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Perfecto Coffee: Transition Readiness Review

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1 Perfecto Coffee: Transition Readiness Review
Team 5

2 Agenda Operational Concept Overview
Transition Readiness Review (TRR) Specific Outline Transition Objective & Strategy Product Status Demo Test Cases - Procedures & Results QFP Transition Plan - Summary Hello. This is the trr for perfecro coffee. Unlike normal trr where its development to production phase, we are doing a trr for development to a further development phase to fit our project better.

3 Operational Concept Overview
Expedite the coffee ordering process Customizability of coffee Availability of coffee Build a community through social media This is still the goal, with us working with user experience as our guide The standard app model for coffee customization and ordering is Starbucks What we had before was an attempt to make a new app without trying to copy After the core capability drive-through session, concept direction changed to incorporate applicable features from the Starbucks app Need to address that the purpose of creating the app using React Native was to allow for growth to support an app for both iOS and Android. However, our team developer’s focused on creating the iOS version of the app. The underlying basic framework is available for Android (some required configurations are in place), but additional development is required get the Android app to function like the iOS app.

4 Operational Concept Overview

5 TRR specific outline Finish core features for highest priority use cases of the current mobile app Provide documentation for the transition of the created software for new developers to continue development Outlining a plan for future iterations of the app Hand over the app to the client for further development and testing

6 Transition Objective & Strategy
Objectives for the next development iteration: Provide future direction and considerations for development Provide proper information required to setup the environment to continue development Strategy for Transition: Overall, this is an incremental transitioning in terms of development During the kiosk development and testing, it will be parallel operations

7 Product Status Demo (iOS app)

8 Backend Demo Running on Node.js and Sails.js
Database has been restructured to allow future flexibility Some new features Stripe Mailgun Revamped User Table Ingredients Table Admin Login

9 Testing Overview Focusing primarily on testing of key functionality rather than creating a rigid automation structure due to constantly evolving software development. Tested primarily for iOS via XCode simulators Some testing done via Android Emulator but most functionality is currently working on iOS

10 Testing Procedures iOS Running a simulator via XCode Automated
Not fully functional yet but for repetitive UI testing Manual Testing functionality like an actual user would Android Running an emulator through Android Studio Cadence Weekly or given a new exciting functionality or update

11 Testing Considerations
Is the app broken or is your setup broken? Testing through Android and iOS simulators creates plenty of opportunities for errors due to poor backwards compatibility of XCode and related tools. Some people are limited by resources (PC or Mac) or existing software versions (OSX Sierra vs OSX Mojave) which complicates testing. Even one SDK (Facebook SDK) or tool (React) being a version behind can throw warnings, not errors, but actually prevent your app from executing correctly. For future testing, we will document the exact details of the system on which the application can run without error including: OSX version, XCode version, React version, Node version, React Native version, Facebook SDK version, etc. so less time is spent debugging setup.

12 Test Suites Test Identifier Verification Type Test Cases P/F/NT
TC-01: Sign Up Testing TC-01-01: Validate User Input P TC-01-02: Create User Account Inspection TC-01-03: Verify User Account Creation in DB

13 Test Suites Test Identifier Verification Type Test Cases P/F/NT
TC-02: Login/Logout Testing TC-02-01: Verify Facebook login integration P TC-02-02: Verify user login input Inspection TC-02-03: Verify user login in DB TC-02-04: Verify user logout in DB NT

14 Test Suites Test Identifier Verification Type Test Cases P/F/NT
TC-03: Browse recipes Inspection TC-03-01: View recipes - Order page P TC-03-02: View recipes - Recipes page Testing/Inspection TC-03-03: Recipe saved - Verify displayed recipes against DB F TC-03-04: Recipe deleted - Verify displayed recipes against DB NT

15 Test Suites Test Identifier Verification Type Test Cases P/F/NT
Cont’d TC-03: Browse recipes Testing TC-03-05: Recipe selected (Order page) - Verify available recipe actions P TC-03-06: Recipe selected (Recipes page) - Verify available recipe actions TC-04: Saving/deleting recipes Testing/Inspection TC-04-01: Save recipe TC-04-02: Delete recipe F

