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Published byOsborn Harmon Modified over 6 years ago
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “Where there is no vision, the people will perish”
Annunciation Cathedral Strategic Planning Retreat #2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “Where there is no vision, the people will perish” Proverbs 29:18 Bill Marianes – January, 2019
Strategic Areas of Focus
(alpha order) 1. Campus Improvements 2. Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality 3. Communication & Technology 4. Education 5. Leadership, Management & Operations 6. Life Stage Ministries 7. Partnerships, Outreach & Evangelism 8. Stewardship
Strategic Goals Campus Improvements
1.1 – Accessibility, Athletic & Storage Facility Improvements Church Life Experience, Worships & Hospitality 2.1 – Welcoming and Newcomer Ministries 2.2 – Worship and Sacramental Engagement Communications & Technology 3.1 – Communications and Technology Platform
Strategic Goals Education 4.1 – Adult Education 4.2 – Youth Education
Leadership Management & Operations 5.1 – Orthodox Servant Leadership Program 5.2 – Operational Excellence
Strategic Goals Life Stage Ministries 6.1 – Small Groups
Philanthropy, Outreach and Philanthropy Ministry 7.1 – Philanthropy, Outreach & Evangelism Ministry Stewardship 8.1 – Comprehensive Stewardship Program
Campus Improvements Goal 1
Campus Improvements Goal Accessibility, Athletic and Storage Facility Improvements (a) Within 1 year, we will determine the projected costs, timelines, obtain necessary approvals and prioritize the most critical improvements necessary to provide: (i) facilities more fully usable and accessible to individuals with disabilities; (ii) improved outdoor athletic field facilities; and (iii) improved existing and expanded storage facilities for the Parish and our affiliated organizations; and (b) Within 2 years thereafter, we will raise the necessary funds and complete the prioritized improvements based on the established timelines.
Campus Improvements Goal 1.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 1.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Campus Improvements Goal 1.1 Task Force (“CI1.1TF”). Strategic Planning Team and Goal Captain 1 month from Start Date CI1.1TF team members agree to serve 2. Research and identify accessibility, athletic and storage facility projects (“AAS Projects”) needs throughout our campus by (a) conducting an on-site assessment with appropriate legal and facilities experts; (b) developing outreach tools (e.g., survey, focus groups, etc.) to receive feedback from community concerning AAS Projects needs; and (c) reviewing existing documentation on previous efforts to identify necessary improvements. CI1.1TF 3 months after step 1 Completed on-site assessment, survey/focus group findings compiled in centralized format, existing documentation compiled a notebook of AAS Projects. 3. Establish criteria for prioritization and then prioritize AAS Projects list identified in step 2 and. (e.g., critical, necessary, desirable, etc.) and establish a proposed implementation timeline. Parish Council and CI1.1TF 1 month after step 2 Proposed prioritization of AAS Projects completed 4. Research cost estimates for each prioritized AAS Project and compile comprehensive AAS Project Plan with all projects prioritized, costed and having proposed timelines. 5 months after step 3 Estimated costs and timelines determined and AAS Project Plan developed
Campus Improvements Goal 1.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 1.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 5. Obtain first Parish Council and then General Assembly (and any other required approvals (e.g., Metropolis, county, etc.)). CI1.1TF and Parish Council and General Assembly 2 months after step 4 Required Parish Council, General Assembly and other approvals all obtained 6. Work collaboratively with Parish Council and Parish community to procure necessary funding for approved prioritized AAS Projects. CI1.1TF and Parish Council 12 months after step 5 AAS Project funds are raised 7. Work collaboratively with Parish Council and appropriate Parish authorities responsible for project management (e.g., design and construction bid process, and the construction process, etc.) as necessary and appropriate to monitor progress and ensure timely and proper completion. 4 months after step 6 Periodic project reports 8. Supervise completion of construction on identified AAS Projects. 7 months after step 7 Construction, including punch list items complete, Parish accepts work 9. Conduct after completion review on all AAS Projects and processes and document lessons learned. 1 month after step 7 AAS Project report submitted to community
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2.1 Welcoming and Newcomer Ministries Within 1 year, we will develop and implement a Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry that ensures that all newcomers are fully welcomed and included in the life and ministries of the Parish, including the Sunday experience.
