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Published byHanna Holst Modified over 5 years ago
Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol/ Digital Competence Framework
Digital Innovation and Implementing the DCF Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol/ Digital Competence Framework Partneriaeth Ysgolion Uwchradd Cymraeg Secondary Welsh Schools Partnership (Rhydywaun, Bro Mrogrannwg, Plasmawr, Bro Edern)
Mae sgiliau cymhwysedd digidol yn chwarae rôl bwerus ym mywydau plant a phobl ifanc. Mae cymhwysiad hyderus a chreadigol o'r sgiliau hyn yn hanfodol i fywyd, dysgu a gwaith. Bydd cymhwysedd digidol yn gyfrifoldeb trawsgwricwlaidd yn y Cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru, ochr yn ochr â llythrennedd a rhifedd. Bydd y FfCD yn amlinellu'r sgiliau a gwybodaeth y disgwylir i ddysgwyr ei datblygu. Bydd yn helpu i lywio’r Meysydd Dysgu a Phrofiad, a datblygir gan ymarferwyr o’r Ysgolion Arloesi Cwricwlwm fel rhan o'r cwricwlwm newydd. Digital competence skills play a powerful part in the lives of children and young people. Confident and creative application of these skills are essential to life, learning and work. Digital competence will be a cross-curricular responsibility in the new Curriculum for Wales, alongside literacy and numeracy. The DCF will outline the skills and knowledge that learners will be expected to develop. It will help steer the Areas of Learning and Experience, which are being developed by practitioners from the Curriculum Pioneer schools as part of the new curriculum.
Beth yw’r Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol?/
What is the Digital Competence Framework? Fframwaith trawsgwricwlaidd Anstatudol Wedi cynllunio o’r dechrau oll Heriol o ran disgwyliadau Penodol i Gymru Ysgolion i gynllunio ar gyfer gweithredu, disgwyl ei weithredu’n lawn o Fedi 2017. Cross-curricular framework Non statutory Designed from scratch Challenging in expectations Specific to Wales Schools to plan in for implementing in full from September 2017. (Fersiwn swyddogol i athrawon/Teacher official version) (Animeiddiad i ddisgyblion/Animation for pupils)
O Fedi 2016, bydd Estyn yn parhau i arolygu TGCh ar draws y cwricwlwm, ond am y tro cyntaf, bydd yn adrodd ar safonau ar bob arolygiad. Felly, bydd pob adroddiad arolygu o Fedi ymlaen yn cynnwys paragraff ar safonau disgyblion o ran cymhwyso TGCh ar draws y cwricwlwm yn 1.1, yn ogystal â chofnodi tystiolaeth yn From 2016, Estyn will continue to inspect ICT across the curriculum, but for the first time Estyn will report on standards in every inspection. Therefore, all inspection report from September onwards will contain a paragraph on pupils’ ability to apply ICT across the curriculum in 1.1, as well as recording evidence in guidance for the inspection of ICT cy.pdf
Y Fframwaith ei hun/ The Framework itself
Gwefan Dysgu Cymru/Learning Wales Fersiwn rhyngweithiol/Interactive Version Fersiwn Excel (pinfwrdd)/Desktop Excel version Fersiwn Excel Arlein/Excel online version
Cynnwys y Fframwaith: Llinynnau ac Elfennau
Framework Content: Strands and Elements Citizenship Identity, image and reputation; Health and Wellbeing; Digital rights, licencing and ownership; Online behaviour and cyberbullying Interacting and Collaborating Communicating; Collaborating; Storing and sharing Producing Planning, sourcing and searching; creating; evaluating and improving Data and Computational Thinking Problem solving and modelling; information literacy and data Dinasyddiaeth Hunaniaeth, delwedd ac enw da; Iechyd a Lles; Hawliau digidol, trwyddedu a pherchnogaeth; Ymddygiad arlein a seibrfwlio Rhyngweithio a Chydweithio Cyfathrebu; Cydweithio; Storio a rhannu Cynhyrchu Cynllunio, cyrchu a chwilio; creu; gwerthuso a gwella Data a Meddwl Cyfrifiadurol Datrys problemau a modelu; llythrennedd gwybodaeth a data
Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol TGCh/ICT National Curriculum vs
Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol/Digital Competence Framework Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol Digital Competence Framework Bron dim byd yn y Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol TGCh nad sydd yn y FFCD. Ond mae’r Fframwaith yn cynnwys pethau ychwanegol, e.e. cyfathrebu a meddwl cyfrifiadurol, llawer mwy ar agweddau cymdeithasol a bugeiliol TGCh. Hefyd, mae’r safonau wedi codi. Edrychir at addysgu gwaith ar lefel 4/5 ym mlwyddyn 7 ond mae hyn nawr yn ymddangos mewn datganiadau Blwyddyn 4 a 5 yn y Fframwaith. Cwricwlwm Cenedlaethol TGCh ICT National Curriculum
