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A Rose for Emily By William Faulkner.

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1 A Rose for Emily By William Faulkner

2 Southern Gothic A revival of Gothic Romanticism, the movement began in early 1930s. Southern Gothic is a subgenre of Gothic fiction unique to American literature that takes place exclusively in the American South. The southern Gothic style is one that employs the use of macabre (grotesque events) and ironic events to examine the values of the American south.

3 Similarities and Differences
Resembles Gothic Romanticism as it relies on supernatural, ironic, or unusual events to guide the plot. Differences It differs in that it uses these tools not solely for the sake of suspense, but to explore social issues and reveal the cultural character of the American South.

4 Literary Terms Stream of Consciousness- A technique in writing, in which the writer presents the character’s thoughts and emotions. It often does not tell the events logically or chronologically. It is written like we think. Foreshadowing- To indicate or “drop hints” about something that will happen later in the story. Point of view (limited 3rd person)-The narrator is someone outside the immediate story who calls everyone by name or as he, she or they. Limited: Stays within the confines of what is perceived, thought or remembered by a single character.

5 Timeline 1886- The board “confronted” Emily about the smell (5)
1886-Emily buys a toilet seat and men’s clothing (9) 1904 –Emily discontinues China painting lessons (12) 1885- Homer Barron appears (7) Emily's father dies(4) Emily dies(1) Colonel Sartoris remits Emily's taxes(3) 1884- Emily refuses to believe father is dead (6) 1886- Emily buys poison (8) 1886- Homer disappears (10) 1916-Tax delegation visits Emily (2) Emily’s hair turns iron-gray (11)

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