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Bellwork (“Do-Now”) Monday, Oct. 17, 2016

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1 Bellwork (“Do-Now”) Monday, Oct. 17, 2016
Directions: Take a bellwork handout from the back counter. Read and examine the information found on the sheet about subjective and objective pronouns to help you answer the questions following the information. Glue this into the front section of your composition notebook. Thoughts you should ask yourself when determining whether a pronoun is subjective or objective: What is the action of the verb? What word in the sentence acts in place of a noun? Is that word (the pronoun) performing the action or receiving the action? **Success Criteria: I can determine that a pronoun is either subjective or objective.**

2 Monday, Oct. 17, 2016 Word Wall Word: funnel method Directions: Complete all four boxes
Word: funnel method What It Is: Part of Speech: noun Explain in your own words what a funnel Definition: strategy for writing introduction method is. and conclusion paragraphs in which the writer begins with general information and “funnels” to specifics. These specifics are supported by evidence and explanations. The writer then recaps by funneling back out from specifics to more general information. What It Is Not (antonym): Picture Representation: Explain in your own words what a funnel method is not. Draw a picture that represents the funnel method to you.

3 Bellwork (“Do-Now”) Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016
Directions: Take a bellwork handout from the back counter. Read and examine the information found on the sheet about possessive pronouns to help you answer the questions following the information. When you finish, glue this into the front section of your composition notebook. Thoughts you should ask yourself when determining if a pronoun is possessive: Does it seem as if this pronoun owns anything? Does it accompany (or “go with”) a regular pronoun? **Success Criteria: I can determine that a pronoun is possessive.**

4 Bellwork (“Do-Now”) Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Directions: Take a bellwork handout from the back counter. Read and examine the information found on the sheet about reflexive and intensive pronouns to help you answer the questions following the information. When you finish, glue this into the front section of your composition notebook. Thoughts you should ask yourself when determining whether a pronoun is reflexive or intensive: Does the pronoun end in –self or –selves? Is the pronoun important to the meaning of the sentence? If I read the sentence without the pronoun, does the meaning of the sentence change or stay the same? **Success Criteria: I can determine that a pronoun is either reflexive or intensive.**

5 Bellwork (“Do-Now”) Thursday, Oct. 20, 2016
Take out your Pronoun Practice Homework. We will grade these in class. Be prepared to justify your answer. **Success Criteria: I can determine that a pronoun is in the proper case— subjective, objective, or possessive.** **Success Criteria: I can determine that a pronoun is intensive or reflexive.**

6 Bellwork (“Do-Now”) October 21, 2016
Write your response to the following free write prompt in the Notes/Bellwork section of your composition notebook and title it “Amnesia”. (Amnesia is a condition a person suffers when he or she cannot remember anything about who they are, where they are from, or anything regarding their life to that point.) Remember to write a narrative that tells a story regardless of whether it is experienced through the eyes of the customers or of the staff. Include descriptive words and details. **Success criteria: I can write a narrative to develop an imagined experience using effective writing relevant descriptive details, and sequenced events. A 14 year old boy wakes up one morning as a 90-year-old man with amnesia. With no recollection of his life, he slowly begins piecing the memories back together. In doing so, he discovers a dark and terrifying secret from his past.

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