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The Roman Empire Homework Review
Chapter 6 Section 2
Civil War A war fought between 2 or more sides within a country.
The Romans will fight a series of Civil Wars starting with Julius Caesar for control of the Empire. Caesar fought Pompey (Commander of the loyal Senate forces) from 49 – 46 B.C. Defeating Pompey in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt.
Add to end: Province A smaller part of a larger unit. In Rome each province was ruled by a governor who reported back to Rome (Centralized).
Add: Cornellius Sula A roman general who marches on Rome in 82 B.C. to demand land for his successful soldiers. Sets a Precedent: Using the loyalty of his troops to bully the government into doing his will.
Julius Caesar Brilliant Roman Aristocrat who uses his popularity as a Roman General, governor of Gaul, and Consul to become Dictator for Life in 46 B.C. after fighting in a civil war from B.C. against the Senate (& Pompey). Causes the Fall the of the Republic.
Add: Cicero Roman Senator who was champion of the Republic and adversary and critic of Julius Caesar. Killed by Mark Anthony’s “Thugs” for his criticism.
Add: Octavian Rome’s First Official Emperor.
Julius Caesar’s chosen successor (adopted heir). Octavian will become Augustus Caesar (exalted one), and imperator (where the word emperor comes from). Rome’s First Official Emperor. Sets a Precedent: The reigning Emperor chooses his successor and adopts him – so all Emperors become “Caesar.” What’s With the Baby? The baby is said to be the son of Venus (Cupid) and he is riding a Dolphin (hard to see) but the Dolphin connects him to Neptune – god of the sea. The message = Augustus is Divine (a god).
Add: Mark Antony Roman General who was friend to Julius Caesar and eventually enemy of Octavian. Would fight in a Civil War against Octavian in 33 B.C. for control of the Empire.
Add: Marcus Brutus One of Julius Caesar’s friends and ally in the senate but betrays Caesar and helps assassinate him on March 15th 44 B.C. Famous for Julius Caesar’s legendary last words: “Et Tu Brute.” – You Too Brutus!
Triumvirate A group of 3 rulers who “share” power.
Rome had 2 set of triumvirates. 1st Triumvirate B.C.: The Republic was dominated by Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. 2nd Triumvirate B.C.: Made up by Julius Caesar’s supporters after his assassination (Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus).
Augustus The Exalted one: Name chosen by Octavian as Rome’s First Emperor in 27 B.C.
Pax Romana Means “Roman Peace.”
Started by Augustus Caesar in 27 B.C. and will last until 180 A.D. where Rome was in a relative state of peace. (No more Civil War – but there were plenty of wars on the borders and for conquest). The Colosseum
Add: Autocracy (autocratic)
A ruler, dictator, autocrat, who rules with no check on their power. A government with total power over the people.
Gladiator A Sport Fighter, mostly trained slaves, who would sometimes fight to the death for sport in the Roman Arena. Some were not slaves & fought for the money and glory! Many fights were to First Blood – not to the death.
3. What factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic?
Economic poverty for vast majority of people – 95% poor. The soldiers’ loyalty to generals - not to Republic (remember Sula). Julius Caesar & the Civil War he started.
4. What were the main reasons for the Roman’s success in controlling such a large empire?
Efficient system of government (centralized), with good rulers, and a strong well trained and equipped military. A vast network of roads helped speed up communication and TRADE. The use of the Mediterranean Sea as a massive internal liquid highway – fast communication and TRADE.
5. What measures did the government take to distract and control the masses of Rome?
The government controlled the masses (the common people) of Rome through a variety of free entertainments and welfare (free food and games - the Gladiator Games), many holidays and festivals. The Hippodrome: A Circus Maximus where chariot racing was the main event
6. What role did Julius Caesar play in the decline of the republic and the rise of the Empire?
J.C. first gained the love and devotion of his men as Consul, Governor of Gaul, and Successful General – his popularity grew both in the military and to the citizens. After winning the Civil War he first gained the confidence of the people and restored order to Rome, his reforms made him loved by the masses of people and being made dictator for LIFE ended the Republic. All future Civil Wars would be fought to see who would become the next Caesar!
7. What aspects of Roman society remained similar from Republic to Empire?
Many aspects of Roman society remained the same but the most common was the gap between the rich and the poor continued to be extreme. 95% poverty rate in the City of Rome – most were unemployed and lived off free food and entertainment paid for by the wealthy – By the end of the Pax Romana Rome recognized over 180 holidays year. The massive number of unemployed commoners in Rome was referred to as “The Masses” or “The Mob.”
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