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October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA 1 An Invitation.

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Presentation on theme: "October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA 1 An Invitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA 1 An Invitation

2 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA A few moments of your time… The Antenna Measurement Techniques Association Whats student day all about? A taste of the fun Save the date! 2

3 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA Not just about antennas! 3

4 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA So what is student day? 4 AMTA has a long standing tradition of encouraging young engineers to become involved in antenna engineering and the related disciplines. A key component of this effort is Student Day, held on Tuesday during AMTA's annual conference. Student Day is an opportunity for local college students to get a taste of the profession by interacting with practicing engineers in a variety of venues throughout the day. This year will be no exception, as the students will again have an opportunity to tour the vendor exhibits, sit in on papers, and enjoy a free dinner and presentation targeting issues relevant to those about to enter the engineering profession. In addition, we also have an exciting new activity we've been contemplating - a Student Day Design Contest.

5 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA Student Day – a Small Taste 5 A New Paradigm… Who doesn't like a little friendly competition, especially when there is prize money at stake! Well, get ready to put some of that book learning into practice. AMTA 2013 will host a Student Day Design Contest targeted at those local students attending the conference. Here's an opportunity to show off your engineering skills to those recruiters (don't forget to bring your resumes) and have fun at the same time. … a tutorial capped with an on-site design competition using vendor supplied equipment (and interaction) to excite our future AMTA members!

6 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA Tutorial: RCS 101-The Art of Invisible 6 an introduction to the basic concept of radar cross section in a way that is both informative and entertaining a taste of electromagnetic (EMAG) theory, radar, metrology, and test design concepts all the tools youll need to dominate the competition during the design challenge an opportunity to apply what you learned in a way youll never forget Heres what you will get… …but wait, theres more!

7 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA The Design Challenge 7 Work in teams to design, implement and test* modifications to a scaled model car to reduce its RCS over the forward and rear sectors Pull together the concepts presented in the tutorial and apply them to meet or exceed the specifications Demonstrate the effectiveness of your modifications front sector rear sector side sector side sector Specified Level This is what you will do… *State-of-the-art radar along with expert guidance will be provided for the diagnostic and specification compliance measurements.

8 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA 8 Use instrumentation RADAR to evaluate car RCS baseline ISAR diagnostic images identify scattering contributors Apply RCS reduction techniques Use RADAR to measure specification compliance RCS Reduction Process …now is the time to demonstrate what youve learned and grab the prize! What is involved?

9 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA 9 A Preliminary Schedule 1:15-1:30 PM Student Day Introductions 1:30-1:50 PM Sit in on paper presentation 1:50-3:00 PM Vendor Demos/Exhibitor Visits 3:00-3:30 PM Break (continued networking) 3:30-4:30 PM Design Contest- related Tutorial 4:30-5:30 PM Teams work designs/testing 5:30-6:30 PM Dinner/mingle 6:30-7:00 PM Measurement Talk – Industry 7:00-7:30 PM Measurement Talk – Academia 7:30-8:00 PM Winners announced, prizes awarded

10 October 6- 11, 2013 35 th Annual Meeting & Symposium Columbus, Ohio, USA Save the date! 10 Tuesday, October 8 th Dont miss it!!! For more information, please visit

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