Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing 1 hour 45 mins 50% Paper 2: Writer’s viewpoints and perspectives 1 hour 45 mins 50% Reading – 40 marks 15 mins read and plan Find four… 4 marks 5 mins Language 8 marks 10 mins Structure 8 marks 10 mins Evaluate 20 marks 20 mins Writing – 40 marks Describe or narrate : choice from two questions 24 content mins 16 accuracy Reading – 40 marks 15 mins read and plan Select four… 4 marks 5 mins Comprehension 8 marks 8 mins Language 12 marks 12 mins Compare 16 marks 20 mins Writing – 40 marks Write in a viewpoint 24 content mins 16 accuracy

3 Success today Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

4 P2 Q5 Section B: Writing 45 minutes (5 plan, 35 write, 5 check and edit) 40 marks (24 marks – AO5 content and organisation, 16 marks – AO6 technical accuracy) ADVICE FROM EXAMINER: Always a viewpoint – could be arguing, persuading, explaining… if the question asks you to explain, doesn’t matter if you argue or persuade – all the same Always use formal, standard English Audience, register and form is important Argument does not need to be balanced – pick one strong view to stick with and counter-argue (dismiss opposing view) Ambitious vocabulary is in both AO5 and AO6 meaning spelling is secondary Ensure range of punctuation is used consistently, not littered in the writing Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

5 P2 Q5 The key to success… Is creating a voice. Your examiner will read hundreds of these, 90% of which will reel out the same old lines. They will be bored. Your job is to make them sit up and listen. You almost need to create a character for yourself, as if you are sitting in front of them speaking directly to them. Without actually doing so, you need them to hear your tone of voice and imagine your facial expressions. You can achieve this through your writing with a bit of practise (and one easy sentence starter!!!) Remember, your examiner doesn’t know you; they don’t know if you are lying. Exaggerate your viewpoint. Make yourself stand out! Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

6 What are the features/what is the format of…
P2 Q5 You need to show you know the format of what you have been asked to create What are the features/what is the format of… Newspaper Letter Online article Broadsheet or tabloid? Essay Leaflet Text for a speech Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

7 Any we’re unsure of? Any we’ve missed?
P2 Q5 Senses Similes Metaphors(Extended) Personification Hyperbole Oxymoron Emotive language Irony Humour/sarcasm Direct address Rhetorical questions List of three/triads Personal anecdote Facts Opinions (As fact) Statistics Adverbs/adjectives Puns Analogies Parallel syntax Including these techniques accurately will help you achieve high marks – ensure you know what each of these mean and how to use them! Any we’re unsure of? Any we’ve missed? Write examples of at least three of these techniques for the GCSE question below: The prison system in the UK does not stop criminals from re-offending. Try to use at least one amber/green technique. Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

8 Openings Your opening paragraph is the most important – you need to capture the reader and persuade them to your opinion immediately. However you choose to open your writing, you must begin with a strong statement of opinion. If you are ever struggling, use the phrase ‘Don’t get me started on…’ – this can be used negatively or positively: Don’t get me started on the treatment of the homeless in the UK! Don’t get me started on how brilliant our education system is! Note – if the task is a letter, you will obviously need to start with ‘Dear…, I have recently discovered that… Well, don’t get me started on…! Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

9 Openings Your opening paragraph is the most important – you need to capture the reader and persuade them to your opinion immediately. Alternatively, start with an anecdote including direct address to include the reader: When you arose from bed this morning, put on your comfy slippers, drew back the blackout curtains and looked out of your window, what was the first thing you saw? Did the sun shine through? Now consider what it would be like to not have the bed, the slippers, the curtains; not even the window. Thousands of homeless people are left to suffer on our streets; even when the sun shines, they do not feel the warmth. What are you doing to help them? Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

10 Openings Your opening paragraph is the most important – you need to capture the reader and persuade them to your opinion immediately. You could start with a simple rhetorical question: Have you considered how difficult it would be to live on the streets? Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

11 Openings Your opening paragraph is the most important – you need to capture the reader and persuade them to your opinion immediately. Or how about a description using ‘picture this’ followed by a twist: Picture this: it’s Christmas morning, the tree is up, the lights are on, children are skipping round excitedly. You can smell the luscious meat cooking away, and the roast potatoes are making you salivate. But it’s not for you. You are on the other side of the window. Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

12 Create four example openings all responding to the statement:
use the phrase ‘Don’t get me started on…’ start with an anecdote including direct address to include the reader a simple rhetorical question a description using ‘picture this’ followed by a twist all responding to the statement: The prison system in the UK does not stop criminals from re-offending. Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

