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Problems identified by NRAs that may lead to new infrastructure needs

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1 Problems identified by NRAs that may lead to new infrastructure needs
26/10/2016 BEMIP Regional Group Meeting

2 Problems and aspects - electricity
Problem categories Aspects to be assessed when deciding a need Price spreads For the past and the present: - Actual price spreads (both directions, representative of seasonal congestions) For the assessment of future time horizons: - The curves “SEW increase over cross-border capacity increase” - In case such a curve is not available, expected “marginal cost difference (€/MWh), accounting for both directions and taking into account the size of the bidding zones and the current market conditions. RES integration - Curtailments (with effect not accounted for in the curves above)> x GWh (taking into account the generation mix across boundaries) Security of supply - System adequacy - System stability (including local network problems)

3 Overview of NRAs input Views from NRAs were collected via an ACER questionnaire between 26 Sep and 18 Oct. For the BEMIP region the following NRAs provided input: EV (FI), EI (SE), PUC (LV) Disclaimer: not all NRAs provided feedback for the exercise, therefore the list of problems presented herein is not complete. The absence of a report by an NRA may not reflect an absence of a problem in the specific region.

4 Specific problems identified
1. Price spreads (a) Problems Supporting facts FI: Finland-Sweden border was congested more than 50 % of the time in Since 2010 time of congestion has increased significantly as well as price difference. Congestion incomes have increased (FI-SE) by 1950% in five years. -Integrity of electricity price between Finland and Sweden (% of time) -Congestion incomes -FI-SE price spreads LV: Congested cross-section of the Baltic States at the Estonian – Latvian border. Identified in TYNDP 2014 and other feasibility studies Nord Pool market data ( SE: Price spreads between Continental Europe and the Nordics due to internal congestions in Germany

5 Specific problems identified
2. RES integration Problems Supporting facts LV: Infrastructure strengthening of the north-south interconnection corridor to transmit Nordic surplus hydro power in the direction of Central Europe (NordBalt and Baltic Corridor clusters).

6 Specific problems identified
3. Security of Supply Problems Supporting facts FI: Finland is heavily dependent on electricity imports. Last winter available production capacity was about MW while peak load was MW. Development of production capacity and peak load in Finland LV: Weak Internal network for Baltic corridor and problems with Baltic synchronisation with Continental Europe networks.

7 BEMIP– map of reported problems

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