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 2.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2.1 Task Force (CLEWH2.1TF). Strategic Planning Team and Goal Captain 1 month from Start Date CLEWH2.1TF team members agree to serve 2. Research most effective best practices regarding church welcoming, hospitality and newcomer ministries from both non-Orthodox and Orthodox churches (including visiting other successful churches) and determine appropriate welcoming best practices, and most effective hospitality metrics to collect and analyze. CLEWH2.1TF 3 months after step 1 Research analysis report of welcoming, hospitality and newcomer processes and other best practices is completed 3. Develop new data collection tools (e.g., surveys, personal interviews, web solicitations, and original research from other Orthodox and non-Orthodox sources) that will effectively capture church welcoming, hospitality and engagement barriers data and input with a consistent methodology from the widest possible spectrum of our church body and beyond (including people who do not currently attend, those that have only visited once, and those that have never visited before, youth, seniors, converts, young families, newlyweds, college students, Orthodox, non-Orthodox, friends that have never attended, etc.). Simultaneous with step 2 Comprehensive data collection plans, methodologies and tools created
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 2.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 4. Execute the data collection methods chosen from step 3 above, utilizing best practices in methods and tools to identify church welcoming and hospitality barriers and areas of improvement. CLEWH2.1TF 2 months after step 3 Minimum acceptable level of data collected from each of the identified constituent groups 5. Compile research and data from steps 2 through 4, existing processes, best practices research and visitor’s experiences and review and analyze results and data and identify the elements of a best practices welcoming, hospitality and engagement ministry program (the “Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry Plan”) to be implemented. 3 months after step 4 Data analysis is complete and Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry Plan is completed 6. Recruit and train Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry team members using the Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry Plan. 2 months after step 5 Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry team recruited and trained 7. Implement Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry Plan. 1 month after step 6 Schedule is maintained 8. At least every 6 months thereafter review and assess success against appropriate welcoming and hospitality best practices metrics identified in step 2 and refine the Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry Plan accordingly. At 6 month intervals Semi-annual assessment and remediation of Welcoming and Newcomer Ministry Plan occurs
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal Worship and Sacramental Engagement Within 18 months, we will develop and implement a plan and process that will more fully engage parishioners of all ages in an accessible and fulling Worship and Sacramental experience.
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 2.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2.2 Task Force (“CLEWH2.2TF”). Strategic Planning Team and Goal Captain 1 month from Start Date CLEWH2.2TF team members agree to serve 2. Research most effective best practices regarding worship and church experience from both non-Orthodox and Orthodox churches (including visiting other successful churches) and determine appropriate best practices, and worship and church experience and most effective engagement metrics to collect and analyze. CLEWH2.2TF 4 months after step 1 Research analysis report of worship and church experience and other best practices is completed 3. Develop new data collection tools (e.g., surveys, personal interviews, web solicitations, and original research from other Orthodox and non-Orthodox sources) that will effectively capture church worship and church experience engagement barriers data and input with a consistent methodology from the widest possible spectrum of our church body and beyond (including people who do not currently attend, those that have only visited once, and those that have never visited before, youth, seniors, converts, young families, newlyweds, college students, Orthodox, non-Orthodox, friends that have never attended, etc.). Simultaneous with step 2 Comprehensive data collection plans, methodologies and tools created
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 2.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 4. Execute the data collection methods chosen from step 3 above, utilizing best practices in methods and tools to identify church engagement and accessibility barriers and areas of improvement. CLEWH2.2TF 4 months after step 2 Minimum acceptable level of data collected from each of the identified constituent groups 5. Compile research and data from steps 2 through 4, existing processes, best practices research and visitor’s experiences and review and analyze results and data and identify best practices in worship and church experience engagement (the “Worship and Church Experience Plan”) to be implemented. 3 months after step 4 Data analysis is complete and Worship and Church Experience Plan is developed 6. Prioritize the implementation schedule for the Worship and Church Experience Plan and identify any financial or other resources needed to fully implement them according to an agreed-upon implementation schedule. 2 months after step 5 Worship and Church Experience Plan implementation is prioritized 7. Develop a strategy, detailed action plan and timeline to address prioritized list of worship and church experience barriers and opportunities per the Worship and Church Experience Plan (and raise any necessary funds or obtain any other required resources). 4 months after step 6 Each barrier has a written action plan as well as the expected timeline to implement the solution 8. Implement Worship and Church Experience Plan action plans. Beginning 2 months after step 7 Worship and Church Experience Plan action plans are implemented
Church Life Experience, Worship & Hospitality Goal 2.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 2.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 9. Announce/publicize the completion of each implementation as a “win” to help create momentum and support. CLEWH2.2TF Ongoing during step 8 Communicated via master communication plan 10. At least annually thereafter review and assess success against appropriate worship and church experience engagement best practices metrics identified in step 2 and refine the Worship and Church Experience Plan accordingly. At least annually Assessment of Worship and Church Experience Plan and remediation occurs at least annually
Communications & Technology Goal 3
Communications & Technology Goal Communications and Technology Platform Within 21 months, we will create and implement an enhanced communications process plan and technology platform that will enable all parishioners to have 100% online access to our Parish services, ministries and other resources, information, tools and materials that will allow us to: (a) have at least 70% of our stewards donating using our online giving platform within 12 months thereafter; and (b) consistently achieve at least a 75% parishioner satisfaction level with this technology platform within 6 months thereafter.