16 Test Suites Test Identifier Verification Type Test Cases P/F/NT
TC-05: Customizing recipes Testing TC-05-01: Verify ingredient levels can be modified from base recipe P Inspection TC-05-02: Verify customization/order process is 3-4 steps Testing/Inspection TC-05-03: Verify Recipe Review modifications and actual recipe modifications match TC-05-04: Verify DB updates NT

17 Test Suites Test Identifier Verification Type Test Cases P/F/NT
TC-06: Sharing recipes via Social Media Testing/Inspection TC-06-01: Verify/validate recipe sharing function and results (share to Facebook account) NT TC-07: Searching/selecting kiosks Inspection TC-07-01: Verify map integration P Simulation/Inspection TC-07-02: View/verify kiosks on map Testing TC-07-03: Verify correct handling of order request based on the status of the selected kiosk

18 Test Results Total: 23 test cases Passed 16 Not Tested/Failed 7

19 Test Failures or Not Tested
Test Failure/Not Tested Cases Explanation TC-02-04 NT. Difficult to tell if a user is logged out in current Schema for tester. TC-03-03 F. None were shown in the DB table, need to investigate more. TC-03-04 NT. Need more research on how to do this i.e. viewing logs. TC-04-02 F. Not yet implemented.

20 Test Failures or Not Tested
Test Failure/Not Tested Cases Explanation TC-05-04 NT. Due to no recipes showing in DB. TC-06-01 NT. Was not able to make sharing work on simulator. TC-07-03 NT. Not currently able to test kiosk status.

21 How did you fix it/mitigation plan
Technical Debt (1/4) # Description Category1 Category2 Status How did you fix it/mitigation plan No. of weeks active 1 Inability to test app/hardware integration due to hardware unavailability. The kiosk hardware (as well as hardware specifications) that will be needed to integrate with the app does not currently exist. Its specs will impact the app's customization feature and database object structuring, so once hardware is available, the these may need to be updated in the app. Methods, Processes and Tools (MPT) Shortfalls Prudent Inadvertent Remaining (1) Measurement unit/s for ingredients. We will have the same measurement units used in the Starbucks app for equivalent and/or similar ingredients. 1 hour implementation effort. (2) Hardware API considerations (how flexible, rigid?). This flexibility/rigidity will drive some architectural considerations for the backend of the app. This risk will be mitigated to future hardware and software engineers to coordinate. 13 Most of our technical debt is related to the interface between the kiosk hardware and SW app. Since the hardware does not exist, there are a lot of unknown factors that will need to be addressed as the hardware starts being developed.

22 How did you fix it/mitigation plan
Technical Debt (2/4) # Description Category1 Category2 Status How did you fix it/mitigation plan No. of weeks active 2 Team inexperience with React Native. In order to enable our mobile app to work for both iOS and Android phones, we are proceeding with using React Native for app development (though we will be focusing on iOS development). Personnel Shortfalls Reckless Deliberate Solved for iOS, Remaining for Android iOS: The iOS development team has continually researched and trained with various React Native development tutorials and documentation from the internet to implement an iOS version of the app for React Native. Android: Given the iOS focus, no substantial Android-specific development was done. The app was successfully compiled and started with a virtual device on Android Studio, but most of the app's developed features are currently unavailable for the Android version. This integration effort will be mitigated to future Android-side app developers. 8

23 How did you fix it/mitigation plan
Technical Debt (3/4) # Description Category1 Category2 Status How did you fix it/mitigation plan No. of weeks active 3 Possible discrepancy between available customization options (i.e. the different syrups, milk types, etc available at each kiosk) vs the flavors the client/customers want Methods, Processes and Tools (MPT) Shortfalls Prudent Inadvertent Remaining This is related to technical debt #1 because it is hardware dependent. Since the hardware has not been developed, discussions regarding the possibility of specs to support ingredient replaceability will be mitigated to coordinated efforts between future hardware and software developers. 8 4 All recipes will be public until the basic customization feature is complete. Personnel Shortfalls Prudent Deliberate Consider including a flag as a part of the Recipe DB object so once the core customization capability is verified, developers can explore whether to allow a feature for private vs public recipes.

