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Basic information on NROs 7-8 September 2018, Moscow, Russia

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1 Basic information on NROs 7-8 September 2018, Moscow, Russia
NRO Workshop Basic information on NROs with a Special Support by the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme IPPC Secretariat 7-8 September 2018, Moscow, Russia

2 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral
NRO basic information 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral Public = reported via the IPP (International Phytosanitary Portal:

3 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral
NRO basic information 13 NROs: 7 Public and 6 Bilateral Bilateral = reported in direct communication between countries (reporting on the IPP encouraged but optional)

4 Designation of an Official IPPC Contact Point
A new person is appointed within a country Information should be immediately communicated to the IPPC Secretariat Nomination form (NRO Guide Annex I) or official letter with required data The nomination must be signed by a relevant person more senior that the new contact point - no self-nominations country IPPC Secretariat The IPPC Secretariat registers a contact point A contact point receives access to the IPP with editing rights (upload and update of reports) Name and contact details of a contact point displayed on the IPP confirmation from the IPPC Secretariat

5 Designation of an Official IPPC Contact Point
Functioning address is crucial: all correspondence from the IPPC Secretariat to countries is done by electronic means IPPC Official Contact Points are responsible for: keeping their country’s information on the IPP up to date uploading reports updating reports their contact details up to date

6 Designation of an Official IPPC Contact Point
Official Contact Point is a standard type of contact for Contracting Parties. There are also other types of Contact Points: IPPC Unofficial Contact Point: for IPPC Contracting Parties which are yet to officially nominate a contact point; IPPC Information Point: for non-contracting parties; IPPC Local Contact: for dependent territories of IPPC Contracting Parties.

7 Designation of an Official IPPC Contact Point
OCPs can nominate IPP editors to delegate a physical upload and management of their country’s information on the IPP Notify the IPPC Secretariat: a nomination form for an IPP editor (NRO Guide Annex II) the IPPC Secretariat registers IPP editor and grants them editing rights (upload and update of reports) confirmation The list of all IPP editors of each country visible after logging in to the IPP & shown below a country’s IPPC Contact Point details

8 Description of the NPPO
Reported by a country via the IPP In the form of an organogram Ideally, includes a description of its organizational arrangements (i.e. who is responsible for which area and what are the connections between different parts of the NPPO) Identifies organizations that act under the authority of the NPPO and are engaged in activities as provided in Article IV.2(a)–(g) of IPPC, such as: issuance of phytosanitary certificates, pest surveillance, inspections of consignments, pest risk analyses.

9 Phytosanitary requirements, restrictions and prohibitions
Contracting Parties should adopt, publish and transmit phytosanitary requirements, restrictions and prohibitions That information should be made available through the IPP: Upload of the legal texts, or Upload of links to national or RPPOs website with those texts. Regular update when link/s or the legislation changes

10 List of entry points Specified points of entry should be selected by a country if it requires consignments of particular plants or plant products to be imported only through these points of entry In cases where there are no restrictions concerning entry points for consignments of plants and plant products into a country, no report is needed Recommended that the information about the lack of restrictions should be posted on the IPP

11 List of regulated pests
According to ISPM 5 Glossary of phytosanitary terms: Once compiled, a list of regulated pests should be made available on the IPP

12 Pest reports The occurrence, outbreak or spread of pests that may be of immediate or potential danger should be reported via the IPP once they happen A pest report should contain important information that allows other countries to adjust as necessary their phytosanitary import requirements and to take actions taking into account any changes in pest risk International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 17: Pest reporting NRO Guide: Chapter 2.5 Detailed example of creating and updating a report: a pest report. through Regional Plant Protection Organizations: if a country signs an appropriate form to satisfy the legality of that action and if the technical mechanism exists for data exchange

13 Emergency action ISPM 5 Glossary of phytosanitary terms:
“emergency action”: “a prompt phytosanitary action undertaken in a new or unexpected phytosanitary situation” “phytosanitary action”: “an official operation, such as inspection, testing, surveillance or treatment, undertaken to implement phytosanitary regulations or procedures” International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 13: partial guidelines (only on noncompliance of imported consignments) for the notification of emergency actions Reported by a country via the IPP

14 Organizational arrangements
for plant protection Bilateral report on request The report should contain a description of functions and responsibilities in relation to plant protection, such as: who is responsible for which area what are the connections between different parts of the NPPO It can be combined in one report with a description of a NPPO and made public on the IPP as a single report

15 Rationale for phytosanitary requirements, restrictions and prohibitions
Bilateral report on request But Public posting on the IPP is encouraged When requested a country should provide information as to the compliance of measures with the requirements set out in IPPC Art. VI.1(a) and (b) for quarantine and regulated non-quarantine pests: no more stringent than measures applied to the same pests, if present within the territory of the importing contracting party; and limited to what is necessary to protect plant health and/or safeguard the intended use and can be technically justified by the contracting party concerned not for non-regulated pests The report should contain information regarding measures taken for quarantine and regulated non-quarantine pests

16 Reporting significant instances of non-compliance
& reporting the result of investigation regarding significant instances of non-compliance with phytosanitary certification Bilateral report/s Reported by the importing country to the exporting or re- exporting country Reported back on request and relate to the results of investigations carried out when informed about these instances. Guidance: International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures No. 13 Guidelines for the notification of non- compliance and emergency action

17 Pest status Bilateral report on request
but public posting on the IPP is encouraged Countries should develop and maintain adequate information on pest status and make such information available. Guidance: International Standard for Phytosanitary Measure No 8: Determination of pest status in an area

18 Technical and biological information necessary for pest risk analysis
Bilateral report on request But Public posting on the IPP is encouraged Countries should cooperate in providing the technical and biological information necessary for pest risk analysis to support the PRA process

19 NRO General and Specific Procedures
Adopted by CPM-11 in 2016 for countries to follow Based on the Convention + recommendations & inputs of the National Reporting Obligations Advisory Group Include previous CPM decisions To be found: Appendix 9 to the Report from CPM-11 NRO Guide (Annex III) As separate tables on IPP

20 NRO General and Specific Procedures
Use of electronic media Use of the IPP Pest reporting through RPPOs Priority to NROs while posting info Non-contracting parties encouraged to use the IPP Specific: Details on each NRO including remarks, recommendations and guidance

21 Contacts IPPC Secretariat
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy Tel.: Dorota Buzon, NRO Programme Officer: Paola Sentinelli, IPPC Knowledge Manager: Websites:

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