Communications & Technology Goal 3.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 3.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Communications & Technology Goal 3.1 Task Force (“C&T3.1TF”). Strategic Planning Team and Goal Captain 1 month from Start Date C&T3.1TF members agree to serve 2. Research most effective church communications and technology resources, software, information, tools, and the best practices that churches and other non-profits use to connect with, and communicate to, their parishioners and stakeholders. C&T3.1TF 4 months after step 1 Report of most effective church communications and technology resources, information, tools and best practices is completed 3. Create, distribute, collect and analyze survey and metrics to measure parishioner use of and satisfaction with current website, online giving processes and communication channels, and other desirable ways to access our Parish and other services, information, processes and ministries. Simultaneous with step 2 At least 20% of Parishioners respond to survey and report of survey results is summarized 4. Audit all current technology, communications process and software capabilities (including, website, video broadcast, social media accounts, telephony, phone tree) compared against best practices established in step 2. 4 months after step 2 Report summarizing status of capabilities of current resources and processes is produced
Communications & Technology Goal 3.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 3.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 5. Interview stakeholders (clergy, office staff, ministry chairs, parents, students) that produce or consume Parish services, communications and technology resources and work with our staff to research and identify the capabilities and gaps of our existing software and how giving is processed. C&T3.1TF Simultaneous with step 4 Report summarizing stakeholder interviews and giving processes and any underutilized software features and gap analysis is produced 6. Research and identify potential alternative technology solutions enabling broadcast and dissemination of church services and creation of a communications hub to allow for content creators (clergy, office staff, ministry chairs) to create and target and deliver communications to parishioners through all channels, and finalize comprehensive recommendations, budget and implementation timeline in all areas of communications, online giving and technology, including appropriate metrics to evaluate and determine success (the “Communication & Technology Plan”). 4 months after step 5 Communication & Technology Plan is finally developed
Communications & Technology Goal 3.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 3.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 7. Obtain any necessary budgetary, Parish Council, General Assembly or other approvals for Communication & Technology Plan recommendations and obtain any necessary funding and establish governance, guidelines and monitoring processes to proper operation and use of all communications and technology solutions. C&T3.1TF, Clergy and Parish Council 4 months after step 6 Necessary approvals and budgets are obtained 8. Begin implementation of Communication & Technology Plan based on implementation timeline, including enhanced online giving and access to other church services and self-service communications hub (“Communications Hub”) to allow parishioners to subscribe to the communications channels they wish to receive. C&T3.1TF 4 months after step 7 Communication & Technology Plan and Communications Hub roll out begins
Communications & Technology Goal 3.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 3.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 9. Semi-annual parishioner survey and independent review, evaluation, update and changes in Communication & Technology Plan and Communications Hub to ensure that all elements are the most effective best practices available and ensure achievement of the targets of: (a) 70% of our stewards donating using our online giving platform; and (b) at least a 75% parishioner satisfaction level with this technology platform. C&T3.1TF Beginning 6 months after step 8 and every 6 months thereafter Semi-Annual assessment of Communication & Technology Plan and Communications Hub is completed at least every 6 months and appropriate changes are implemented
Goal 4.1 Adult Religious Education
Within 16 months, we will develop and implement an effective, comprehensive and interactive full-year Adult Religious Education Program that will be successfully delivered to a minimum of 30% of adult parishioners over the next 2 years thereafter.
Education Goal 4.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 4.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed Form Education Goal 4.1 Task Force (E4.1TF). E4.1TF 1 month from start date E4.1TF team members agree to serve 2. Compile and send survey to community for input on most needed and desired adult religious education and spirituality topics, information and curriculum. 2 months after step 1 Surveys returned and responses are compiled 3. Conduct comprehensive research to determine best in class Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christian adult religious and spiritual education materials, content, programs, delivery options and best practices (including reviewing existing Metropolis of Atlanta strategic plan religious education materials and other offerings from Orthodox Parish Priests and Religious Education Directors) and specifically identify objective evidence of the effectiveness of each. 3 months after step 1 and simultaneous with step 2 All materials are researched including objective evidence of effectiveness 4. Qualitatively analyze and assess: (a) all researched and submitted educational materials and categorize them according to topics and objective evidence of their effectiveness and create a comprehensive list of topics and best in class content; (b) assess community survey data of needed and desired adult religious education and spirituality topics and information; and (c) best alternative methods for delivery of adult religious education content. 2 months after step 3 Comprehensive report completed of qualitive analysis of all content / materials, community survey and alternative delivery systems 5. Finalize outline of comprehensive “Adult Religious Education Program” and delivery schedule and methods and identify gaps in the Program and the process and timeline for specifically filling such gaps, including who is responsible for achieving each step within the established timeline (“Gap Analysis Workplan”). 3 months after step 4 Adult Religious Education Program and Gap Analysis Workplan is complete
