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Motion Control.

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1 Motion Control

2 Motion Control Determine the time history of the generalized forces to be developed by the joint actuators so as to guarantee execution of the commanded task while satisfying given transient and steady-state requirements

3 The Control Problem The goal: Negative feedback control
reference tracking & disturbance rejection Negative feedback control System parameters variations Nonmeasurable disturbance

4 The Control Problem Joint space control problem Open loop

5 Difficult to measure directly
The Control Problem Operational space control problem Difficult to measure directly

6 Joint Space Control Your control theory textbook Robot manipulator
Linear time-invariant SISO system Robot manipulator MIMO Nonlinear Strong coupling

7 Joint Space Control Motion equations of manipulator
Let qm denote the joint actuator displacement Let tao_m denote the actuator driving torques where Kr is diagonal 如果a静止而B运动

8 Joint Space Control Linear de-coupled Nonlinear coupled
Diagonal constant matrix Configuration dependent term Linear de-coupled Nonlinear coupled

9 Nonlinear coupled linear decoupled

10 Joint Space Control Decentralized control Centralized control
treat nonlinear interacting term d as disturbance high gear reduction ratio and/or limited performance in terms of velocity and acceleration Centralized control compensate for nonlinear coupling terms direct drive and/or large operational speeds required

11 Two-Link Planar Robot

12 Independent Joint Control
Regard the manipulator as formed by n independent systems (n joints) control each joint as a SISO system treat coupling effects as disturbance

13 Independent Joint Control
Assuming that the actuator is a rotary dc motor

14 Feedback Control

15 Position and Velocity Feedback

16 Position and Velocity Feedback
Choose the zero of the controller to cancel the real pole by setting

17 Position and Velocity Feedback
Root locus Kp determines the radius, Kv can be chosen to set the location

18 Position and Velocity Feedback
The closed loop transfer function 如果是反对称阵,则只有3个元素是独立变量。

19 Position and Velocity Feedback
The closed loop disturbance transfer function disturbance rejection factor output recovery time

20 Two-Link Planar Robot Determine Kp and Kv and Tv

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