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Shock and Awe Instruction

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1 Shock and Awe Instruction
Karen Kaemmerling eLCC 2012

2 Battle to Engage Students
Going into battle at the beginning of the term trying to find ways to keep students engaged with the course content? This presentation will explore two course design concepts? Consistant design versus Keeping it fresh and different I’m neutral….Not really promoting either. Battle to Engage Students

3 Consistent Versus Inconsistent
Pondering for several years the best design methods to engage students Where do they go? Why aren’t they participating in discussions? Consistent Versus Inconsistent

4 Easy navigation Consistent Layout

5 Sometimes Passive

6 Elements of Consistent Course Design
Predictable Repetitious assignment expectations Same workload for each unit Consistent timetable Transparent (no surprises) Courses are predictable Same assignment number and workload for each unit Consistent layout and appearance Elements of Consistent Course Design

7 Too Boring?

8 WOW Factor

9 Create Drama

10 Conflict and Resolution

11 Access Student Emotions

12 Build Energy

13 Shake it up! Vary assignments Provide content in unique ways
Focus on active learner engagement Keep’em coming back for more Shake it up!

14 Compromise?

15 Engage Them!

16 Engaging Activities Imagery, video, audio, music
Games and immersive activities Real-time, web-based data Role Play Assignments with real life applications Current events “Gate-way” assignments Student generated discussions and assignments Peer groups Course activities must be Accessible Engaging Activities

17 Instructor Actions Establish course goals Provide study strategy tips
Personalize syllabus Frequent communication Prompt grading Instructor Actions

18 My Students Say


20 design-4-fundamental-ways-to-engage-students-in-an-online-course/ ing.pdf neCourseDesign.pdf d=7 learning.html Images from Power Point Clip Art or Resources

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