24 How did you fix it/mitigation plan
Technical Debt (4/4) # Description Category1 Category2 Status How did you fix it/mitigation plan No. of weeks active 5 Currently have a specialized social media login and sharing methods: Facebook. It is incompatible with all other social media options, applications, and sharing mechanisms available by phone Methods, Processes and Tools (MPT) Shortfalls Prudent Inadvertent Remaining We plan to finish familiarizing with sharing and profile aspects using the facebook login as test case and ground work. Currently though, we use Facebook because we are specifically testing how to upload data within the terms and conditions of social media company and how to make that data more accessible for potential customers outside of users of the application. Afterwards, there will be a switch to a built in React Native sharing mechanism that is found in common with every app (share button and then share to chosen app). 4

25 Traceability Matrix (1/3)
OCD Requirement(s) Use Cases Priority Test Case(s) OC-1: Recipe Customization WC_4820, WC_4834, WC_4846, WC_4861, WC_4865, WC_4918, WC_4920, WC_4982 UC-3, UC-4, UC-5, UC-6, UC-12, UC-17, UC-22, UC-24 High TC-03, TC-04, TC-05 OC-2: Social Media Sharing WC_4901, WC_4909 UC-4, UC-12, UC-13, UC-14, UC-16 TC-06 OC-3: Payment Method Selection WC_4845, WC_4917 UC-2, UC-7, UC-8 Low N/A OC-4: Kiosk Selection WC_4916, WC_4983 UC-2, UC-9, UC-10, UC-11 TC-07 OC-5: User Profile Customization WC_4835, WC_4845, WC_4865, WC_4898, WC_4900, WC_4901, WC_4902, WC_4910, WC_4913, WC_4915, WC_4919 UC-1, UC-2, UC-4, UC-5, UC-6, UC-7, UC-8, UC-9, UC-10, UC-11, UC-12, UC-17, UC-21, UC-22, UC-23, UC-24 Medium TC-03, TC-04

26 Traceability Matrix (2/3)
OCD Requirement(s) Use Cases Priority Test Case(s) OC-6: Information & Transaction Database WC_4820, WC_4835, WC_4846, WC_4865, WC_4913, WC_4915, WC_4919, WC_4922, WC_4981 UC-1, UC-2, UC-3, UC-4, UC-5, UC-6, UC-7, UC-8, UC-9, UC-10, UC-11, UC-12, UC-16, UC-17, UC-18, UC-19, UC-20, UC-21, UC-22, UC-23, UC-24, UC-25 High TC-01-03, TC-02-03, TC-02-04, TC-03-03, TC-03-04, TC-04, TC-05-04 OC-7: Login System WC_4981 UC-1 Medium TC-01, TC-02 OC-8: Notification System WC_4902, WC_4911, WC_4912 UC-2, UC-15, UC-18, UC-19, UC-21, UC-24, UC-25 Low N/A OC-9: Order Scheduling WC_4908, WC_4913, WC_4916, WC_4919 UC-15, UC-18, UC-19, UC-20, UC-25 TC-03-05, TC-03-06, TC-07 OC-10: Inventory Management WC_4911, WC_4912, WC_4921, WC_4922 UC-9, UC-10, UC-11

27 Traceability Matrix (3/3)
OCD Requirement(s) Use Cases Priority Test Case(s) OC-11: Recipe Gifting WC_4844, WC_4909 UC-4, UC-13, UC-14, UC-16 Low TC-06-01 OC-12: Recipe Reviews WC_4901 UC-4, UC-12, UC-16 N/A OC-13: Rewards System WC_4899, WC_4910 UC-12, UC-13, UC-14, UC-16

28 Defect Tracking - App Development
Code defects include bugs found during peer review/testing and CCD. Code enhancements include feedback from peer review/testing and CCD. For both metrics, hours worked were compiled from Jira tickets. Android-related issues are not addressed here as our focus was the iOS app this semester. As mentioned in the tech debt, lots of the COTS integration done for the iOS app would need to be done for Android as well. This will be code specific… look at Jira “bug” tickets and “dev” tickets. How long each of them took to resolve or complete, consider each CCD comment and other instructor/presentation feedback as different “defects” or enhancement opportunities (colorize defects vs enhancements?) O yeah, include design? Like the progress report thing where concerns prop up. Like after ccd, concerns of design goes way up. Need to address it. Measure with time? Biweekly reports have dates on them and number of concerns in certain categories. Think of it like this. You only need to look at biweekly reports. Thats fine? These metrics arent supposed to be complete, they just need to be a work in progress. Sometimes metrics dont have a lot of info in the beginning but a lot later at the end

