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The Early Church Acts 2:42ff.

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Presentation on theme: "The Early Church Acts 2:42ff."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Early Church Acts 2:42ff

2 1. They were devoted to Bible study (the apostles teachings)

3 2. They were devoted to the
church fellowship (loyalty)

4 3. They were devoted to fellowshipping with each other

5 4. They were devoted to prayer

6 5. They had reverence for God

7 6. There was evidence of the power of God among them

8 7. There was unity

9 8. There was support for each others’ needs

10 9. They were faithful to the body and to worship

11 10. They had fellowship with each other outside the organized church

12 11. They were sincere and had joy in each others’ company

13 12. They praised God

14 13. They had a good reputation

15 14. People were being saved and added to the fellowship

16 What can we learn From Ephesians 4:11-16?

17 1. All were using their spiritual gifts to build up the body of Christ: a. Unity in the faith b. Unity in the knowledge of Christ (personal acquaintance with) c. Mature, filled with the fullness of Christ

18 2. They were taught not to be
infants tossed about by different teachings and deceitful schemes of leaders.

19 3. They were taught to speak
the truth in love, and to grow up into Christ: each supporting each other, each doing his/her part.

20 How is your church doing?

21 What will YOU do… To help YOUR church?

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