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Presentation on theme: "LESSON 9: BLOOD GLUCOSE SELF-MANAGEMENT ESSENTIALS"— Presentation transcript:


2 LEARNING OBJECTIVES How to Manage Diabetes…

3 Managing Diabetes On-The-Go
WHEN DRIVING… Always check your blood sugar before driving a vehicle. < 100 mg/dl eat or drink a snack to raise it slightly If it feels low, pull over immediately Keep supplies close; in center console or in a bag within reach. Store meds out of direct heat/light. (insulin) Carry I.D. that identifies you as diabetic in emergency. WHEN FLYING… Bring a Doctor’s note for security checkpoint. Carry a travel kit with supplies clearly labeled, carry a back up travel kit in your in your carry- on luggage in case checked baggage is damaged or lost, and carry extra everything. Check blood sugar often, notify flight personnel before taking off that you have diabetes.

4 Managing Diabetes While You’re Sick
Blood sugars can be very difficult to manage when you are sick. Check blood sugar every 2-3 hours If you have difficulty eating solid foods, try eating liquefied foods. Stay hydrated by drinking a glass water every 3-4 hours. Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages. Check with doctor about adjusting medication doses. Rest; ask family and friends to help with routine tasks and if you are unable to do them yourself.

5 When to Call the Doctor Call Doctor If…
Can’t keep liquids down > 4 hours Vomit/diarrhea > 6 hours BS consistently > 300 mg/dL BS consistently < 70 mg/dL Can’t eat normally > 24 hours Fever > 101 F Call If… Difficulty breathing Can’t stay awake or think clearly

6 Managing Diabetes When Exercising
Before Exercise: Consume extra carbohydrates; your body will burn glucose during exercise. If on insulin, decrease the amount you take with the meal before. Aim for slightly elevated glucose level: mg/dL During Exercise: If on insulin pump, decrease basal rate during exercise or disconnect pump entirely if you do not need insulin during exercise. Check BS every minutes If you experience hypoglycemia, stop, sit down, and eat carbs. After Exercise: You should be more sensitive to insulin. You may require less mealtime insulin for next hours. Monitor BS every 3-4 hours. If you experience hypoglycemia, stop, sit down, and eat carbs.

7 Managing Diabetes In Social Situations
At a Restaurant: Plan Ahead. Ask for what want and need. Take charge of decisions. Choose foods carefully. Research which dishes are low-fat and low in refined carbs. Pre-eat meal at home. Do not drink alcohol before eating. Ask to remove bread from table. Request salad dressing and sauces on the side. Remove skin from animal meat.

8 At A Party… Someone offers sweets, politely refuse.
Explain your diabetes, often positive response. Bring a healthy low-fat, low-calorie dish to share. Explain why you made it and share dish to get support. The more you share your story, the more support you will have on your journey to exceptional health!

9 Managing Stress, Depression, & Negative Thoughts
Managing diabetes is a full-time job that can easily become overwhelming. When setbacks occur, negative thoughts can make the situation worse. A negative thought is usually self-criticism that causes frustration or anger. Adopting negative thoughts can start a viscous cycle of unhealthy behavior than can worsen your health with diabetes; they occur automatically and subconsciously. One goal of this program is to help you recognize and stop negative thoughts from creating a cycle of negative behaviors.


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