Education Goal 4.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 4.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 6. Research, gather, revise, develop, and/or solicit the development of additional materials needed for missing areas, or areas that do not meet best practices, or most effective standard as determined through Gap Analysis Workplan, including replacing those materials that are deemed ineffective. E4.1TF 4 months after step 5 Gap Analysis Workplan is executed and gaps are filled 7. Recruit and train any additional persons needed to most effectively deliver the content for the Adult Religious Education Program. 2 months after step 6 Additional educators agree to serve and are trained 8. Establish online, video and/or alternative platform for delivery of Adult Religious Education Program, including a format for peer review and commentary, as well as a process to submit newer and more effective materials, and load best practices education materials onto Metropolis of Atlanta Portal Spiritual Growth Resources. Simultaneous with steps 6 and 7 Online and video delivery options established and best practice materials for the various topics are loaded on the Metropolis Portal 9. Begin promotion of Adult Religious Education Program and establish process to sign up as many adults as possible with the goal of participation from 30% of our adults. Simultaneous with step 7 Communication and sign-up of participants occurs 10. Begin official roll out of Adult Religious Education Program. 1 month after step 9 Program is officially rolled-out 11. Implement a regularly scheduled evaluation plan for reviewing the performance of all Adult Religious Education Program materials after each delivery and make improvements based on results of evaluation. Beginning after each Program is delivered Evaluations reviewed and improvements made in each element of Adult Religious Education Program 12. Semi-annual review, evaluation and update of all materials and entire Adult Religious Education Program to ensure that all materials are the most effective best practices available and the target of 30% of adults having completed the program are achieved. Semi-annual review Semi-Annual assessment is complete, improvements implemented and 30% adult target is achieved
Goal 4.2 Youth Religious Education
Within 16 months, we will determine the applicable metrics to ensure that our Sunday School curriculum is effective, and design and implement such an effective K-12 curriculum that reaches at least 30% of our youth.
Education Goal 4.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 4.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Education Goal 4.2 Task Force (E4.2TF). E4.2TF 1 month from start date E4.2TF team members agree to serve 2. Conduct comprehensive research from all available sources to determine how to properly measure the effectiveness of church religious education programs and materials for youth and establish an “Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process” to test the effectiveness of our youth religious education programs. 2 months after step1 Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process Report is completed 3. Conduct comprehensive research to determine best in class Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christian youth religious and spiritual education materials, content, programs, delivery options and best practices (including site visits to successful churches and reviewing existing Metropolis of Atlanta strategic plan religious education materials and other offerings from Orthodox Parish Priests and Religious Education Directors) and specifically identify objective evidence of the effectiveness of each. 3 months after step 1 and simultaneous with step 2 All materials are researched including objective evidence of effectiveness based on Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process 4. Qualitatively analyze and assess: (a) all researched and submitted educational materials and categorize them according to topics and objective evidence of their effectiveness and create a comprehensive list of topics and best in class content; (b) all content against the Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process to determine the most effective content; and (c) best alternative methods for delivery of most effective youth religious education content. 2 months after step 3 Comprehensive report completed of qualitive analysis of all content/materials, and alternative delivery systems 5. Finalize outline of comprehensive “Youth Religious Education Program” and delivery schedule and methods and identify gaps in the Program and the process and timeline for specifically filling such gaps, including who is responsible for achieving each step within the established timeline (“Gap Analysis Workplan”). 3 months after step 4 Youth Religious Education Program and Gap Analysis Workplan is complete
Education Goal 4.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 4.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 6. Research, gather, revise, develop, and/or solicit the development of additional materials needed for missing areas, or areas that do not meet best practices, or most effective standard as determined through Gap Analysis Workplan, including replacing those materials that are deemed ineffective. E4.2TF 4 months after step 5 Gap Analysis Workplan is executed and gaps are filled 7. Recruit and train any teachers needed to most effectively deliver the content for the Youth Religious Education Program. 2 months after step 6 Additional teachers agree to serve and are trained 8. Begin official roll out of Youth Religious Education Program. 1 month after step 7 Youth Religious Education Program is officially rolled-out 9. Establish and implement alternative online, video and/or other platform for delivery of Youth Religious Education Program, including a format for peer review and commentary, as well as a process to submit newer and more effective materials. Simultaneous with steps 7 and 8 Online, video or alterative delivery options established and implemented 10. Semi-annual review, evaluation and update of all materials and entire Youth Religious Education Program to ensure that all materials are the most effective best practices available and the target of 30% of Youth having effectively completed the Youth Religious Education Program is achieved. Semi-annual review Semi-Annual assessment of Youth Religious Education Program is complete, improvements are implemented and 30% Youth target is achieved
Leadership, Management & Operations Goal 5
Leadership, Management & Operations Goal Orthodox Servant Leadership Program Within 14 months, we will develop and implement a comprehensive and effective Orthodox Servant Leadership training and development program that will be mandatory for all Parish Council, Ministry Leaders and youth leaders.
