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International Health Issues Session 4… Feb 5 

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1 International Health Issues Session 4… Feb 5 
HL 322 Winter 2019 Our course wix with syllabus: This is a project based learning, GEN ED class.

2 Session 4: Today Finalize Project Title… Health Problem/Country Contracts on Projects being done in class… Make promises on projects… who does what? And turn in on EduCat. Review aspects and definitions… Test next week on definitions… Feb. 12th… 25 pts POWER and AUTHORITY -power video -on evil video Homework… watch the Zimbardo video and answer the questions on slide #9. In addition, (also found – slide #11) we will watch and summarize A Brilliant Genocide… Uganda- Kony a different view… Test 1 score back. Please give tests back to me.

3 “Set up a semi-chaotic environment and you will get order”….

4 “Produce order out of chaos/disorder”….

5 For projects… Please get in your teams
Please make sure you have a health issue in one country Please identify who does what for the project and turn in the team version

6 Overview… definitions of focus areas for project
Test next week on 8 aspects definitions

7 Human Rights; the Psychology of Evil; Power and Authority
Human Rights ..\HHR linkages.pdf Power american-power-politics-and-protests/ Ted talk Psych of Evil – Phil Zimbardo Please take notes in class on above videos.

8 From video on Power… picture from http://more-sky
Power : the ability to make others do what you would have them do… Kinds of Power: 1) physical force 2) wealth 3) state action/political will 4) social norms (culture) 5) power of ideas –justice, equality, peace, greed, jealousy etc. 6) #s the masses… WANT enlightened Not Shadow Power Authority: the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience (online dictionary)

9 Shadow power as Evil… the Psych of Evil Violating Human Rights; Warning… some graphic depictions
On the same paper… Please answer the following questions on the Zimbardo Video on the Psychology of Evil… How is evil defined? How is evil depicted in art/literature (design aspects)? What two famous social science experiments/research studies are alluded to in this video? Who’s to blame for evil? Individual (bad apple?); crate? … a systems look. Under what conditions are people most likely to commit evil? What did you find most interesting? Zimbardo on evil

10 We didn’t start the fire… A brief history of Africa https://www

11 A brilliant genocide (Uganda) https://www. youtube. com/watch
A documentary film revealing untold stories from the 20 year long war in Northern Uganda between Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan Government Under Current President Yoweri Museveni

12 Human Rights and their violations & Some Major HR Agencies/Documents… fyi
*The universal declaration of human rights by United Nations in text and illustrated form … see illustrated for a design aspect Linkages between Health and Human Rights… WHO *Human rights first… Amnesty International and human rights issues work/issues?gclid=Cj0KEQjwvIO_BRDt27qG3YX0w4wBEiQAsGu3ed56cNLDGd6QjVo1I8ps81M2OjU1Qg RRf3Q02Fu3TEAaAmpD8P8HAQ Torture

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