Strategaeth Ysgol ar gyfer y Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol
School strategy for the Digital Competence Framework Ydyn ni’n datblygu hwn eleni? (CGY) / Are we developing it this year? (SIP) Pwy sy’n arwain ar hwn? (Cynllun Staffio, Cyllideb Ysgol) / Who is leading on this? (Staffing Plan, School Budget) Sut ydym yn mynd i gyflwyno’r Fframwaith? (Ysgol Gyfan, Adrannau penodol, blynyddoedd penodol)/How are we going to implement the Framework? (Whole School, Different departments, different year groups) Beth am y Fframwaith yn CA4?/ What about the framework at KS4? Pryd rydym yn datblygu hwn? (CGY, calendr HMS ayb)/ How are we developing this?(SIP, Inset calendar etc) Ydy’r staff yn gymwys? (Hyfforddiant staff)/ Do staff have the relevant skills? (Staff training) Beth yw’r camau gweithredu nesaf?/ What are the next steps?
The Roadmap in my school? How do I go about implementing the DCF?
Cynllun gweithredu yn fy ysgol? Sut wyf yn cyflwyno’r FfCD? Leadership Vision School Improvement Plan DCF Co-ordinator Audit current use of ICT Mapping the Framework Hardware and software Staff skills audit Staff training Planning Implementation Sharing good practice Arweinyddiaeth Gweledigaeth Cynllun gwella ysgol Arweinydd FfCD Adolygiad defnydd presennol TGCh Mapio’r Fframwaith Caledwedd a meddalwedd Awdit sgiliau staff Hyfforddiant staff Cynllunio Gweithredu Rhannu arfer dda Possible link to Performance Management? Cyswllt posib i Reoli Perfformiad?
The Roadmap in my school?
How do I go about implementing the DCF? Cynllun gweithredu yn fy ysgol? Sut wyf yn cyflwyno’r FfCD? Teachers Audit current use of ICT Mapping the Framework (Dept/Year) Audit current skills against framework Understanding strand content Staff training Planning activities and lessons Deliver lessons Review and share good practice Athrawon Awdit defnydd presennol o TGCh Mapio’r Fframwaith (Adran/Blwyddyn) Awdit sgiliau yn erbyn y Fframwaith Deall cynnwys y llinynnau Hyfforddiant staff Cynllunio gweithgareddau a gwersi Addysgu’r gwersi Adolygiad a rhannu arfer dda
Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol yn Ysgol Gyfun Rhydywaun
Implementing the Digital Competence Framework at Ysgol Gyfun Rhydywaun Ydyn ni’n datblygu hwn eleni? (CGY) / How are we developing this? (SIP) Blaenoriaeth D) Cynllunio ar gyfer gweithredu’r Fframwaith Cymwyseddau Digidol Meini Prawf Llwyddiant/ Success Criteria Fframwaith wedi’i fapio ar draws y pynciau yn CA3. / Framework mapped across subjects at KS3 Staff wedi derbyn hyfforddiant priodol yn ôl yr angen/Staff have received relevant training Tasgau wedi eu creu a’u gweithredu mewn rhai adrannau/Tasks created and implemented in some departments. Pwy sy’n arwain ar hwn? (Cynllun Staffio, Cyllideb Ysgol)/Who leads on this? Strwythur Staffio yn cynnwys Cydlynydd ar TLR2a/Staffing structure for includes a Co-ordinator on TLR2a
Implementing the Framework Gweithredu’r Fframwaith
Map current ICT use to Framework descriptors (outcomes)? DCF working group (with pupil representation) Specific departments responsible for developing specific aspects of the Framework. Gweithredu’r Fframwaith Map defnydd presennol TGCh i ddatganiadau’r Fframwaith (deilliannau?) Gweithgor FfCD (gyda chynrychiolaeth disgyblion) Adrannau penodol yn gyfrifol am ddatblygu agweddau penodol o’r Fframwaith. Ydy’r staff yn gymwys? (Hyfforddiant staff) Awdit sgiliau staff Hyfforddiant yn dilyn awdit sgiliau staff Beth yw’r camau gweithredu nesaf? Adnabod arfer sydd yna’n barod. Mapio gweddill y Fframwaith ar draws y cwricwlwm. Adnabod adrannau a gweithgareddau sy’n gweddu i feddwl cyfrifiadurol a data. Strwythur cyfadrannau ADP ôl-Donaldson- creu gweithgareddau thematig Are staff sufficiently skilled? (Staff training) Staff skills audit Training following staff skills audit What are the next steps? Identify current relevant practice Map remainder of Framework across curriculum Identify departments and activities to undertake data and computational thinking activities Post-Donaldson AOLE based faculty structure to create thematic activities.
