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The President The Executive Branch.

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1 the President The Executive Branch

2 Quiz Time!

3 Qualifications Fun Fact 1. Be a citizen of the United States from birth – naturalized citizens cannot serve as President. 2. Be at least 35 years of age 3. Be a resident of the United States for the last 14 years before taking office The president is paid $400,000 per year.

4 The president is not all powerful!
Let me make this clear… The president is not all powerful!

5 Enumerated Powers of the President
Appointment Power – names the heads of executive agencies, judges of the federal court, ambassadors, and other top government officials. These appointments need Senate approval Making Treaties – negotiates agreements about military alliances between the United States and other countries

6 Enumerated Powers of the President
Pardons – reduces the penalties against people convicted of federal crimes Veto – can reject bills passed in Congress Regulate Trade – has the power to create agreements that determine what goods can be traded and the rules for trading

7 Implied Powers of the President
Control Cabinet – appoints Cabinet members and can replace them at any time Executive Order – can issue orders that allow the president to execute laws passed by Congress. These orders have the force of a law, but do not require the approval of Congress.

8 Implied Powers of the President
Military Powers – The president is able to take immediate steps in the defense of the nation. If troops are sent overseas Congress has 60 days to approve it Regulate Immigration – decides the number of people allowed to enter the United States from other countries

9 Can the President be FIRED?
Well, sort of. If the President has done something illegal, the President can loose his/her job through the process of impeachment (voting out an official). Which branch of government can impeach the president? Legislative Branch (Congress!)

10 Head of State Chief Economist Commander in Chief Chief of Security
Roles of the President Head of State Chief Economist Commander in Chief Chief of Security Party Leader Chief Executive Chief Legislator Chief Diplomat

11 The Many Hats of the President
Read pages in your Gateway textbook Cut out the descriptions of the roles of the President and glue them into the box with the correct title Answer all of the writing prompt questions

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