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America in the 1950s Jeopardy

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1 America in the 1950s Jeopardy
Prosperity Pop Culture Protection Politics People $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 1 - $100 In the spirit of conformity, what did white collar employees wear to work every day? Grey flannel suit

3 1 - $200 What does the term “baby boom” mean?
People were having lots of children and families were growing larger.

4 1 - $300 The spread of franchises, suburban development, and the demand for loyal personnel in service jobs led to what 1950s cultural attitude? conformity

5 1 - $400 Which portion of the nation grew most rapidly during the late 1940s and 1950s? The West

6 1 - $500 What item was considered the most desirable status symbol for the average American in the 1950s? The car

7 2 - $100 Why did adults disapprove of rock and roll, and why did advertisers embrace teen’s love of the new genre? Adults disliked the suggestive gyrations of singers like Elvis Presley, but advertisers saw a new market to sell products.

8 2 - $200 As a result of cold war tensions, how did civilians prepare for the possibility of a nuclear attack. Bomb shelters and “duck and cover” drills in school

9 2 - $300 Name three TV shows that were popular in the 1950s
I Love Lucy (comedy) Bonanza (western) Ed Sullivan (variety) Leave it to Beaver (family drama)

10 2 - $400 Who cured polio, the disease that paralyzed Franklin D. Roosevelt? Jonas Salk

11 2 - $500 In the 1950s, when someone went to a “Soc Hop” what did they mean? They were going dancing!

12 3 - $100 What did Jim Crow laws do?
Enforced “separate but equal” laws.

13 3 - $200 What was Martin Luther King’s “soul force”?
A strategy to use non-violence to achieve civil rights legislation

14 3 - $300 What court case did Brown v Board of Education overturn?
Plessy v Ferguson

15 3 - $400 Who was the first to integrate professional sports?
Jackie Robinson with the New York Dodgers.

16 3 - $500 What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1957?
To establish the civil rights section of the Justice department giving the government the immediate power to stop interference at voting stations.

17 4 - $100 Despite the economic boom of the 1950s, what percentage of the population lived in poverty? 20

18 4 - $200 What is a conglomerate and what is a franchise?
A conglomerate is a bunch of businesses joined as one. A franchise is

19 4 - $300 Name three reasons that the government increased spending during the 1950s Military, school funding, infrastructure (highways), social programs such as welfare, housing

20 4 - $400 What does NAACP stand for and how did this organization help integrate the schools? National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They groomed Thurgood Marshall.

21 4 - $500 Describe the long term strategy that civil rights advocates used to chip away at separate but equal doctrine. Focus on the equal part, show how schools are not equal by starting with the obvious cases in higher education where there was no program or an inferior one.

22 5 - $100 Who represented Linda Brown in the landmark case to integrate public K-12 schools? Thurgood Marshall for the NAACP

23 5 - $200 What did Dwight Eisenhower do when Governor Orval Faubus blocked nine black students from entering Central High in Little Rock? He sent in the National Guard to protect the Little Rock nine.

24 5 - $300 The ____________ was adopted under Truman and offered education, unemployment benefits, health insurance, and economic benefits for veterans of World War II GI Bill

25 5 - $400 In his farewell address in January 1961, what did Eisenhower warn the American people against? The influence of a military-industrial complex

26 5 - $500 After World War II, where did middle class American families began to move to and why? The suburbs because housing was afford

27 Final Jeopardy Type question to appear here
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