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The Innovative & Entrepreneurial University: Follow up to the University President’s Letter Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

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1 The Innovative & Entrepreneurial University: Follow up to the University President’s Letter
Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

2 NACIE University President’s Letter
Signed by Mary Sue Coleman, Bud Peterson, Holden Thorp and Michael Crow Support from AAU & APLU 138 University President’s Signed 3 Higher Education Associations Six Categories in focus: Promoting student innovation and entrepreneurship Encouraging faculty innovation and entrepreneurship Actively supporting the university technology transfer function Facilitating University-Industry Collaboration Engaging with regional and local economic development efforts Recognition of efforts to promote innovation & entrepreneurship

3 NACIE Letter Signatories Map

4 Replication by other’s in higher ed
National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship (170 colleges) Historically Black Colleges & Universities: HBCU Deans Summit (50 colleges) United Negro College Fund (20 colleges) American Association of State Colleges & Universities (65 colleges) National Lab Directors Network (15 DOE Labs) + 138 NACIE Signatories __________________________ = 458 universities, colleges & labs committed to innovation and entrepreneurship – a national effort

5 OIE Follow up (April – September)
Directly follow up with NACIE signatories Interviewed 131 of 138 signatories Presidents, Vice Presidents & Provost level Vision for innovation & entrepreneurship Most exciting programs Follow up documentation “5 Buckets” Worksheet Similar documents from other organizations “Deep Dives” of 11 colleges and universities Report on best practices & emerging trends “The Innovative & Entrepreneurial University” White House & DOC Auditorium 400 delegates

6 Objectives of the Report & Event
Identify a broad swath of innovation and entrepreneurship programming across the country factoring in geography, culture, ecosystem and campus size Identify suggestions, recommendations and ideas for strengthening the bond between universities and the federal government. Understand how the lessons learned about the university-government relation can be applied to other R&D partnerships, including business, labs and accelerators Celebration of the prominence of innovation & entrepreneurship as university priorities

7 Promoting student innovation and entrepreneurship
Courses: The University of Colorado System’s Innovation and Entrepreneur Degree Experiential Learning: The University of Illinois Patent Clinic Business Plan Contests: Florida Atlantic & In-Kind Prizes Student Challenges: University of Wisconsin’s 100 hour challenge Entrepreneurial Dorms: Universities of Florida & Maryland Texas A&M: Student venture fund – attempt to pay out of student fees Government engagement Accreditation for entrepreneurship degrees Replication of Department of Energy National Business Plan Contest U.S. Department of Treasury rules changes around program related investments

8 Encouraging faculty innovation and entrepreneurship
Education: The University of Pittsburgh Innovation Commercialization Course for Faculty. Entrepreneurial Leave: The University of Cincinnati Research Institute Connection: California Institute of Technology “Tech Review” for faculty ideas Celebration: University of Southern California faculty awards Multiple schools looking at entrepreneurs as factor for tenure process Government PRI – use of endowment funds and charitable donations Crowdfunding for student and faculty ideas

9 Actively supporting the university technology transfer function
80 applications for i6 Challenge – Proof of Concept Food, education, drones, dairy, agriculture, social innovation, biotech, clean tech and rural development University of Minnesota and Arizona State University with multi-disciplinary approaches across schools, sectors and people University of Delaware “spin in” University of Central Florida i6 Center UNC Chapel Hill – students in tech transfer Penn State – Open IP University of Utah – Regional Tech Transfer role Government I6 Proof of Concept NHLBI Proof of Concept Challenge

10 Facilitating University-Industry Collaboration
University of Delaware “spin in” – bringing ideas into the university for development University of Minnesota’s Medical device center innovation fellows program Georgia Tech Flashpoint Startup Accelerator Northeastern University Coop & Entrepreneurship Program Clemson University – innovation with auto industry Government EDA Jobs & Innovation Accelerator Challenge National Science Foundation Engineering Research Centers

11 Engaging with regional and local economic development efforts
Tulane University: Required civic engagement by students and faculty in New Orleans area North Carolina State University – Centennial Campus University of Massachusetts High Performance Computing Center (benefiting Holyoke, MA) University of Missouri Kansas City – White Board to Boardroom (effort to connect ideas to local business) Government: Regional Tech Transfer Centers at the State Level US Department of Education innovation clusters EDA Regional Innovation Strategies Startup America Initiative and Partnership

12 OIE Next Steps Determine synergies with 2011 Presidential Memorandum on Tech Transfer & Commercialization Forums with Higher Education Associations AAU, APLU, AASCU, ACE, AUTM NACCE, ACC HBCU Deans Summit, UNCF Follow up with federal agencies Research agencies: NSF, NIH, DOE, DoD Business agencies: Commerce, Treasury, SEC, SBA Talent & Workforce agencies: Labor, Education, USCIS

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