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Existentialism, Albert Camus, and The Stranger

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1 Existentialism, Albert Camus, and The Stranger
Albert Camus ( ), a French philosopher of the absurd, novelist, and dramatist

2 History of Algeria French become involved because of political disagreement with the Ottomans French army lands in 1830 and begins colonizing the area French colonizers face rebellions and a large Muslim population Both groups want equal rights Evidence of human presence since 4000 B.C. Settlers include African civilizations, Romans, Arabs, Turks, Europeans The Turks win control of the area and allow pirates to monitor as representatives of Ottoman Empire

3 Conflicts in Algeria Left: Place de la republique, Algiers, 1899
French settlers have ruling rights, excluding natives, Muslims, and others from power French force Muslims to pay higher taxes French hold the majority of farmable land French government decides to grant French citizenship to Algerian Jews but not Muslims Furthers separation between different groups Conflicts last until the mid 1900s

4 Algeria in the early 1900s

5 Life in Algeria for Albert Camus
Born November 7, 1913 in Mondovi, Algeria Father dies in WWI before Camus is a year old and mother is physically disabled Grows up in poverty Receives a scholarship to attend school Contracts tuberculosis which stays with him for the rest of his life Receives a degree in philosophy in from University of Algiers Begins writing stories and essays reflecting his life in Algeria with the common themes: Poverty, racism, corruption, mistreatment of women Vulnerability of human life Never-ending status of world Works as a playwright and actor, eventually becomes journalist for Alger-Republicain in 1938 Moves to France at start of WWII and joins resistance movement Awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1957 Dies in automobile accident in 1960

6 A Poem by Stephen Crane A man said to the universe: “Sir I exist!”
“However,” replied the universe, “the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation.” What is the relationship like between the man and the universe? What does “obligation” mean? What does this poem say about our role in the world?

7 What is Existentialism?
1. “a philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will” 2. “A body of ethical thought centering about the uniqueness and isolation of individual experience in a universe indifferent or hostile to man, regarding human existence as unexplainable, and emphasizing man’s freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of his acts”

8 What is Existentialism?
The word first appeared in 1941 Individuals must not allow their choices to be constrained by ANYTHING -- not even reason or morality. One has the ultimate freedom to choose. It is absolutely necessary that we consider the tenets of existentialism in the context in which it was created -- in this case, the context is world war II. In the late 1940s the new philosophy captured the imagination of europe and america. Though the roots of existentialism had preceded this period, it became a self-conscious (deliberate) philosophy in its own right only after world war II. It is this very difficult and often dismal period of which existentialism is a product. Unlike earlier and later philosophies, existentialism wasn’t a concrete and dogmatic system, but more of a mood -- an outlook that contained related themes. Because of the diversity of positions associated with existentialism, there is no hard and fast definition for existentialism…Certain themes common to virtually all existentialist writers can be identified, though. We can look at the similarity of outlook and a common approach to particular problems of human existence. Some of the beliefs they shared, which we’ll look at closely in a few minutes, are concerns centered on the uniqueness of individuals and their situations, a preoccupation with anxiety, absurdity, crisis situations, value definition, and choice-making. There is a stress on concrete individual existence and, consequently, on subjectivity, individual freedom, and choice. Believed that human beings must define their own nature -- there is no such thing as “human nature” -- nothing that connects us. We can’t rely on any sort of convention as a guide to understanding...Each person must be courageous enough (and that is the key…that it takes a certain courage to move toward authenticity or awareness) to define his or her own existence, since it is completely unique to them. Then, once that existence is defined, the individual must take the responsibility for making their own choices. In this view, humans are what they do. even though it’s hard to define, there are certain recurring themes...

9 Death: According to Existentialists
Simply put: Life is short, then you die. According to Sartre, death is an absurd birth…it is nothing but the wiping out of my existence as a conscious being What’s the point of anything if everyone dies?

10 Moral Individualism No standards for what’s right and wrong
No single standard for moral decisions I decide what’s moral. I’m responsible for the consequences of my actions.

11 The Stranger Published in 1942 – smack in the middle of World War II
Also called The Outsider Camus’ first novel Focuses on the philosophies of absurdity and existentialism Takes place in Algeria First-person POV (Meursault) Separated into two parts (first part leading up to a major incident; second part after the incident)

12 Discussion points: Existence is absurd and true meaning in life is impossible. Day to day existence is filled with anxiety and fear. The idea that I am born into a particular time, place, family, and economic environment is absurd. When I am born, I am undefined without any prior essence or preconceived personality or soul. In life, I must make choices regardless of what’s best for others. I can only choose what’s best for me.

13 The Stranger Reading Schedule
Friday, November 20: Part 1, Chapters 1-2 Tuesday, November 24: Part 1, Chapters 3-4 Tuesday, December 1: Part 1, Chapters 5-6 Friday, December 4: Part 2, Chapter 1 Tuesday, December 8: Part 2, Chapter 2 Friday, December 11: Part 2, Chapter 3 Tuesday, December 15: Part 2, Chapter 4 Friday, December 18: Part 2, Chapter 5--(Finish novel.)

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