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Chapter 6 Climate.

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1 Chapter 6 Climate

2 Lesson 1 Climates On Earth

3 What is climate? The long-term average weather conditions in a region
Depends mostly on average temperature and precipitation __________

4 What affects temperature?
Latitude - location based on north/south because the surface of the Earth is curved Higher temp. near the equator Altitude – temp. decreases with height Large bodies of water – hold heat energy __________

5 What is specific heat? The amount of thermal energy (in joules) needed to raise the temp. of 1 kg of a material by 1° C Water has a very high specific heat and can absorb large amounts of energy Climate near coasts is more consistent __________

6 What affects precipitation?
Higher temp. causes more evaporation Landforms- mountains cause rain shadows An area of low rainfall on the downwind slope of a mountain (the other side receives more) __________

7 What climates are there?
DEPENDS ON TEMP. AND PRECIPITATION A system was created by German scientist Wladimir Köppen including temp., precipitation, and vegetation (plants) __________

8 What is a microclimate? A localized climate different from the area around it A forest or hilltop would be different from the surrounding area A city can cause changes to local climate __________

9 How does climate affect life?
Most organisms are adapted to where they live Think of what lives in a rainforest vs. a desert Climate affects human crops and building design __________ End Lesson 1

10 Lesson 2 Climate Cycles

11 What are climate cycles?
Climate cycles are similar to weather cycles (change in weather through days, weeks, or months) Climate cycles take much longer __________

12 What is an ice age? Cold periods lasting from hundreds to millions of years when glaciers cover much of Earth Warm periods that occur between ice ages are called - interglacials __________

13 Recent Ice Ages The last major ice age started about two million years ago The current interglacial started 10,000 years ago, but was interrupted by a “Little Ice Age” from 1250 to 1850 __________

14 What causes climate cycles?
Primarily – changes in the amount of solar energy reaching the earth Every 100,000 years Earth’s orbit changes from oval-shaped to more circular Earth’s axis changes its tilt every 41,000 years __________

15 Short-term Cycles Seasons occur when different latitudes get different amounts of solar energy because of Earth’s orbit and Earth’s axis always pointing the same direction When the northern hemisphere experiences summer, the southern hemisphere experiences winter and vice versa __________

16 Short-term Cycles An equinox is when both hemispheres get 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night A solstice is when the Earth’s axis is pointing directly towards/away from the Sun __________

17 What is El Niño/Southern Oscillation?
The combined ocean and atmospheric cycle that results in weak trade winds across the Pacific Ocean Prevents upwelling (cold water pushing upward in the ocean) and changes normal climate __________

18 What is a monsoon? A wind circulation pattern that changes direction with the season Can also drastically change precipitation __________

19 What is a drought? A period with below-average precipitation
Usually caused by or related to heat waves __________

20 Lesson 3 Climate Change

21 Recent Climate Change Average temperatures have been increasing for the last 100 years Normally, change occurs much more slowly __________

22 What is global warming? The rise in Earth’s average temperature
Most likely this increase is related to human activities that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere __________

23 What are greenhouse gases?
Gases in the atmosphere that absorb radiation and trap heat on Earth Greenhouse gases prevent Earth from being very cold Carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor __________

24 Carbon Dioxide Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) and deforestation have caused a huge increase in CO2 in the atmosphere This increase has been related to an increase in the greenhouse effect __________

25 What is deforestation? The large-scale cutting/burning of forests
Plants, such as trees, remove CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis Burning releases carbon stored in the trees back into the atmosphere This makes up 25% of CO2 from humans __________

26 What are aerosols? Tiny liquid/solid particles that reflect sunlight back into space Can cause water droplets in clouds to be smaller and reflect even more light __________

27 Why do we care? Heat waves/droughts affect food/water
Excess rainfall can cause floods/mudslides Melting ice may raise sea level Climate change means change from what is normal We don’t know all the possible effects __________

28 What can we do? Make predictions using a global climate model (GCM)
A set of complex equations used to predict future climates (computer models) __________

29 What can we do? Alternate energy sources to reduce CO2
Hybrid/Alternative fuel vehicles Green building (energy efficient) Planting trees Energy conservation Recycling __________END

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