29 Burndown - Win Condition Implementation
10 Win-Win agreements First few weeks - lots of hours of implementation for prototype in Swift, then we transitioned to React Native after that. 2 win conditions currently not implemented (deleting and modifying saved recipes)

30 Transition Plan - Summary
Hardware/Software/Site/Staff Preparation Operational testing, training & evaluation Stakeholder roles & responsibilities Milestone plan Software product elements & required resources

31 Hardware/Software/Site/Staff Preparation
Kiosk should be prototyped by hardware developers COTS components and hardware-component integration Software Packaging of developer code for each module As all software is free, it is readily downloadable Installation steps used from the technical manual for further development/testing Site Client must select new site for software development, remote/on-site development Client must select site for hardware development dependent on location of hardware developer team Staff Staff require training for development

32 Operational testing, training, & evaluation
Throughout development process, we have been unit testing to ensure the functioning of the code Test cases outlined by Kate Training Future developers will train themselves using the tools provided in the technical manual (GitHub instructions, database, servers, administration, front-end, API integrations) Users and testers will train themselves using the app itself and the user manual Evaluation Ensuring the client’s expectations are met to proceed with development Gathering and considering the metrics collected for the development phase

33 Stakeholder Roles & Responsibilities
Current Software Team: Provide documentation and release current software to the client for new developers Client: Give project direction and find new developer teams Post-Transition Hardware Team: Begin work on kiosk development Software Team: Assess interoperability of designed software to hardware components Investors: Capital for hardware/software development Client: Outline specification for kiosk requirements to hardware developers, plan future business/employee location, find ingredient suppliers and maintainers

34 Milestone plan CCD Session 16th Nov TRR Presentation 30th Nov Handover
5th Dec

35 Software Product Elements & Required Resources
Code Front-end UI source code written in JavaScript using React Native for iOS Back-end database hosted by AWS written in MySQL using Sails.js Admin Portal website COTS services: Software support resources can be found in the support plan AWS & Sails.js Google Maps API Facebook API Documentation App installation procedure and software tool documentation found in technical manual As-built package documentation in project archive: OCD, FED, SSAD, LCP, TPC, TP, UM, SP, TM Various Documentation Provided By: - Our Documentation provided by the CS577 project specifications - Relevant code documentation online for framework, coding language, and database Software Product Elements: - Source code of application and database Required resources: - Amazon servers (free trial account) - IOS development license - Google api and social media api

36 Thank you for listening!
Various Documentation Provided By: - Our Documentation provided by the CS577 project specifications - Relevant code documentation online for framework, coding language, and database Software Product Elements: - Source code of application and database Required resources: - Amazon servers (free trial account) - IOS development license - Google api and social media api


38 Win-Win Agreements 1/2 (from SSAD, for reference)
# WC ID Win Condition BV CoF 1 WC_4820 As a user, I can browse from a list of existing recipes. 10 2 WC_4835 As a user, I can delete a saved recipe which I no longer want to hold from my recipes list. 3 WC_4846 As a user, I can select a coffee type (e.g. Cappuccino, Latte, Expresso, etc) and then adjust ingredients as I want from its standard recipe. 4 WC_4909 As a User, I should be able to share the recipe via social media 5 WC_4916 As a user, I can change which kiosk I send my order to.

39 Win-Win Agreements 2/2 (from SSAD, for reference)
# WC ID Win Condition BV CoF 6 WC_4918 As a user I can customise my coffee 10 7 WC_4919 As a user I can view the recipe from my saved coffee selections and choose to vend it 8 WC_4981 As a user I can log in / out the app with my username and password or existed social media account. 9 WC_4982 As a user I can update any one of customized recipes which is stored in my recipe list. WC_4983 As a user I can identify how many available kiosks are near around me and where exactly they are.

40 Backup Demo - Splash / Signup / Login

41 Backup Demo - Home/Menu/ Profile

42 Backup Demo - Customization

43 Backup Demo - My Recipes List / Detail

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