Mapio’r Fframwaith Arf Mapio (Fersiynau Cynradd ac Uwchradd ar gael)
Oes hyfforddiant ar gael? Is there training avilable?
Datblygiad Proffesiynol Staff Staff Professional Development Oes hyfforddiant ar gael? Is there training avilable? Oes, trwy’r Consortiwm: Hybiau Dysgu (Bro Edern, ysgolion hwb eraill) Hyfforddiant D2-D4 trwy GYDA’n Gilydd (Cyfrwng Cymraeg) Hyfforddiant pellach i ddod. Yes, via the Consortium Curriculum Hubs (Bro Edern, other hub schools) GYDA’n Gilydd network (Welsh medium schools) Further training to come.
Beth ydy’r Arloeswyr Digidol yn gwneud nesaf?
What are the Digital Pioneers doing next? 2 Groups: Task exemplification Professional Learning Offer 2 Grŵp: Enghreifftio tasgau Cynnig Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Example 1 – Year 7 (existing)
Dyddiadur Llangrannog Llangrannog Diary Hybu defnydd o’r Gymraeg Adran Gymraeg a TG Cyfathrebu Gwybodaeth gan ddefnyddio Word Creu Drafft a fersiwn Terfynol (L4) Promote the use of Welsh Welsh and IT Department Communicating information using Word Create a Draft and Final version (L4)
Gweddu’r FfCD / Link to DCF
2.1 Cyfathrebu / Communication Cyfathrebu ar lein / Exchange online Comms Moodle Forum vs Office365 Group
Gweddu’r FfCD / Link to DCF
2.1 Cydweithio / Collaboration (Dyfodol / Future) Cyflwyno gwaith i’w farcio / Presenting work for marking - Moodle Marcio Cyfoedion / Peer assesment - Office 365 Groups
Gweddu’r FfCD / Link to DCF
3.3 Gwerthuso / Evaluating Creu Grwpiau i rannu gwaith / Create Groups to share work Adborth / Invite Feedback
Three Little Pigs Research into materials Present findings
Make a house Straws Sticks (lollypop) Bricks (Lego) Research into houses Share findings Destroy a house (hairdryer) How long did it stay up? Graph Write code to get the wolf to every house. Get the pigs to change the code!! Hacking hogs!!
? Year 9 Create an app Create a game Create an on-line booking system
Promote an artist Newsletter and letter to fan club members Research Implement Evaluate Research Implement Evaluate Citizenship Interacting and Collaborating Producing Data and Computational Thinking Research Implement Evaluate ? Create an app Create a game Create an on-line booking system Concert costings
Year 8 Create an e-safety video about on-line bullying Group work
iPads/Camera/tablet Citizenship Interacting and Collaborating Producing Data and Computational Thinking
Turn Silver to Gold
Projects – Computation Thinking
Plan I will … Aims and objectives Flow chart Set targets and goals Visualise Abstraction Do it I did … Prototype Ongoing testing Re-use skills from other learning areas Keep a diary Evaluate Compare to initial plan Positives and negatives Own performance
Challenges Hardware Training Computational Thinking Citizenship
Desktop? BYOD? Training Computational Thinking Staff skills Resources Citizenship
We will… (someone will!!)
Carry out a Skills audit Staff Pupils Opportunity map
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