Leadership, Management and Operations Goal 5.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 5.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Leadership, Management & Operations Goal 5.1 Task Force (“LMO5.1TF”). Strategic Planning Team & Goal Captain 1 month from Start Date LMO5.1TF team members agree to serve 2. Research and identify best practices in Servant Leadership (both inside and outside the Orthodox church, including the Metropolis of Atlanta Orthodox Leadership Training program) and identify key leadership skill elements and gaps which need to be filled (shaped by the our values, mission, vision and goals), and develop interview questions for participants in steps 3 and 4. LMO5.1TF 3 months after step 1 Research is completed and best practices summary report generated, including elements of Metropolis Training Program that can be used 3. Identify and interview adults already in Parish leadership positions and discuss their skills, experiences and what they believe would help improve their performance and our Parish now and into the future. 3 months after step 2 Summaries of adult leadership interviews are completed and compiled 4. Identify and interview youth, as well as other adults who show leadership potential, and assess what developmental areas that would help them or would be required by them in order to step into leadership positions in the near future. Simultaneous with step 3 Interviews of youth and adult leaders are completed and compiled 5. From all available resources, materials and research (including the work done in steps 2-4), develop a best practices Orthodox Leadership Training Program and manual (the “Leadership Program”) that has at least 4 tiers (the “4 Tiers”): (a) Parish Council members; (b) Ministry leaders; (c) future leaders; and (d) youth leaders. 3 months after step 4 The Leadership Program and manual is developed for all 4 Tiers
Leadership, Management and Operations Goal 5.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 5.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 5. Develop Leadership Program training for all 4 Tiers for present and future leaders that includes at least core management skills (planning, process, people, budgets, reporting, etc.), and also leadership skills (team building, coaching and visioning, negotiation, conflict resolution, communication, etc.). LMO5.1TF 3 months after step 5 Training program created for all 4 Tiers of Leadership Program 7. Establish a schedule for, and begin to regularly deliver, Leadership Program training to all 4 Tiers, with any candidate for Parish Council or Ministry Leadership being required to receive the training before they can serve in such capacities. 1 month after step 6 Training for all 4 Tiers is conducted on set schedule 8. After every Leadership Training program perform an assessment of its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement and make necessary course corrections, P&A3.1TF After each program Assessments are completed after every program and at least annually and improvements are implemented 9. At least annually, comprehensively assess the effectiveness of the entire Leadership Training Program for all 4 Tiers to ensure that all materials are the most effective best practices available and the target level of mandatory training is achieved. E4.2TF At least annual review At least annual assessment of Leadership Training Program is completed, improvements are implemented and training targets are achieved
Leadership, Management & Operations Goal 5.2 Operational Excellence
Within 16 months, we will identify the our most critical operations, processes and staffing, assess them against agreed-upon, best-practices, and make improvement recommendations; and (b) Within 1 year thereafter, we will train all relevant individuals on how to properly implement and measure progress so that we achieve the agreed-upon percentage improvement in each operation and process.
Leadership, Management and Operations Goal 5.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 5.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Leadership. Management & Operations Goal 5.2 Task Force (“LMO5.2TF”). Strategic Planning Team and Goal Captain 1 month from Start Date LMO5.2TF team members agree to serve 2. Obtain and review existing documentation about our current operations and processes of management of the Parish and its ministries and key operations (including Hellenic Center, but excluding ADS). LMO5.2TF 3 months after step 1 Complete review of current operations, processes and management and compile report of key findings 3. Research best practices for church administration operations, and staffing from other religious (Orthodox and non-Orthodox) and non-profit organizations. Simultaneous with step 2 Research of best practices is completed and report of key elements is compiled 4. Survey our community regarding assessments of our operating performance in key identified areas and suggestions for improvement and analyze results. 2 months after step 3 Survey completed and analyzed and report of key findings is compiled 5. Identify and interview all key (non-clergy) employee staff and volunteers and: (a) discuss their skills, experiences, challenges; (b) what they believe would help improve their performance and the Parish; (c) conduct risk assessment of organization structure and identify key roles and any gaps in bench strength or succession planning that place the viability of major church initiatives at risk; and (d) identify a best practices annual review process for key roles and evaluate progress in implementing succession plan recommendations. Simultaneous with step 4 Key interviews are completed and report of summary of key findings is compiled
Leadership, Management and Operations Goal 5.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 5.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 6. Map each area’s and operation’s current workflow and procedures and related available metrics and: (a) identify key operational metrics and key performance indicators (“KPIs”) to assess in each area of operations; (b) current levels of KPIs performance in each area; (c) achievable desired percentage performance KPIs improvements; and (d) timeline to achieve them (the “Operational Metrics Plan”). LMO5.2TF 3 months after step 5 Operational Metrics Plan is completed 7. From all available resources, materials, research, surveys and interviews (including the work done in steps 2-6) create “Operations Improvement Plan” to include at least: (a) finalized Operational Metric Plan; (b) employee and volunteer staffing job descriptions, development, training, succession and needs plan (the “Staffing Plan”); (c) other key recommendations to improve our operations and service of parishioners; (d) a shared dashboard (the “Dashboard”) with regular cadence for reporting the KPIs for each area. 3 months after step 6 Draft Operations Improvement Plan is completed 8. Submit draft Operations Improvement Plan for approval of the Parish Council and work with Parish Council to reach consensus on final Operations Improvement Plan. LMO5.2TF and Parish Council 3 months after step 7 Final Operations Improvement Plan is approved by Parish Council
