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The English Colonies The Thirteen.

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1 The English Colonies The Thirteen

2 New England Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island made up the New England Colony, Lots of mountains and valleys with very little good soil It was very cold in the winter with mild to warm summers.

3 New England New England was very religious. Laws were made that followed the Bible. Everyone must follow these laws.

4 New England Some people began to dissent, or disagree with the Puritan leaders. They thought that the leaders should not tell them how to think or act. People like Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, and Thomas Hooker spoke out against the rules of the Puritans.

5 New England The colonists and Native Americans argued and fought constantly over land. The colonists thought that they could move to land and claim it. The Native Americans thought you could not own the land, that it was for everyone to use.

6 New England One of the primary resources for the colonists of New England was the sea. Farming was very difficult in New England. The colonists fished for cod (for food) and whale (for oil for lamps)

7 New England New England colonists had to work hard for things they needed. Many homes were just one main room with five or six children. Light and heat came from a fire or oil lamps

8 New England Men(boys) and women(girls) had different responsibilities. Men worked in the fields, cared for the farm animals, and repaired anything broken. Women made clothing, cooked, and helped in the fields as well.

9 New England New England was well known for education. The Puritans wanted everyone to be able to read the Bible, so they passed laws saying there must be schools for kids to attend. The first American Universities like Harvard were created for older students could go.

10 The Middle Colonies New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware. Glaciers left good soil on rolling hills and valleys. Their was a longer growing season. Lots of rivers for easy transportation.

11 Middle Colonies New York and New Jersey were captured by the English from the Dutch. The King of England gave the land to his brother who was the King of York.

12 Middle Colonies Pennsylvania and Delaware was given to a English Quaker named William Penn. Quakers were a religious group that thought everyone should be free worship in their own way.

13 Middle Colonies The Middle Colonies were owned by people back in England called proprietors Proprietors hired governors to rule. Colonists elected representatives to help

14 Middle Colonies The Middle Colonies were very diverse Cities like New York were already diverse Quakers accepted man different religions in Pennsylvania and Delaware.

15 Middle Colonies Glaciers had left lots of good soil in the region of the Middle Colonies. Farmers grew many fruits, vegetables and grains. They raised livestock like pigs and cattle. The middle colonies became the “breadbasket” of the thirteen colonies.

16 Middle Colonies Philadelphia and New York were the biggest cities in the Middle Colonies. Many people lived in cities – Shopkeepers ( a person who sells something) Artisans (a person who makes something) Merchants (a person who trades goods) Laborer (a person who does physical work) Apprentice (a young person studying a skill)

17 Southern Colonies Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Very watery land. Lots of rivers, bays and wetlands. Warm weather and fertile soil. Great for growing.

18 Southern Colonies Reasons these colonies were founded – Refuge = A safe place Debtors = a person who owes another money Colony Reason Virginia To find gold Maryland A refuge for Catholics Carolinas To keep control of the Atlantic coast Georgia To help debtors and other poor people

19 Southern Colonies The soil in the southern colonies was very good for growing. The main cash groups were tobacco, rice, indigo, and cotton

20 Southern Colonies Plantations are large farms. People who work at plantations live on the plantations too. Most people in the southern colonies worked on small farms. They grew their own food and some cash crops to sell.

21 Brain Warm Up 1/10 What was the reason for creating the Georgia Colony?

22 Slavery Slavery is a system of forced labor.
Slavery was most common in the south.

23 Slavery Why? - Most people in the south made their money by farming.
- Big farms had to hire people to do the large amounts of work. - A plantation owner could save money by not having to pay a wage to a worker.

24 Slavery The slave trade was part of the Triangular Trade. People were taken from Africa, taken to America, and sold to plantation owners.

25 Slavery Slaves were seen as property, not people. Slaves were given very small and simple houses, very little food, and very poor clothing. Slaves that resisted or tried to escape were beaten or killed.

26 Slavery Though slavery was cruel, the African people developed a culture that helped them survive. Religion, songs and stories were extremely important to slaves

27 Slavery Swing low, sweet chariot, Comin' for to carry me home; Comin' for to carry me home. I looked over Jordan, And WHAT did I see, Comin' for to carry me home, A band of angels comin' after me, If you get there before I do, Tell all my friends I'm comin' too, Comin' for to carry me home

28 Slavery African American slaves created songs, art, and stories to make them feel better and give them hope. Choose one activity – Create a colored drawing of something that makes you happy, then write a very short summary of what you drew and why it makes you happy. Create a poem (at least 8 lines long) that tells about something that makes you happy or gives you hope.

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