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Expectations for Semester 2

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1 Expectations for Semester 2
Article of the Week Expectations for Semester 2

2 What exactly will be doing with the article each week?
Almost every week, I will give the entire class a recent article. We will all read the same one so that we are able to have great, interesting discussions and debates about it. You will have a whole week to read the article and complete the following activities: 1. Mark your confusion. Use a “?” if you don’t get something. 2. Show evidence of a close reading through thoughtful annotations. 3. Respond to an assigned prompt in writing 4. Practice with some related SAT Questions (in class)

3 Why are we doing this? Helps build a foundation of knowledge- important for other reading (and just being a person living in the world) Non-fiction reading practice Opportunities to build your own arguments and examine other writers’ arguments Writing practice SAT practice

4 What it means to “mark your confusion”
Often, readers do not understand everything they read immediately. Sometimes it takes a minute of reflection. Sometimes we have to look up more information. Sometimes we have to sit with the info for a while. Marking our confusions helps us recognize that we don’t get something. We can come back to it, and, hopefully, work it out. We won’t just skim over it. Here’s an example… investing-executive-is-charged-with-fraud.html?&moduleDetail=section-news- 1&action=click&contentCollection=DealBook&region=Footer&module=MoreIn Section&version=WhatsNext&contentID=WhatsNext&pgtype=article

5 Annotating Thoughtfully
Your second task is to record your thinking as you read. Respond to the text, besides just identifying confusing spots. THIS DOESN’T MEAN YOU SHOULD RECORD RANDOM, “EMPTY” COMMENTS! Basically, don’t do this: OMG=Shallow response.

6 Annotating Thoughtfully
Instead, record why you find something interesting, why you disagree with a statement, how this connects to something else you’ve seen/heard/read. You can write pretty much any type of response you want, as long as it reflects the in-depth thinking you are doing while reading. Here’s what that looks like: Asking a thought-provoking question= obvious deep reflection

7 Ok, the annotations don’t seem so bad
Ok, the annotations don’t seem so bad...but what about the writing and SAT Practice Questions? Spelling and grammar do count, so do your best and take your time. SAT Practice questions will be done in class on Friday.

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