Leadership, Management and Operations Goal 5.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 5.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 9. Begin implementation of Final Operations Improvement Plan, including: (a) regular public reporting of Dashboard of KPIs; and (b) at least annually conduct talent performance development assessments privately for employees and volunteers. LMO5.2TF, Parish Council and other identified stakeholders Beginning 1 month after step 8 and continuously thereafter Implementation begins, Dashboard KPIs are regularly publicly reported and annual private talent assessments are completed 10. At least annually assess the Operations Improvement Plan against actual experience and evolving best practices and make necessary adjustments and improvements. LMO5.2TF and Parish Council 1 year after step 9 and annually thereafter Annual assessment of Operations Improvement Plan is completed and improvements are implemented
Life Stage Ministries Goal 6.1 Small Groups
Within 18 months, we will develop and implement an effective Small Group Ministry that within 3 years thereafter will include at least of the our families.
Life Stage Ministries Goal 6.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 6.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed Form Life Stage Ministries Goal 6.1 Task Force (“LSM6.1TF”). LSM6.1TF 1 month from start date LSM6.1TF team members agree to serve 2. Conduct comprehensive research to find best practices in Small Group Ministry programs (including making site visits and interviews of those who have successfully implemented this ministry), and closely examine and investigate what has worked, what has not, what lessons have been learned and what resources are available to facilitate a Small Group Ministry, and specifically identify objective evidence of effectiveness. 3 months after steps 1 All materials are researched including objective evidence of effectiveness 3. Qualitatively analyze and assess all researched Small Group Ministry materials and resources, results of personal sit visits and objective evidence of their effectiveness, and create a comprehensive list of topics and best in class content and best alternative methods for delivery. 2 months after step 3 Complete comprehensive report of Small Group research and site visits analysis 4. Compile, distribute and process survey to our community for input on willingness to participate in a Small Group ministry, and obtain feedback on logistics, methodology to maximize attendance and participation, including desired topics, frequency, information and curriculum. Surveys returned and responses are compiled 5. Using all of the research complied in steps 2 through 4, create a comprehensive “Small Group Ministry Program” and delivery schedule and methods and identify materials and curriculum gaps and the process and timeline for specifically filling such gaps, including who is responsible for achieving each step within the established timeline (“Gap Analysis Workplan”). 3 months after step 4 Small Group Ministry Program Gap Analysis Workplan is complete
Life Stage Ministries Goal 6.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 6.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 6. Research, gather, revise, develop, and/or solicit the development of additional materials needed for missing areas, or areas that do not meet best practices or most effective standard as determined through Gap Analysis Workplan, and complete Small Group Ministry Program curriculum and process. LSM6.1TF 2 months after step 5 Gap Analysis Workplan is executed and gaps are filled and Small Group Ministry Program curriculum and process is finalized 7. Recruit and train at least 5 Small Group Ministry leaders on how to most effectively lead small groups based on the Small Group Ministry Program. 2 month after step 6 At least 5 Small Group Ministry Leaders agree to serve and are trained 8. Recruit parishioners to participate in at least 5 Small Groups to be formed by leaders trained in step 7 and provide them training on how the Small Group Ministry Program will be implemented. 2 months after step 7 At least 5 Small Groups are formed and parishioners ate recruited and trained 9. Conduct pilot test of at least 5 Small Group Ministry Program and conduct at least quarterly assessments of lessons learned and changes needed to ensure the greatest effectiveness and make appropriate improvements in Small Group Ministry Program. and Small Group Ministry Leaders Beginning 1 month after step 8 Pilot test assessment is completed continued on at least a quarterly basis 10. Recruit and train additional Small Group Ministry leaders and expand recruitment of additional parishioners to participate in Small Group Ministry Program and continue to grow to achieve the target of at least 100 participating families. LSM6.1TF and Small Group Ministry Leaders Continuously occurring after step 9 Additional Small Group Ministry Leaders and groups are formed until at least 100 families participate 11. Implement a regularly scheduled evaluation plan for reviewing the performance of all Small Group Ministry Programs and materials at least quarterly and make improvements based on results of evaluation to ensure that all materials are the most effective best practices available and the target of at least 100 participating families is achieved. At least quarterly assessment Evaluations occur and improvements are made in each element of Small Group Ministry Program
Goal 6.2 Life Stage Ministries
Within 14 months, we will develop and implement a series of Life Cycle Ministries to address the varied ministry needs of our singles, married couples and families, that will include at least 50% of our parishioners within 3 years thereafter.
