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Geography EQ: What is geography, and how does it connect to History.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography EQ: What is geography, and how does it connect to History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography EQ: What is geography, and how does it connect to History.

2 Geography What is Geography? (Pair share)
Geography: Study of the Earth’s Physical features and how people and living things interact them.

3 How is earth divided? (on a map)

4 Oceans Do you know how many Oceans earth has? (Pair share)
Earth Consists of 5 Oceans Pacific Atlantic Indian Artic Southern

5 Continents: Continents are landmasses defined by size and common cultural characteristics.
There are 7 Continents North America South America Europe Africa Asia Australia Antarctica

6 Countries and cities Major Country(Can be divided into states or regions) Examples: United States or Italy City in a State or Region Examples: Redlands in CA or Rome in Lazio

7 FYI: Themes of Geography Themes help us describe and explain our world and how we affect it.
There are 5 themes (or ideas) of Geography Location – Where is it? Place – What is it like? Region – area with same characteristics (Southern California) Human-Environmental Interaction – How people interact with the world. Movement – Ideas, people, and goods moving from place to place

8 So What is Geography and how does It connect to History?
VIDEO - Geography

9 Why is Geography relevant to History?
We use geography to understand how people lived in the past and how people live today.

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