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FERTINNOWA, a H2020 thematic network

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1 FERTINNOWA, a H2020 thematic network
Els Berckmoes Brussels, 23 January 2018 Logo cersaa verandere + logo niab emr toevoegen + logo van dgdrpac toevoegen

2 FERTINNOWA’s passport
Type of action: Thematic network (CSA), Water 4b call 2015 Transfer of innovative water technologies in fertigated crops Focus: fertigated crops (vegetables, fruits & ornamentals) Start: 01/01/2016 – 31/12 /2018 23 partners + 2 Linked third parties (9 EU Member States + South Africa) Horizon 2020

3 Why is there a need for a thematic network?
: a European benchmark study revealed that : 1. growers struggle to achieve sufficient and qualitative irrigation water use irrigation water in an more efficient way avoid run-off leaching and manage waste fertigated water. 2. knowledge & innovative technologies are available but are not implemented by the growers. FERTINNOWA

4 FERTINNOWA’s main objective
To collect, exchange, showcase and transfer innovative water management solutions and best practices to improve water & nutrient use efficiency and water quality and reduce the environmental impact of fertigated horticulture production systems.

5 FERTINNOWA concept X 20 times all over Europe Bottom-up approach
Growers in country A experience a water problem Number of possible solutions available in EU X 20 times all over Europe Could it work ? (technological, socio-economic, regulatory?)

6 Obj 1: mapping the current situation
371 grower’s interviews carried out in Europe & South-Africa 513 cropping systems Focus on: Technologies applied Technological, socio-economic and legislative bottlenecks & barriers regarding - water sources - water use efficiency - reducing environmental impact Horizon 2020

7 Obj 1: mapping the current situation
Horizon 2020

8 Obj 1: mapping the current situation
Lined storage Water silo Pond

9 Issues on water source management
Quantity Summer shortage Lack of storage capacity Water share Quality EC/ Na pH Fe Sanitary Algue/micro algae fungi agrobacterium Strongly linked to water storage Chemical : very rare

10 Issues on water source management
Sanitary : solutions applied against algae growth in water storage But short-term view A lot of techniques available but only few are efficient Strong technical bottleneck

11 Socio-economic bottlenecks linked to a sustainable use of water
Are you considering using more sustainable water sources? -No reason to change – No problem - Already the most sustainable - No financial capacity -Technical limitations % of growers -Collect and use rainwater -Implement drainage recycling -Would use another source if available -Increase storage capacity, improve storage conditions If water problems occur (poor water quality / water shortages) What would be convincing ? Economic reasons (affordability, proven cost efficiency ,subsidies) Nothing + Legal constraints or administrative incentives

12 … and many more Sustainable watersources
Increase nutrient use efficiency New technologies (thinking out of the box) Sustainable watersources End of pipe solutions DSS irrigation Increase wateruse efficiency Implementation water framework directive Sodium removal Filtration technologies DSS fertigation Algae Water storage dimensions Regulatory comparison Irrigation communities Salinity management Nutrient recovery (N, P, …) Limitations ground water Water storage problems Technological comparison Economic comparison … and many more

13 Obj 2: evaluating the current situation

14 Obj 2: evaluating the current situation

15 Obj 3: initiate further steps towards solutions
Identifying bottlenecks & searching for possible solutions: Technological level: Screening and business model for technologies coming from other sectors Showcase of these new technologies Technological level Policy level: Policy sessions Focus on multi-actor approach: all groups involved Socio-economic level Trying to solve “myths” -> “covering your water storage is expensive”

16 Obj 3: initiate further steps towards solutions
You can follow status of the 23 exchanged technologies online

17 Obj 4: bring the essential information to the correct audience
Technology database FERTINNOWA website Practice abstracts 100 Factsheets 25 Technology review documents Detailed evaluation 136 Growers & advisors Fertigation bible Growers & advisors Growers & advisors (growers), advisors, technology suppliers Advisors, technology suppliers, authorities, research

18 Obj 4: bring the essential information to the correct audience

19 Find out more at the FERTINNOWA website
Technology database Sign up for the newsletter Technology exchange

20 Save the date: Final FERTINNOWA conference
When? 3-5 October 2018 Venue: Almeria Spain What? Scientific sessions Policy session Technical workshops Interactive tours Field visits


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