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8th Grade S.H.A.R.E. Sexuality, Health and Responsibility Education

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1 8th Grade S.H.A.R.E. Sexuality, Health and Responsibility Education
Relationship Skills Motivation for Abstinence Sexually Transmitted Infections Anonymous Questions

2 Guidelines for Questions
The goal of answering questions is to identify your genuine concerns about sexually and offer responses that: Are factually correct Guide decision making Encourage openness about sexual discussions Promote sexually healthy attitudes and behaviors ANONOMOUS QUESTIONS – Questions NOT on the topic of current discussion DISCUSSION QUESTIONS – Questions ON topic that could start with “I know someone who…”

8th Grade Lesson 1 DATING VIOLENCE

4 Student Learning Objectives
The student will be able to: Know the definition of dating violence List and define 3 types of abuse Identify at least three warning signs that a relationship is potentially unhealthy or abusive Avoid dating dangers Know the laws pertaining to Statutory Sexual Seduction

5 DATING VIOLENCE Dating violence is repeated verbal, emotional,
physical and/or sexual abuse used to frighten, hurt, and control another person

6 There Are 3 Types of ABUSE
1.Verbal Abuse - if a person tries to hurt, embarrass, or humiliate you or tries to isolate you from friends and family. 2.Physical Abuse - Takes the form of pushing, hitting, kicking, throwing things or threatening you with a deadly weapon. 3. Sexual Abuse – Threatening sexual comments, unwanted touching, or any forced sexual acts.

7 Are you in an unhealthy relationship?
blaming you when they are violent Being afraid of your partner’s bad temper Being afraid to disagree with your partner not allowing you to go out with friends telling you how to dress, act, or think hitting, kicking, shoving, or throwing things threatening to find someone else name calling or put-downs not letting you make decisions following you around constantly criticizing you Being very jealous or possessive threatening suicide if you want to breakup accusing you of flirting with someone else forcing sexual acts


9 StayTeen.Org 1 in 5 teens report being hit, slapped, or pushed
by a partner. 1 in 4 girls who have been in a relationship reported going further sexually than they wanted to as a result of pressure.

People who are being abused often don’t talk about it. They might not realize they’re being abused. This is most often true in the early stages when violence is limited to verbal or emotional abuse. They might believe they deserve it. Stopping physical or sexual violence is harder if a person believes the verbal abuse is true. They might come from a violent home. They might be in love with the abuser. They may feel embarrassed, ashamed or afraid to tell anyone.

11 Violence is never the victim’s fault!
Violence often starts with little things that can be denied, ignored or forgiven. But, from there, a pattern of violence can grow quickly. VIOLENCE Violence is never the victim’s fault! What can you do to reduce the risk of being in an unhealthy or abusive relationship?

12 AVOID DATING DANGERS KNOW THE FACTS… Violence can happen to you.
Abuse won’t go away. The sooner you notice potential dating violence the easier it is to get help. Violence is against the law

13 TAKE STEPS TO STAY SAFE Know the signs of violence and watch for them.
Be clear about behavior you won’t accept Trust your feelings. Have a support system. Avoid drinking and drug use.

PPpPeople in healthy relationships feel loved and respected for who they are. Don’t settle for less. RESPECT YOURSELF P People sometimes think abuse is their fault. No one deserves to be abused. Abuse is always the abuser’s fault. Abuse

15 Statutory Sexual Seduction
Ordinary sexual intercourse, anal sex, and oral sex committed by a person 18 years of age or older with a person UNDER the age of 16; EVEN IF BOTH PEOPLE CONSENT, is a crime in Nevada. If convicted, you will be jailed or imprisoned, fined & must register as a SEXUAL OFFENDER for life

Know the Law In the state of Nevada, the age of consent (the age you must be to say yes to sex) is 16. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ? T or F? It is legal for a 16 year old to be in a sexual relationship with an 18 year old. T or F? If you are 17, it is illegal to have sex with your 15 year old partner even if he/she consents to sex. - FORCING SOMEONE IS ALWAYS ILLEGAL - HAVING SEX WITH SOMEONE WHO CANNOT SAY NO (intoxicated, mentally handicapped) IS ILLEGAL CONSENT is NOT a DEFENSE

17 It is not acceptable to treat a woman like one.

LOVE should be fun, kind, and respectful. HELPFUL ORGANIZATIONS National Teen Dating Abuse Hotline Nevada Coalition Against Sexual Violence

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