Life Cycle Ministry Goal 6.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 6.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Life Cycle Ministry Goal 6.2 Task Force (“LCM6.2TF”) Strategic Planning Team and Goal Captain 1 month from Start Date LCM6.2TF team members agree to serve. 2. Conduct comprehensive research from all available sources to determine how to properly measure the effectiveness of church singles, married couples and family ministries and programs (“Life Cycle Ministries”) and establish a “Ministry Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process” to test the effectiveness of our Life Cycle Ministries. LCM6.2TF 4 months after step 1 Life Cycle Ministries Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process Report is completed 3. Conduct comprehensive research to determine best in class Orthodox and non-Orthodox Life Cycle Ministry programs, materials, content, delivery options and best practices (“Best Practices”), including reviewing existing Metropolis of Atlanta strategic plan Life Cycle Ministry materials, and specifically identify objective evidence of the effectiveness of each. simultaneous with step 2 All materials are researched including objective evidence of effectiveness based on Life Cycle Ministries Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process and Best Practices are defined 4. Together with existing Parish Life Cycle Ministry leaders use Life Cycle Ministries Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process and Best Practices to qualitatively analyze and assess all existing and researched Life Cycle Ministry programs and materials (“Best Practices Report”) and identify gaps in existing our Life Cycle Ministries (“GAP Analysis”). LCM6.2TF and existing Parish Life Cycle Ministry Leaders 4 months after step 3 Complete comprehensive Best Practices Report of all existing and researched Life Cycle Ministries Measurement Methodology and Process and Gap Analysis
Life Cycle Ministry Goal 6.2 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 6.2 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 5. Based on Best Practices Report and GAP Analysis revise existing Life Cycle Ministries and develop new Life Cycle Ministry programs that meet or exceed Best Practices and establish timetable and action plan to achieve engagement of at least (50%) of our parishioners within 3 years. LCM6.2TF 4 months after step 4 Gap Analysis Workplan is executed and gaps are filled 6. Begin official roll out of new and revised Life Cycle Ministry programs. 1 month after step 5 New and revised Life Cycle Ministry programs are officially rolled-out 7. Semi-annual review, evaluation and update of all Life Cycle Ministries against Effectiveness Measurement Methodology and Process, Best Practices and progress toward achievement of goal of achieving at least (50%) of our parishioners within 3 years. Semi-annual review Semi-Annual assessment of Life Cycle Ministries is complete, improvements are implemented and 50% target is achieved
Philanthropy, Outreach & Evangelism Goal 7
Philanthropy, Outreach & Evangelism Goal Philanthropy, Outreach & Evangelism Ministry Within 12 months, we will establish a vibrant Philanthropy, Outreach & Evangelism Ministry, that within 8 months from formation will: (a) recruit at least parishioners to participate in Parish philanthropy, outreach, and evangelism ministries and partnerships; (b) plan and execute at least one specific Parish Philanthropic, Outreach and Evangelism Ministry event every four months, either alone or in partnership with another non-profit entity; and (c) define and successfully implement at least one re-occurring signature Philanthropic, Outreach or Evangelism Ministry program or event.
