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Physiology, Health & Exercise

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1 Physiology, Health & Exercise
Lesson 3 ECG Tracings

2 ECG Electrocardiogram Easy to carry out
Graphic record of electrical activity of the heart as it contracts and relaxes Used to check for problems with the heart Also used to check condition of heart shows abnormal heart beats Areas of damage Inadequate blood flow

3 ECG Leads attached to a persons chest & limbs to record electrical currents Measures electrical current during cardiac cycle and at skin surface Usually done when patient at rest, lying down & relaxed May be done when patient on a treadmill (stress test) ECG in action

4 ECG Can calculate 1 cardiac cycle time By (no of squares between each
QRS complex) x 0.2 Then x 60 for bpm


6 ECG If heart rate higher than 100bpm- tachycardia
If heart rate lower than 60bpm- bradycardia Interrupted activity or rhythm- arrhythmia

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