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“One Thing” Webinar Series

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1 “One Thing” Webinar Series
Editing Scanned Documents My name is Pat Satterfield and with me is Ben Satterfield. We are the trainers for the Kurzweil 3000 implementation in Clayton County taking place from now through the end of 2015. As you probably know Kurzweil 3000 is a tool that helps students who struggle with reading and writing and study skills to access the curriculum Welcome to this series of one thing webinars We appreciate you being with us today These 10 the 15 min. sessions are designed to share with you the how-to steps to make use of one teacher of the Kurzweil 3000 program We do this every Tuesday at 330 and 4 PM If you look at your screen you will notice a checkbox at the lower left where you can type in questions as we go along today We will try to answer them as we can Today’s topic is…

2 Remember… You should not have to scan documents if you have them in an e-text format. This should save you a lot of work!! In our trainings we have been sharing how to use the Virtual Printer feature to bring in Word documents and open PDF, .rtf, .txt, .opf files directly. If you have not attended a face to face training yet, please notice the archived webinar information at the end of this webinar for info on how to get YOUR content into Kurzweil.

3 Scan a Document, Book, or Newspaper
Zone Edit the Document Edit the Underlying Text Zone Editing should be done prior to making any changes to the text that is being read. If you try to do Zone editing after you have made changes to the text, you may lose your changes. You should not have to scan too many documents, because Kurzweil will open many file formats. You can pull in your Word documents and PDF files easily. But if you do need to scan, you will want to know how to make sure that your document reads correctly. This is particularly true of Math documents.

4 Scanner Set up Attach your scanner to your computer and make sure that the scanner is selected from the list of possible scanners shown. Each school already has a scanner set up in the media center.

5 Scan The scanner icon will not be grayed out if the scanner is set up properly. (I do not have a scanner connected at this time.) Press the scanner icon to start a scan.

6 Zone Editing When your new document appears, select the Zone Editor

7 Zone Edit Your Document
Zones are adjusted by resizing them just as you would a graphic in PP or Word. Zones are highlighted in yellow and numbered. You can add or delete a zone, adjust a zone to include or exclude text, or number the zones differently because of the priority of the material in that zone.

8 Adjusting a Zone Right click on the zone you want to adjust, and select “Adjust Zone”. You can click and drag the zone to resize it, making it larger or smaller.

9 Choices in Zone Editing
Right Click on the zone you want to change. Delete any zone that you don’t want the program to read (such as headings, page numbers). Use Zone Properties to identify the zone type or to change the reading order.

10 Check the Reading Order after Zone Editing
Now you can see that the top two zones have been deleted and the question #4 is the first zone to be read on the screen.

11 Save Your Changes Click on “Zone Editor” again, under “Scan”, to close the Zone Editor. Click “Yes” in both of these dialog boxes.

12 Edit the Underlying Text
To make sure that your document will read correctly, you can edit the underlying text. You are not changing what the student sees (because that is an image). You are checking what words the program will read. Right click on your open document. This dialog box will open. Select “Edit Underlying Text”.

13 Type Your Changes Look at the words in the bottom window. If there are words that are spelled incorrectly, you can just type in the window and change them. For math, you can type how the math symbols or equations should be read.

14 Close the Zone Editor When you have finished making any changes, close the window by clicking the “X” in the bottom window.

15 Read Your Document Make sure that the document reads correctly by listening to it!

16 Save Your Document Save as usual to the Universal Library at “File”, “Save to the Library”, place the document in r teacher folder in the public library or into a student folder for individual work.

17 Archived Resources You can go to our website and look at previous “One Thing” webinar PowerPoint presentations. Topics include: Creating a Teacher Folder Getting Content into Kurzweil Reading with Kurzweil Reading the Web Writing with Kurzweil Writing: Word Lists Help Files in the Universal Library How-to Videos at

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