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WGB Activity on Information exchange and research needs

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1 WGB Activity on Information exchange and research needs
State of play Activity leaders: ES – Manuel Menendez NL – Gerard Broseliske – Marc de Rooy

2 Outline Introduction Outcomes of the questionnaire Steps to follow
Objectives Way of working Outcomes of the questionnaire Steps to follow

3 Objectives of the activity
Identification of issues that need further elaboration in the WFD process Identification of key issues with relevance for EU-level and prioritisation Identification of knowledge gaps that need further research Mandate endorsed by the WD in Amsterdam Activity leaders Spain and The Netherlands (Manuel Ménendez, Gerard Broseliske and Marc de Rooy)

4 Way of working ‘Light process’ in order to gain time
(don’t wait until all Article 5 reports are submitted) Involve existing initiatives where possible (e.g. the HarmoniCA conference) Install a Sounding Board as first quality check, and involve M.S. at important steps Sounding Board: DE, EC, ES, FI, FR, JRC, NL, UK Involvement of WGB during the process Final products to be endorsed by SCG and WD

5 Schematic: Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 All issues Issues with EU relevance
First identification of research needs during workshop in April Input from research community (what has been done already?) Check ‘long list’ Identification of EU- relevance During workshop in April All issues Issues with EU relevance (policy issues and research needs) Research needs Issue collection via questionnaire (Jan.-March ’05) Further elaboration during 2nd half of 2005 Endorsement by SCG and WD List to be endorsed by SCG and WD June 2005 December 2005

6 Questionnaire Drafted by activity leaders on the basis of the IMPRESS guidance document Comments by Sounding Board and WGB Finalisation and sending off to MS, CC and EFTA countries on January 19th (30 in total)

7 Information obtained with the questionnaire:
What are the most important driving forces and pressures that prevent a good status? What obstacles did countries face in the process of producing an Article 5 report, and what obstacles do they expect to face in the future? What issues (both driving forces, pressures and other obstacles) would merit an international approach? What issues would need extra research?

8 Return (score at April 18th)
24 of the 25 Member States Portugal is missing Return from Belgium only concerns Flanders Return from France only useable qualitatively 2 EFTA countries Norway and Iceland No Accession countries Both Bulgaria and Romania missing Total return 26

9 Driving forces and pressures
Is the topic of concern to your country? If yes, add an indication of the weighting (1= less important – 5= top priority) Indicate water category concerned Percentage of countries reporting an issue; score of 70% and higher marked orange Average weighting once a topic was reported; score of 3 and higher marked green In individual return; weighting 4-5 marked yellow

10 Outcomes

11 Agriculture Issue of concern to many countries; up to 88% in rivers and 80% in groundwater High average weightings, from 3.7 groundwater to 3.4 in rivers. Confirmed by the PoM, where 24 of 25 countries reported agriculture to be a topic

12 Morphology Flow management and river management (general terms): 64%
Specific issues higher, up to 92% for ‘physical alteration of the channel’. Weighting is high, several issues at 3.0, and up to 3.2. High score is confirmed by question on PoM: 20 countries indicate measures

13 Households Broadly reported, up to 92% for ‘municipal wastewater’
Weighting is lower, none reaches at 3.0, though several rank 2.9 Topic also mentioned often in the PoM question: 22 out of 25

14 Industry No scores higher than 70%. High scores: Chemicals, Pulp paper and boards, Non Ferrous metals. Only high weightings were few countries reported. Other higher weightings: Chemical industry, Iron and steel, Food processing industry. Individual countries report high weightings for specific sectors

15 Other issues High scores for ‘landfill and waste’ and ‘transport’
Average weightings low, but might be high in individual cases. Exception: ‘climate change’. Issue reported in PoM: atmospheric deposition (including long distance air pollution)

16 Reduction in flow Abstractions for agriculture and for drinking water supply broadly reported, but lowly weighted

17 Concluding remarks on this section
Hardly issues with prevalence for a certain EU region Exception: reduction in flow in Mediterranean region.

18 Other obstacles Data (18 countries) Knowledge gaps (13) Resources (8)
International Co-ordination (7) WFD process (7)

19 Data Lack of data, especially in the field of hydromorphology, biology and economics Data formats different agencies differ Level of aggregation very diverse Some countries report it also as problem in the future, others regard the problem it to be solved in the future

20 Knowledge gaps Insights and tools to estimate the current status of the water system are lacking Interactions between different water systems are poorly known Difficulties with impact assessment and models lack to calculate the effect of pressures Insight in reference conditions and good status lack, and thus insight in the objectives Difficulties with measures assessment Issues are expected to stay in the future

21 Resources Difficulties in finding sufficient financial and human resources Issue is expected to be bigger in the future (16) than it has been up to now (10)

22 International co-ordination
Approaches, evaluation methods, and data formats differ from country to country, and need co-ordination or harmonisation Upstream-downstream relationships Some issues can hardly be solved at national level, and would merit international regulation

23 WFD process Difficulties with ‘atypical water systems’
Lacking methods for defining typologies, criteria for definition of reference conditions, assessment criteria for the risk assessment The long term perspective of the WFD is difficult to insert in ‘day-to-day’ politics National debates on the implementation Harmonisation of WFD with other policies

24 WFD Key Issues summarized 1
Agriculture “biggest issue” Morphological issues also important (relates to hydropower, flood defence, building of reservoirs and agriculture) Pollution from “households” (municipal wastewater) broadly reported Pollution from “industry” in individual cases “other sources of pollution”: “diffuse sources”, “transport”, “long range transport of air pollution”, and “historic pollution” issues of concern Climate change is considered an issue; effects not well understood

25 WFD Key Issues summarized 2
Data availability, data formats and the level of aggregation of data International level also “upstream-downstream” Communication about the WFD implementation Several knowledge gaps

26 Next step for key issues?
Key issues are matched with PRB Outcome Reports and CIS working programme During Ghent meeting, tentative recommendations for future actions were drafted To be discussed by WGB

27 Research Water resources management Groundwater management
Knowledge on physical processes Knowledge on ecological processes Monitoring Pressure impact relations Data management Measures assessment WFD policy questions Policy assessment Socio economic issues

28 Observations during HarmoniCA conference
Three concerns from a researcher that attended the discussion: Limited user awareness of research programme User perception that research outputs are of little use Researchers have no mechanism for delivering to users

29 Possible way out “Change the system” Handover existing results FP7
Funding in two phases (research and making results operational) Handover existing results LIFE Link to the CIS process

30 CIS structure Water Directors Expert Advisory Forum “Flood Protection”
Steering of implementation process Chair: Presidency, Co-chair: Commission Expert Advisory Forum “Flood Protection” Strategic Steering Group “WFD and Agriculture” Strategic Co-ordination Group Co-ordination of work programme Chair: Commission Art. 21 Committee Working Group A “Ecological Status” Working Group C “Groundwater” Working Group E “Priority Substances” “Chemical Monitoring” Working Group B “Integrated River Basin Management” Working Group D “Reporting” "GIS” Expert Network Stakeholders, NGO’s, Researchers, Experts, etc.

31 Next steps: Linking Key Issues to existing research projects (=> task in A.S.1 for 2nd part of 2005) Link research projects directly to CIS process (=> WGB recommendation to SCG) Where needed, propose new activities to the WD, on the basis of section 4 of the key issues report; concluding summary (=> WGB recommendation to WD) Recommendation to MS to link research projects with implementation in PRB’s (e.g. with the help of LIFE)

32 Thank you

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