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From republic to empire

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1 From republic to empire
4/4/2019 Chapter 6

2 Expansion Creates Problems
Widening gap between rich and poor Increased slavery, unemployment, homelessness Wealthy Romans became corrupt



5 The Republic Collapses
121 B.C. – Civil war erupts Dictator generals fought with private armies 60 B.C. – The First Triumvirate stabilized Rome Julius Caesar Crassus Pompey 44 B.C. – Caesar is named dictator for life

6 Julius Caesar

7 The Ides of March Caesar passed sweeping reforms to help the poor
Became increasingly popular, and feared 44 B.C. – stabbed to death on the Senate floor The Second Triumvirate assumes control Octavian (Augustus) Mark Antony Lepidus

8 The State of the Empire Pax Romana – 27 B.C. – 180 A.D.
Augustus’s civil service (law and order) Five good emperors… and then some bad ones Caligula and Nero The pain of succession

9 Life in Imperial Rome Patriarchal family structure Practicality
Women were nearly social equals Children and Education Slaves and gladiators Gods and Goddesses “Bread and Circuses” Welfare

10 Gladiators

11 Pantheon Commissioned by Marcus Agrippa and rebuilt by Hadrian in 126 A.D.



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