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TKaM Ch.3-6 10/16-10/19.

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1 TKaM Ch.3-6 10/16-10/19

2 Reread the last paragraph of Chapter 3.
Bell Work 10/16 Reread the last paragraph of Chapter 3. What is the symbolism of this anecdote? What is the message of the passage? Theme?

3 Anecdote A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. Synonyms: story, tale, narrative, incident

4 Symbol A thing that represents something else in an abstract manner. Examples: Sunshine = happiness Rain = sorrow Rose = love

5 Bell Work/Discussion Read/Listen Ch. 5-6 SG 1-6 Due 10/18 (Per. 1)
Agenda Bell Work/Discussion Read/Listen Ch. 5-6 SG 1-6 Due 10/18 (Per. 1) SG 1-6 Due 10/19 (Per. 2 & 6)

6 Bell Work 10/17 Write 5 Adjectives to describe the following characters: Scout Jem Dill Atticus Calpurnia

7 Agenda Bell Work/Discussion Literary Terms Continued Notes
Group Discussion Ch. 1-6

8 Allusion A casual reference to a famous work, person, event, or place Example: He lied so much that I was surprised his nose didn’t grow like Pinocchio’s.

9 Fiction A literary work that is fake (fiction = fake)

10 Foil Characters who are so different that they bring out one another's qualities Example: Native Americans and European Settlers

11 In Media Res A story that begins half way through the plot line.

12 Non-Fiction Definition: A literary work that is real (hint: non-fiction=not fake) Examples: Historical narratives, autobiographies, primary sources

13 Paraphrase Putting specific text from literature, information, or film into your own words.

14 Satire A work that criticizes and pokes fun at society in hopes of improving it Examples: The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Jimmy Fallon

15 Dramatic Irony Definition: A situation in which certain events are understood by the audience but not by the characters Example: Murder scenes (audience can see the killer, but the victim cannot)

16 Situational Irony Definition: A discrepancy between the expected situation and the actual situation Example: A fire station burns down.

17 Verbal Irony Definition: When what is said is the opposite of what is meant. Example: Sarcasm: I just love getting a flat tire!

18 Connotation Definition: The secondary meaning of a word; the images and feelings that a word bring EX: “economical” sounds intelligent “stingy” sounds selfish

19 Denotation Definition: The dictionary definition of a word; no hidden meaning. Example: “Apartheid” denotes a political policy of segregation

20 Imagery The use of vivid language to represent objects, actions, or ideas Example: The lost girl jogged across the heaps of lumpy, white snow.

21 6-8 Sentences. Bell Work 10/18-10/19
What is your most treasured ability? Do you love to play sports, draw, play music, etc.? Describe how your life would be impacted if you lost that ability. 6-8 Sentences.

22 Agenda Bell Work/Discussion 5-10 Minute group discussions Ch. 1-6 Quiz
Grade Quiz as a class Begin chapter 7? Ch. 7-8 Due Monday 10/22

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