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Yr 11-Getting Ready!.

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Presentation on theme: "Yr 11-Getting Ready!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yr 11-Getting Ready!

2 Assembly Focus Easter School Revision-Pomodoro & Revisiting What do I revise?!?!

3 Easter School-Week 1

4 Week Two



7 The Seinfeld Strategy “Don’t break the chain”

8 It is hard to start when you don’t know when you can stop!
Simple Measurable Achievable

9 ‘Jerry Seinfeld got a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hung it on a prominent wall. The next step was to get a big black magic marker. For each day he did the task of writing, he put a big black X over that day’.

10 “Don’t break the chain”
One complete re-visiting cycle = a cross in the box

11 “Don’t break the chain”
One ‘Re-visiting Cycle’ every day (1.5 hours*) Every day for 46 days = 70 hours (*minimum - it will hopefully be more)

12 Total: 12 Hours

13 Next steps-DTT (Diagnosis, Therapy, Testing)
Pixl sheets should tell you were you have under performed-Get from your teacher(Diagnosis) Highlight the main areas (max 5) that you need to work on (Diagnosis) Get the resources you need to revise these areas and schedule time into your Revision Timetable on this (Therapy) Complete questions/quizzes on the topic you have studied to ensure the revision has gone in (TESTING)

14 AFTER EASTER New Revision template for the final weeks
Support to help you manage stress of exams Hard Work!

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