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Ch. 6 Choking Emergencies

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1 Ch. 6 Choking Emergencies

2 If you are without Oxygen this is what will happen:
4-6 minutes-possible brain damage 6-10 minutes-brain damage is likely Over 10 minutes-irreversible brain damage

3 What can cause an airway obstruction?

4 Signs of choking Coughing forcefully Clutching throat
Making high pitch noises Bluish skin color Trouble breathing Shortness/gasping of breath Panic/fear

5 Conscious choking techniques
Check scene Check victim Are you ok? Call 911-GET AED Say who you are, level of training, what care you would like to give and ask for permission to help. IF THEY SAY YES-

6 Find the navel, put hand above navel, PUT THUMB SIDE TO ABDOMINAL REGION and put other hand over it-perform abdominal thrusts. EACH THRUST IS A SEPARATE ATTEMPT TO GET OBJECT OUT. Continue performing abdominal thrusts until: object comes out, person goes unconscious, person can cough forcefully or breathe, YOU are too tired to continue, or EMS arrives.

7 Exceptions-give chest thrusts instead (Place fist in center of breastbone)
1. Person is pregnant 2. Can’t get your Hands around person (obese)

8 If you are alone and choking
Try to perform abdominal thrusts on yourself by using your hands A chair A counter A edge of sink

9 Conscious choking techniques for child
Same as adult except: ask permission from adult/guardian-IF YES Go on knees so you are on the same level as the child-perform abdominal thrusts.

10 Choking techniques for infant
You MUST support the head and neck when performing both skills. Must support BODY of Infant on your leg. Give 5 back blows…if object does not come out give..

11 5 chest thrusts-make sure fingers are vertical on the sternum

12 Conscious choking infant-(Do Now)
___1. Check the scene ___2. Check the victim- ask permission from parent-foot flick are you okay? ___3. Call 911 and Get AED ___4. Look, listen and feel for 10 seconds ___5. Perform 5 back blows ___6. Perform 5 chest thrusts ___7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until (Anytime you See object=finger sweep) Object comes out, infant coughs forcefully infant goes unconscious, too tired, or EMS arrives.

13 Asthma Narrow the air passage and makes breathing difficult.
Very serious for children ages death can occur. Causes-allergies to: food, pollen,drugs,bites or physical activity. What are the signs and symptoms? Treatment-Medications


15 Emphysema-Lungs and alveoli lose ability to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Bronchitis-inflammation of the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles due to a build up of mucus.

16 Anaphylactic shock-severe allergic reaction
What things are people allergic to?

17 Signs and symptoms of respiratory distress in children
Agitation Slow or fast breathing Drowsiness Noisy breathing Pale, ashen or blue skin Increase in heart and breathing rates Difficulty breathing

18 Hyperventilation -breathing faster than normal
Cause-fear, head injury, bleeding, high fever, heart failure, lung disease, asthma and exercise. Signs and symptoms-fear, confusion, dizzy and numb. Treatment-reassurance, paper bag, cupped hands and controlled breathing (in through nose and out through mouth).

19 Unconscious choking techniques for the adult
___1.Check the scene ___2.Check the victim-are you okay? Shoulder tap ___3.Call 911-GET AED ___4.Look, listen and feel for 10 seconds NOT breathing ___5.Give 30 compressions-at least 2 inches ___6.Look for object- Finger sweep if you see it ___7. Give 2 breaths Until what???????



22 Do now Describe the hand placement for Conscious choking adult and Unconscious choking adult. What is the same? What is different?

23 Unconscious choking child
___1.Check the scene ___2. Check the victim-are you okay? Ask permission from parent Shoulder tap ___3. Call 911-GET AED ___4. Look, listen and feel for 10 seconds ___5. Give 30 compressions-less effort about 2 inches ___6. Look for object-Finger sweep if you see it ___7. Give 2 breaths Until what???????


25 Unconscious choking infant
___1. Check the scene ___2. Check the victim-are you okay? Ask permission from parent Foot flick ___3. Call 911-GET AED ___4. Look, listen and feel for 10 seconds ___5. Give 30 compressions-1 ½ inches deep (MUST Hold head with one hand). ___6. Look for object -Finger sweep if you see it ___7. Give 2 breaths Until what???????

26 2 fingers below nipple line

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