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Formative Instruction and Data Teams (FI/DT)

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Presentation on theme: "Formative Instruction and Data Teams (FI/DT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formative Instruction and Data Teams (FI/DT)
(provide background info. if needed) Castle Kahuku Complex Area Support Team (CAST) 1

2 Learning Target for Today’s Session
I will have a deeper understanding of: Formative Instruction and Data Teams Implementation Continuum (Field Assessment). Formative Instruction and Data Teams Process. 2

3 We have three statewide goals: Student Success, Staff Success, and Successful Systems of Support.
Formative Instruction and Data Teams along with Common Core and CSSS and RTI is all apart of Goal 1. STUDENT SUCCESS IS OUR PRIMARY GOAL IN helping to prepare ALL students for success in college, careers, and citizenship in the 21st century. All priority areas are interconnected with Formative Instruction/Data Teams DOE Strategic Plan Goal 1 – STUDENT SUCCESS: All DOE Students demonstrate they are on a path toward success in college, career, and citizenship. 3

4 Formative Instruction
Please take a few minutes to write your definition and understanding of Formative Instruction on the lines of your PP handout. Share your response with a partner. Additional - Write your definition on the sentence strip and post on chart paper. NOTE – is there a way to display a clock countdown? Please take a few minutes to write your definition and/or understanding of formative instruction.

5 What is Formative Instruction/Assessment?
It is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes. Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Formative Assessment for Students and Teachers (FAST) State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS), 2006 Formative assessment is not ONE instrument, single test, or quiz given at the end of a learning period. Formative Instruction leads to an action that improves learning. It is an ongoing process of collecting evidence of student learning. It basically addresses these questions: Where am I going? Where am I now? How do I close the gap? 5

6 Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment
By Paul Black and Dylan Wiliam All studies showed significant and substantial learning gains. The review of Black and Williams research is referred to by many of our educational leaders so I thought this may be an article that would be a great resource and well worth reading as part of Professional Development or as a PLC. Innovations that include strengthening the practice of formative assessment produce significant and often substantial learning gains. ~Black & Wiliam, 1998, p. 140 6

7 Jan Chappuis organized research-based recommendations about assessment practices and put it in a framework in order to help improve student achievement. The Seven Strategies are focused on three formative assessment questions. 7

8 Where am I going? Strategy: Teachers: Students: 1
Set/communicate clear student friendly learning targets. Understand/explain learning targets. 2 Show students examples of strong/weak work. Articulate what quality work entails. Students need to: 8

9 Where am I now? Strategy: Teachers: Students: 3
Provide descriptive feedback. Apply/Use evaluative thinking. 4 Teach students to self-assess and set goals. Evaluate themselves and set learning goals. Students need to: 9

10 How can I close the gap? Strategy: Teachers: Students: 5
Design lessons to focus on one aspect of quality at a time. Understand/identify the focus of the lesson (what is important). 6 Teach students focused revision. Revise initial work using rubrics and work samples. 7 Engage students in self-reflection. Reflect on their learning and keep track and share their learning. 10

11 11

12 Assessment Average for Formative Instruction/Data Teams (FI/DT)
Complex Area Field Assessment Average for Formative Instruction/Data Teams (FI/DT) As of Nov 3.0 The Complex Area Field Assessment Average as of November 26th is 3.0. Where are we now? Where do we want to be? And How will we get there? INTEGRATING 12

13 Formative Instruction Continuum
Consists of 3 areas: 1. Purpose of Assessments 2. Formative Assessment Process 3. Student Involvement 13

14 1. Purpose of Assessments
Type of assessment What is the Purpose? How will it be used? Is the use formative or summative? State Test Measure level of achievement on state content standards Determine program effectiveness Summative Identify percentage of students meeting performance standards on state content standards Comparison of schools/districts Develop programs/interventions for groups or individuals Formative Classroom Assessment Measure level of achievement on learning targets taught Determine report card grade Diagnose student strengths and areas needing reteaching Revise teaching plans for next year/semester Plan further instruction/differentiate instruction Provide feedback to students Understand strengths and areas needing work Self-assess, set goals for further study/work The first area is asking if school staff CONSISTENTLY demonstrates an understanding of the purpose and use of various types of assessments, from state-level annual assessments to formative classroom assessments. 14

