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Lecture on High Performance Processor Architecture (CS05162)

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1 Lecture on High Performance Processor Architecture (CS05162)
Course Introduction An Hong Fall 2009 School of Computer Science and Technology University of Science and Technology of China This Course is supported by China Ministry of Education & Intel Model Curriculum Program CS258 S99

2 Course format Lectures and Guest Lectures
Lectures by An Hong Guest Lectures Course Project (~4students/team) Microprocessor core Design Multicore/Manycore Benchmark Programming Survey paper or technical paper and literature 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

3 Prerequisites This course is a second course in advanced computer architecture Full previous course assumed Parallel computing Topics I expect familiarity with (partial list) Instruction level parallelism(ILP) Pipelining Caches Virtual memory Compilation Performance comparisons Parallel processing Etc. 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

4 Grading: everyone’s favorite subject
Final exam 20% Participation Course Project 60% 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

5 Readings Textbook Patterson and Hennessey, Computer Architecture: a Quantitative Approach, 4th edition, is good reference for prerequisite material Conference/journal papers handed out for most lectures Part of class goal is to get you used to reading academic publications and critiquing them. Please respect copyrights Some material from readings is covered in my lecture 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

6 Course Overview Focus: next-generation general-purpose processors architectures 30% Instruction Level Parallel Architectures 15% Data Level Parallel Architectures 40% Thread Level Parallel Architectures 15% Other Architectures Topics Goals: initiate research in this area Review previous and current work Identify open issues and key opportunities Propose initial approaches and demonstrate their potential If we work hard enough, publish some ideas and results 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

7 Course Overview Technology, Applications, Frontier Issues and Directions for Processors Architectures Computing and microprocessor history Computation without electricity Microprocessor: Two Inventions Where are we? Computer Generations Microprocessor Generations Problem with Performance,Technology,Power, Frequency The Challenges and Opportunities of the Multi-Core/Many-Core System What are multi-core and many-core? Why multi-core and many-core? What is the fundamental issue that multiple cores faced ? The state-of-the-art of multi-core and many-core 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

8 Course Overview Instruction Parallel Architectures
Review Control Speculation Data Speculation Data Parallel Architectures Overview Vector and Stream Processing Architectures Thread Parallel Architectures(Multithreading and Multiprocessing architectures) Shared Memory Multiprocessors Thread Level Parallel Execution Models: speculative multithreading and transactional memory Reconfigurable Computing and Polymorphous Architectures 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

9 Course Overview Novel Memory-on-chip Architectures
PIM & IRAM HTMT, DIVA (NA) Gilgamesh, Blue Gene (NA) Other Architectures Topics Virtual Machines Profiling Techniques Dynamic Compilation Low Power Design(NA) Fault Tolerance and RAS Techniques(NA) Application Profiling 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

10 Syllabus 课程介绍 9/7(一) Lecture 1 计算机体系结构的学习方法 9/7 (一) NA 9/14(一)
课程介绍 /7(一) Lecture 1 计算机体系结构的学习方法 9/7 (一) NA /14(一) Lecture 2 工艺、应用、前沿问题和研究方向 9/21 (一) Lecture 3 ILP&存储系统复习 9/28 (一) Lecture 4 控制相关和分支的可预测性 10/5 (一) Lecture 5 动态分支预测技术 10/12 (一) Lecture 6 值预测和指令重用技术 10/19 (一) Lecture 7 数据并行体系结构概述 10/26 (一) Guest Lecture DLP实例:流处理器体系结构及流编程 10/31(六) Lecture 8 线程级并行体系结构概述 11/2(一) Guest Lecture TLP实例: Intel多核体系结构及多线程编程11/7(六) 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

11 Syllabus Lecture 9 共享存储多处理器系统 11/16(一)
Guest Lecture 多型处理器实例:TRIPS 12/12(六) Lecture 13 在线剖析与动态编译技术 12/14 (一) Lecture 14 虚拟机技术 12/21 (一) 期末考试 /28 (一) 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

12 Course Team Me: An Hong Teaching Assistant(Volunteer) All of you
Associate professor of CS Tel: Teaching Assistant(Volunteer) Course monitor: ), , ), Homepage: All of you Student interested in systems research Architecture, compilers, operating-systems, … Or students in application areas interested in system implications (networking, databases, graphics, …) Diversity of interests and experiences is good Send your address to TA (Course monitor) 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

13 Your Participation Participate every class
Read papers before class Actively participate in the class discussion Project 1: Survey paper or technical paper and literature of one topic Topics Technology, Applications, Frontier Issues and Directions for Processors Architectures Vector and Stream Processing Architectures Multi-core and Many-core Speculative multithreading and transactional memory Reconfigurable Computing Profiling Techniques and Dynamic Compilation Project 2: Original research on a open issue Microprocessor core Design Multicore Benchmark Programming 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

14 Your Participation Groups: 4 students Project deadlines
Vote a group leader You are all expected to do a fair share of reading, presentation, guiding discussion, and writing technical memo, or You are all expected to do a fair share of implementing, writing, and presenting Project deadlines Submit your Technical memo or project reports before Dec.21 ( to Teaching Assistant) 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

15 Final Notes Prepare the prerequisites Before Leave After Lecture
Instruction Sets, Pipelines, and Memory Hierarchy Before Leave Fill in class sign-up sheet After Lecture Read the required papers & come prepared! 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

16 How to give a study talk When reading and summarizing a paper, you are looking for the following What is the problem they are trying to solve/indicate/characterize? Why is the problem important/relevant? What are the novel/interesting ideas in this paper? What are the flaws/limitations of this paper? How would you extend this work? How does this paper related to other papers from same/previous discussions? Are there concepts or methods in the paper that are unclear? 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

17 How to give a study talk Short introduction to the topic(3~5slides)
what is the purpose of this talk? The necessary background to understand the talk Key terms and basic concept Why is this topic important and/or interesting? Paper #1(no more than 15 slides) Summary Paper #2(no more than 15 slides) Open problem to be discussion Plan at least 2 minutes per slide. Leave time for questions and answers. 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

18 Paper summary example: Your renaming paper title
Problem Statement Motivation(from:abstract, Introduction and conclusion) State-of-the-art (from: Overview on Existing/Previous/Related Work) Accomplishment(#1.#2,…; from: the reminder of the paper) Key make-a-differency concept and technology Novel method(paradigm,idea,data, … ) Critique(from: your check) what are the major strengths and weaknesses of the papers? Look carefully at the claims and assumptions, the experimental methodology, the analysis of data, and the presentation style Future Work(from: conclusion and your opinion) what are the natural extensions or improvements to this work? Or, can we apply a similar methodology to other problems of interest? 2019/4/4 USTC CS AN Hong

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