13 Paragraph Plan: ‘The prison system in the UK does not stop criminals from re-offending.’ Once you’ve decided on your viewpoint, plan for a minimum of 5 paragraphs, each with an individual point. You must maintain your tone (positive or negative) Consider the development of your point. What would be the most effective way to structure your response? Is there a certain way you can order your points to make a flow to your writing and ensure your ending is most effective rather than slowly trailing off? Include example techniques/checklist of things to include in each paragraph e.g. Hyperbole, opinion, ; ( ) Have a go at creating a 5 point paragraph plan to respond to the statement – obviously you have your opening, so plan the middle and ending of your piece! P1 – Opening P2 – P3 – P4 – P5 – Closing linked to opening Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

14 Closing Paragraphs Your closing paragraph is just important as having a strong opening! Try to include an impressive structural feature here: link back to your opening paragraph and emphasise your point/one of your impressive sentences. Opening: Picture this: it’s Christmas morning, the tree is up, the lights are on, children are skipping round excitedly. You can smell the luscious meat cooking away, and the roast potatoes are making you salivate. But it’s not for you. You are on the other side of the window. Let’s change the picture: let’s make sure the homeless aren’t trapped on the other side of the window this Christmas. Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

15 Closing Paragraphs Try to include an impressive structural feature here: link back to your opening paragraph and emphasise one of your impressive sentences. Opening: When you arose from bed this morning, put on your comfy slippers, drew back the blackout curtains and looked out of your window, what was the first thing you saw? Did the sun shine through? Now consider what it would be like to not have the bed, the slippers, the curtains; not even the window. Thousands of homeless people are left to suffer on our streets; even when the sun shines, they do not feel the warmth. What are you doing to help them? So the next time you are stood in your slippers basking in the sunshine, spare a thought for the people on the streets below. Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

16 Closing Paragraphs Try to include an impressive structural feature here: link back to your opening paragraph and emphasise one of your impressive sentences. Opening: Have you considered how difficult it would be to live on the streets? Honestly, have you really considered what it would be like to be on the streets? Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

17 ‘The prison system in the UK does not stop criminals from re-offending
Senses Similes Metaphors(Extended) Personification Hyperbole Oxymoron Emotive language Irony Humour/sarcasm Direct address Rhetorical questions List of three Personal anecdote Facts Opinions (As fact) Statistics Adverbs/adjectives Puns Analogies Parallel syntax Have a go at creating a STRONG closing paragraph which links back to your opening. When you finish this, have a go at writing up your article using your plan. Try to include as many techniques as you can, and ensure you vary your punctuation and sentence types. Can you include a fragment/one word sentence or paragraph/one line paragraph for impact? Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

18 Plan your comparison questions using venn diagrams if it helps!
Top tips for Thursday Q1-4: Read each source twice and add WET annotations on the second time. Always discuss the impact on the reader. Q2-4 SEI Q2 x2 Q3 x2/3 Q4 x3/4 Plan your comparison questions using venn diagrams if it helps! For Q5: Plan your answer – this is time well spent! Show you know features of form (e.g. newspaper – headline. Letter – Dear… Yours sincerely) Focus on opening/closing in a strong way Use paragraphs/structural techniques effectively – one word/one line for dramatic impact. Use a range of punctuation including : ; - ( ) ? Use impressive vocabulary and sound as formal and sophisticated as possible. CHECK THROUGH YOUR ANSWER AND CORRECT MISTAKES!! You will be absolutely brilliant – make sure you write for the full amount of time and leave half the time for Q5. Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

19 Your next language paper 1 mock is on Thursday 28th February
Question 1 Read again Source A from lines will be named here. Choose four statements below which are true. 5 minutes [4 marks] Your next language paper 1 mock is on Thursday 28th February Question 2 You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question. Use details from both sources to write a summary of the differences 8 minutes [8 marks] Question 3 You now need to refer only to Source A from lines will be named here. How does the writer use language to…….? 12 minutes [12 marks] Question 4 You now need to refer to the whole of Source A, together with the whole of Source B. Compare how the writers present their ideas and perspectives on minutes [16 marks] Question 5 viewpoint writing Writing your argument to a statement given. 45 minutes [40 marks] Level 3 – identify ideas and methods from the text Level 4 and 5 – explain why they have been used Level 6 and 7 – analyse the impact they create Level 8 and 9 – evaluate the significance of the impact Language Paper 2 mock: Thursday 4th April

20 Try to work out what level/band their work falls in to.
Mark Scheme Sheet Swap with someone. Read through their paragraphs and use the AO5/AO6 sheets to set them a USEFUL WWW and an EBI. AO5 - Communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively AO6 - Vocabulary, sentence structures and punctuation Try to work out what level/band their work falls in to. How do you feel about your writing? What do you still need support with? Next lesson – openings and closings, editing and improving, planning! Level 6 – sustained response to task with relevant techniques Level 7 – perceptive response with accurate purpose, audience and form Level 8/ 9 – insightful language used

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