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The content of the IDP policy

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Presentation on theme: "The content of the IDP policy"— Presentation transcript:

1 The content of the IDP policy
Session 4 What should an IDP policy address? Kabul, June 2012

2 The core content Every policy looks different!
Core content: Lessons learned from other contexts Objectives of the policy Institutional part Key notions and principles/Scope of applicability Addressing different phases of internal displacement Implementation

3 Objectives of the IDP policy
Why to state the objectives? What are typical objectives of an IDP policy? Prevent, prepare for and mitigate displacement Respond to the humanitarian needs and improve the living conditions of all IDPs Enhance the protection of rights of all IDPs Avoid internal displacement from becoming protracted and find durable solutions Set up institutional framework

4 Institutional part Primary responsibility of national authorities
National institutional focal point and the roles of relevant line Ministries Roles of provincial and local authorities Roles of other actors Coordination mechanism

5 Key notions/Scope of applicability
Key notions and principles Internally displaced person Overarching principles: Human dignity, participation of IDPs, equality and non-discrimination Scope of applicability Other displacement-affected persons? Returning refugees?

6 Addressing displacement throughout
Depending on scope of IDP policy A holistic policy addresses: Prevention of internal displacement Preparation for and mitigation of consequences Immediate and long-term response: Assisting and protecting IDPs Creating conditions conducive for durable solutions

7 Implementation Three core ingrediants Commitment by Government
Allocation of responsibilities Human and financial capacities Need for an implementation plan Additional means for succesful implementation Dissemination Advocacy Monitoring/Evaluation

8 How to best pack the content?
The structure of the policy matters! How to make it best suitable to the situation in Afghanistan? Options: Geographic options Strategic options

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