15 Formative Instruction Process
2. Formative Assessment Process Define Clear Learning Targets Determine Evidence & Criteria Plan Learning Experiences Based on Student Needs Elicit Evidence Of Learning Analyze Evidence & Provide Feedback Plan Instructional Modifications or Next Steps Scaffold New Learning & Close the Gap Formative Instruction Process The second area on the continuum addresses the Formative Assessment Process. 15

16 Formative Instruction Process
2. Formative Assessment Process Define Clear Learning Targets Determine Evidence & Criteria Plan Learning Experiences Based on Student Needs Elicit Evidence Of Learning Analyze Evidence & Provide Feedback Plan Instructional Modifications or Next Steps Scaffold New Learning & Close the Gap Formative Instruction Process First we begin with #1 - Defining Clear Learning Targets CLICK NEXT SLIDE 16

17 What do we want students to know and be able to do?
CCSS STEM Other Disciplines

18 Formative Instruction Process
2. Formative Assessment Process Define Clear Learning Targets Determine Evidence & Criteria Plan Learning Experiences Based on Student Needs Elicit Evidence Of Learning Analyze Evidence & Provide Feedback Plan Instructional Modifications or Next Steps Scaffold New Learning & Close the Gap Formative Instruction Process 19

19 Read excerpt on green handout
Moss, C.M. and Brookhart, S. M. (2009). Advancing Formative Assessment in Every Classroom: A Guide for Instructional Leaders. Alexandri, VA: ASCD. Pages Share with a partner what you learned from the excerpt. Copy of article

20 Formative Instruction Process
2. Formative Assessment Process Define Clear Learning Targets Determine Evidence & Criteria Plan Learning Experiences Based on Student Needs Elicit Evidence Of Learning Analyze Evidence & Provide Feedback Plan Instructional Modifications or Next Steps Scaffold New Learning & Close the Gap Formative Instruction Process 21

21 Formative Instruction Process
2. Formative Assessment Process Define Clear Learning Targets Determine Evidence & Criteria Plan Learning Experiences Based on Student Needs Elicit Evidence Of Learning Analyze Evidence & Provide Feedback Plan Instructional Modifications or Next Steps Scaffold New Learning & Close the Gap Formative Instruction Process . 22

22 Formative Instruction Process
2. Formative Assessment Process Define Clear Learning Targets Determine Evidence & Criteria Plan Learning Experiences Based on Student Needs Elicit Evidence Of Learning Analyze Evidence & Provide Feedback Plan Instructional Modifications or Next Steps Scaffold New Learning & Close the Gap Formative Instruction Process 23

23 Formative Instruction Process
2. Formative Assessment Process Define Clear Learning Targets Determine Evidence & Criteria Plan Learning Experiences Based on Student Needs Elicit Evidence Of Learning Analyze Evidence & Provide Feedback Plan Instructional Modifications or Next Steps Scaffold New Learning & Close the Gap Formative Instruction Process 24

24 Formative Instruction Process
2. Formative Assessment Process Define Clear Learning Targets Determine Evidence & Criteria Plan Learning Experiences Based on Student Needs Elicit Evidence Of Learning Analyze Evidence & Provide Feedback Plan Instructional Modifications or Next Steps Scaffold New Learning & Close the Gap Formative Instruction Process 25

25 3. Student Involvement: Students can articulate learning targets and set goals

26 3. Student Involvement: Students can articulate learning targets and set goals

27 28

28 These are templates to be used after a test is taken
These are templates to be used after a test is taken. Students can look at the test results and start to reflect/give thought to it. These are by Betsy Moore in I Have the Data Now What? Analyzing Data and Making Instructional Changes How do I close the gap? By having students be involved in self reflection 29

29 30

30 31

31 What are we doing at (Insert School Name) in terms of Formative Instruction?
List evidence Identify person who will share with group


33 Why Data Teams? Provides structure Promotes dialogue
Develops shared understandings Encourages data-informed decisions Increases student achievement 34

34 Data Teams Continuum Consists of 2 areas:
1. Data Team Culture and Process 2. School Structures 35

35 Data Team Process 1. Data Team Cultures and Process
Action 1 Collect & Chart Data Action 2 Analyze to Prioritize Action 3 Set SMART Goals Action 4 Select Interventions & Strategies Action 5 Determine Results Indicators Action 6 Monitor & Evaluate Results

