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Econ Advisory OCTOBER 19, 2011.

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1 Econ Advisory OCTOBER 19, 2011

2 Economy Stocks slid today on Wall Street after The Federal Reserve gave a gloomy assessment of the U.S. economy Citigroup to Pay $285M to SEC to Settle CDO Charges Industrial production notched a slightly faster pace last month Wholesale prices in the U.S. rose sharply last month on higher costs for gasoline, food and household detergents Steelmakers have begun to slow production amid expectations of a poor fourth quarter and lower prices

3 Company Earnings Pain Spreads Unevenly Among U.S. Banks
Goldman posts a rare loss BofA falls to No.2 in size Citigroup profit rose 74% Wells Fargo results missed forecasts Morgan Stanley beats estimates on accounting gain and trading Apple’s profit climbed, but didn’t sell as many Iphones as Wall Street was hoping for IBM earnings rose 7%, but revenue missed analysts’ expectations Intel posted its sixth record quarter of sales in a row, shrugging off worries about a softening PC market Yahoo’s earnings fell 26%; fourth consecutive slowdown in the growth of display-ad sales Google’s third-quarter earnings grew 26 percent and revenue grew 33 percent from last year

4 Performance – As of 10/19/11

5 Occupy Wall Street Occupy Wall Street becomes NYC tourist stop

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