Philanthropy, Outreach & Evangelism Goal 7.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 7.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Form Philanthropy, Outreach and Evangelism (“POE”) Goal 7.1 Task Force (“POE7.1TF”) . Strategic Planning Team and Goal Captain 1 month from Start Date POE7.1TF team members agree to serve 2. Conduct comprehensive research to determine best-in-class POE methods, programs, activities, structure, success factors, volunteer recruitment strategies and effectiveness assessment tools from Orthodox and non-Orthodox churches. POE7.1TF 4 months after step 1 POE best practices report is completed 3. Develop a baseline inventory to identify: (a) all current and past Parish POE programs (and their perceived success); (b) other signature POE ministries and programs from other Christian or non-profit organizations which can either be copied or adapted or with whom partnerships can be established to pursue that ministry or program; and (c) outreach, evangelism and philanthropy-minded parishioners to help coordinate POE ministries and activities. 2 months after step 2 POE baseline inventory is completed
Philanthropy, Outreach & Evangelism Goal 7.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 7.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 4. From among the many ideas generated from the research in steps 2-3, survey the community and conduct some interviews in order to determine what areas of POE programs, ministries, activities and partnerships are most important to the Parish and will obtain the greatest participation and positive results. POE7.1TF 2 months after step 3 Parish POE survey information and interviews are collected 5. From all available resources, materials, research, surveys and interviews, identify, plan and obtain any necessary approvals for : (a) a quarterly schedule of POE events to be implemented by the Parish either alone or in partnership with another entity (the “Quarterly POE Events”); and (b) the most attractive Parish re-occurring signature POE program (the “Signature POE Program”); and develop strategy, budget, fundraising, mechanism, communications and implementation plan for all such POE programs, including dates, time and goals. . 3 months after step 4 Planning of recommended Quarterly POE Events and Signature POE Program is completed and ready for implementation
Philanthropy, Outreach & Evangelism Goal 7.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Goal 71 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 6. Present Quarterly POE Events and Signature POE Program to the Parish and continuously recruit until at least 100 parishioners participate in at least one of the Quarterly POE Events or Signature POE Program. POE7.1TF 8 months after step 5 At least 100 POE volunteers are recruited and participate in at least one of the Quarterly POE Events or Signature POE Program 7. Successfully implement: (a) at least one Quarterly POE Event every 4 months; and (b) the Signature POE Program annually. Concurrent with step 6 Quarterly POE Events and Signature POE Program are executed on schedule 8. Implement the POE effectiveness assessment tool to manage on-going effectiveness of the all Quarterly POE Events and the Signature POE Program, ensure alignment with overall Parish vision, and make necessary adjustments and improvements. After every Quarterly POE Event and Signature POE Program and at least annually continuously thereafter. Signature Philanthropy, Outreach and Evangelism Program is evaluated and revised as needed, and success is determined
STEWARDSHIP Goal 8.1 Comprehensive Stewardship Program
Within 9 months, we will develop and implement a comprehensive new adult and youth Stewardship Program that will: include personal interactions with all parishioners to be completed within 12 months after they begin; result in a sustainable minimum 20% increase in financial stewardship contributions and a 20% increase in engagement of volunteers in ministries within 18 months thereafter; and ensure that we fully fund our operating budget directly from parishioner Stewardship contributions within 3 years.
Stewardship Goal 8.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Stewardship Goal 8.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 1. Recruit Stewardship Goal 8.1 Task Force (“S8.1TF"). Stewardship Strategic Planning Task Force and the Goal Captain 1 month after Start Date S8.1TF members agree to serve 2. S8.1TF meets and allocates work to: (a) review the current Metropolis 15-step Igniting the Flame of True Orthodox Christian Stewardship Program and determine what elements of that will be incorporated in the new Parish Stewardship Program (the “Stewardship Program"); (b) complete research of other stewardship best practices that can be implemented, including specifically a youth stewardship program; (c) compile detailed stewardship data from the last 3 years. S8.1TF 3 months after step 1 Meeting has occurred and re-tooling process and best practices research has started 3. Complete the assessment of the research in the previous step 2, including determination of what constitutes best practices and finalize all of the stewardship data analysis from the last 3 years. 2 months after step 2 Assessment and research is complete 4. Synthesize current stewardship best practices, best of the current Metropolis Igniting the Flame of True Orthodox Stewardship Program to develop the new official Parish Stewardship Program that will include personal interactions and “Other Elements” (e.g., youth stewardship, planned giving, thanking ministry, etc.) 2 months after step 3 New and improved Stewardship Program has been developed and begins to be implemented
Stewardship Goal 8.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Stewardship Goal 8.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 5. Recruit Stewardship Team (the “Stewardship Team”) to conduct the personal interactions with the parishioners. S8.1TF 2 months after step 4 Stewardship Team have accepted responsibility 6. Train the Stewardship Team on the process to be used for the personal interactions. 2 months after step 5 All Stewardship Team members have been trained 7. Begin the personal interaction process and reach: (a) 100% of previous stewards; and (b) at least 20% of former (non-current) stewards from the last 3 years. Stewardship Team 3 months after step 6 Personal interaction has been completed with all parishioners and target former stewards 8. After all personal interactions are complete, conduct a detailed analysis of the results, commitments obtained and lessons learned, and determine what changes should be implemented in the next round of personal interactions. S8.1TF and Stewardship Team 2 months after step 7 Assessment is complete and changes are agreed upon and implemented in next round of interactions
Stewardship Goal 8.1 Action Plan
Specific Key Actions Necessary To Achieve Stewardship Goal 8.1 Who Must Do Each Action Timetable: How Many Months or Days To Finish Action From Previous Action How Will We Know When This Action Has Been Completed 9. Begin initiation of the other elements that comprise the final approved Stewardship Program as determined in Step 4 beyond the personal visitations (the “Other Elements”). S8.1TF and Stewardship Team Concurrent with steps 5 and 6 Each Other Element is initiated 10. Conduct follow-up assessment of each of Other Elements and corresponding successes, challenges and revise the Other Elements accordingly. At least 6 month months after implementation of step 9 and continuously every three months thereafter Other Element assessment is completed and changes are agreed upon and implemented
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