36 Data Team Process 1. Data Team Cultures and Process
Action 1 Collect & Chart Data Action 2 Analyze to Prioritize Action 3 Set SMART Goals Action 4 Select Interventions & Strategies Action 5 Determine Results Indicators Action 6 Monitor & Evaluate Results

37 Data Team Process 1. Data Team Cultures and Process
Action 1 Collect & Chart Data Action 2 Analyze to Prioritize Action 3 Set SMART Goals Action 4 Select Interventions & Strategies Action 5 Determine Results Indicators Action 6 Monitor & Evaluate Results

38 Data Team Process 1. Data Team Cultures and Process
Action 1 Collect & Chart Data Action 2 Analyze to Prioritize Action 3 Set SMART Goals Action 4 Select Interventions & Strategies Action 5 Determine Results Indicators Action 6 Monitor & Evaluate Results

39 Data Team Process 1. Data Team Cultures and Process
Action 1 Collect & Chart Data Action 2 Analyze to Prioritize Action 3 Set SMART Goals Action 4 Select Interventions & Strategies Action 5 Determine Results Indicators Action 6 Monitor & Evaluate Results

40 Data Team Process 1. Data Team Cultures and Process
Action 1 Collect & Chart Data Action 2 Analyze to Prioritize Action 3 Set SMART Goals Action 4 Select Interventions & Strategies Action 5 Determine Results Indicators Action 6 Monitor & Evaluate Results

41 Data Team Process 1. Data Team Cultures and Process
Action 1 Collect & Chart Data Action 2 Analyze to Prioritize Action 3 Set SMART Goals Action 4 Select Interventions & Strategies Action 5 Determine Results Indicators Action 6 Monitor & Evaluate Results

42 Logistics of Data Team Meetings
2. School Structures Logistics of Data Team Meetings How much time is required for a meeting? Recommendation one hour How often should teams meet? At least every two weeks Greater success experienced with frequency What kinds of assessment should Data Teams use? Common formative assessments Short-cycle, brief assessments (30 minutes) Universal screeners Progress monitoring When are assessments created? During common planning times. (Not during Data Team)

43 “Data Teams are the single best way to help educators and administrators move from “drowning in data” to using information to make better instructional decisions. What makes the Data Team process distinctive is that we are not just looking at student scores, but at the combination of student results, teaching strategies, and leadership support. The essential question is, “what can we do tomorrow to help students and teachers achieve their goals?” Data Teams give professional respect, reinforcement, and feedback –the keys for improved impact on student learning.” DOUGLAS REEVES, 2009 44


45 What are we doing at (Insert School Name) in terms of Data Teams?
List evidence Identify person who will share with group

46 Connection to CK Complex Area Classroom Non-Negotiables
Post/Refer to Objective Student Engagement Instructional Scaffolding Differentiated Instruction Academic/Common Core Vocabulary Formative Assessment 47

47 How does FI/DT connect to Charlotte Danielson?
Domain 2 2b – Establishing a Culture of Learning 2d – Managing Student Behavior Domain 3 3b – Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques 3c – Engaging Students in Learning 3d – Using Assessment in Instruction 48

48 Connection to Tripod Survey

49 Learning Target for Today’s Session
I will have a deeper understanding of: Formative Instruction and Data Teams Implementation Continuum (Field Assessment). Formative Instruction and Data Teams Process. 50

50 Formative Instruction and Data Teams
Please consider and record: What will you take back to your school/faculty?

51 Handouts/Resources Formative Instruction and Data Teams Implementation Continuum Making Classroom Assessment Work by Anne Davies, Ph.D.: Conference Goal Sheet Summary of Evidence of Learning Portfolio Entry Slip I Have Data Now What? Analyzing Data and Making Instructional Changes by Betsy Moore: Student Posttest Reflection #1 Student Posttest Reflections #2 Checklist Student Posttest Reflections #3 Checklist for Younger Learners Contact Information: 52

52 Chris Johnson, Chemistry Teacher
Formative Instruction Video Clip from “Data Team Journey & Formative Practices” Chris Johnson, Chemistry Teacher Mililani High School

53 Thank You! 54

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